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Area 2 ruined my life

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Yesterday started out like a dream Tiesto is my favorite Dj in the world and to be 5 ft. away from him and having him look at me and appreciate it was probably the best moment of my life. Anyway like Ronin was saying I was one of the "rolling my face off" girls but the sad truth is I wasn't even. The meds who at the time I had no idea what they were told us Tiesto wanted to meet us and to come back stage with them. Being the innocent fools we are we believed him. So they totally interogated us and took us to the hospital, they ran tests on us and found nothing in our system. What a fucking waste! by the time we got out of there the concert was over. and we'd been fucked up the ass with a $800 er bill.

at least tiesto loved it.

thanks for a great day pnc assholes.

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Originally posted by tamara4321

Yesterday started out like a dream Tiesto is my favorite Dj in the world and to be 5 ft. away from him and having him look at me and appreciate it was probably the best moment of my life. Anyway like Ronin was saying I was one of the "rolling my face off" girls but the sad truth is I wasn't even. The meds who at the time I had no idea what they were told us Tiesto wanted to meet us and to come back stage with them. Being the innocent fools we are we believed him. So they totally interogated us and took us to the hospital, they ran tests on us and found nothing in our system. What a fucking waste! by the time we got out of there the concert was over. and we'd been fucked up the ass with a $800 er bill.

at least tiesto loved it.

thanks for a great day pnc assholes.

That is one of the most fucked up stories i have heard in a long time.....if everything you say is true, you should be able to challenge the bills in court.....Sorry that happened

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Sorry if I doubt you but this story sounds like its made up :rolleyes::tongue:, and if it isn't then thats probably the worst thing I have ever heard, get yourself a nice lawyer and sue PNC arts center for forcing you to go to the Hospital. :D And make them refund your ticket ;)!

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Welcome to NJ the police state. You need to get to the media with this one, make sure this is as publicized as all the other wrongfull things police do, They seem to be pretty liberal about putting down the dance music seen and drug related arrests on tv, so why not put harassment by security and their unprofessionalism on tv as well. Fight, don't take it lying down. That is some serious bullshit if you are right you have to fight. Let them know that music is the drug!!!

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Originally posted by tamara4321

Yesterday started out like a dream Tiesto is my favorite Dj in the world and to be 5 ft. away from him and having him look at me and appreciate it was probably the best moment of my life. Anyway like Ronin was saying I was one of the "rolling my face off" girls but the sad truth is I wasn't even. The meds who at the time I had no idea what they were told us Tiesto wanted to meet us and to come back stage with them. Being the innocent fools we are we believed him. So they totally interogated us and took us to the hospital, they ran tests on us and found nothing in our system. What a fucking waste! by the time we got out of there the concert was over. and we'd been fucked up the ass with a $800 er bill.

at least tiesto loved it.

thanks for a great day pnc assholes.

WOW - are you fucking serious??? Forget challenging that bill - sue the shit out of them. But I'm wondering - how did they "make" you go to the hospital?? If it had been me I would have refused (even if I was rolling) - unless of course they arrest you, then you have no choice... so question is, did they officially arrest you (i.e. read you miranda rights and tell you what you were charged with)?? If not there's no way they can force you to go to the hospital... its a free country here... did they somehow convince you that you had to go?? If you consented to going without being forced(arrested) to then I guess its on you... something smells fishy here...

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yo tamara.. listen girl. u know we got some fucked up luck. i was so souped to see tiesto and he smiled at me and i was so close to meeting him and then that emt guy came.. $800?/? aight.. thats not even close. the bill is probably gonna come out to 2 g's each. and i didnt get to even see digweed. all i saw was the back of an ambulance, a shitty ass episode of big brother, and a latvian women throwing up all over the place.


so where there cp members in the front too

and tiesto is really cute

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Originally posted by circassian

yo tamara.. listen girl. u know we got some fucked up luck. i was so souped to see tiesto and he smiled at me and i was so close to meeting him and then that emt guy came.. $800?/? aight.. thats not even close. the bill is probably gonna come out to 2 g's each. and i didnt get to even see digweed. all i saw was the back of an ambulance, a shitty ass episode of big brother, and a latvian women throwing up all over the place.


so where there cp members in the front too

and tiesto is really cute

what happened to you guys is fucked up... u guys looked like u were having the time of your lives. tiesto DEF looked unhappy that u guys were taken out. hope everything works out ok with the bills and stuff :(

i was one person over from u girls up by the baricades....there were a group of CPers right behind me. one of you girls (curly hair) looked over at me and grabbed my hand at one point....

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sue the shizznits out of pnc and get one back for the home team... i'm tired of being harrassed by everyone as being a druggie (even tho i damit, i do dabble in them at times but really the music has nothign to do with the drugs) for the music i listen to, the clothes i wear, because i rave. shiyet i rave better sober. in fact i spin better sober too. granted there is alot of drug use amidst our scene, but the scene alone does not denote drug use as your sad story portrays. seriously get this publicized coz right now everything is going down hill for us.. esp. if the RAVE act that congress is trying to push goes thru (short summary - club owners and party promoters as well as dj's may be held liable if ANY drug use [read ecstacy] is found on the premises) meaning everyone is going to be afraid to spin our music and dance at a party anymore. WE NEED TO GET POINTS ON OUR SIDE.

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Originally posted by tamara4321

Yesterday started out like a dream Tiesto is my favorite Dj in the world and to be 5 ft. away from him and having him look at me and appreciate it was probably the best moment of my life. Anyway like Ronin was saying I was one of the "rolling my face off" girls but the sad truth is I wasn't even. The meds who at the time I had no idea what they were told us Tiesto wanted to meet us and to come back stage with them. Being the innocent fools we are we believed him. So they totally interogated us and took us to the hospital, they ran tests on us and found nothing in our system. What a fucking waste! by the time we got out of there the concert was over. and we'd been fucked up the ass with a $800 er bill.

at least tiesto loved it.

thanks for a great day pnc assholes.

Were you the chick that threw your water all over the place?

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wow I really appreciate all the support that were getting from everybody.

I cant believe so many of you saw all this go down. But like lisa said we got some shitty luck in life.

The meds made it seem like if we didnt go in the ambulance that they were going to send the cops to arrest us.

And yea i was the curly haired girl and we did throw water on everyone but it was really hot.

I'm not sure what were going to do now I'm just waiting for the bill to come

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Just out of curiosity... what the hell is that $800 FOR? I mean, even if you'd been rolling face, what were they gonna do about it?

Again, just curious... I've never heard of anything like that happening before...


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wow i thought you girls were rolling really hard. your story makes me so upset. i already kinda compared PNC to exit as far as BS security is concerned but this is ridiculous. i also was NOT rolling that day (and i usually don't) but probably anyone who saw me and didn't know me assumed I was.

My point is, it is fucked up for security to assume we are not capable of having that much fun if we are sober. I think you should sue (and i am normally against that sort of nonsense) because your case could really help to make a point of how fucked up the RAVE act and the stigma that comes with our scene is. :mad:

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

thats why i got wet? i felt water spill on me but i didnt know where the hel it came from. i was lookin all around all confused and shit

Me too, I was like what the fuck........ that shit was cold!


So if you weren't rolling, what the hell were you on? You can't tell me you were sober.

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Originally posted by tamara4321

And yea i was the curly haired girl and we did throw water on everyone but it was really hot.

I'm not sure what were going to do now I'm just waiting for the bill to come

Throwing water on other people? God How fucking annoying! It sounds like you girls were acting stupid. No surprise you got pulled out of the crowd! :spank:



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