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How Old Were U When U First Got Drunk?

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i was 10... since i was young i have always chilled with people alot older than me.. and well they decided one night it would be fun to get me drunk.. well needless to say comng home at 4am when you are 10 isnt a smart idea when ya cant exactly walk... damn i think i was grounded for years lmao

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Oh my..lol me and drinking...:D

i think 1st time i got REALLYYYYYYYYYYY drunk was when I was 15

it was a friends surprise b-day..and my friend and I killed a bottle of stalichnaya in about an hour ..:D

Now..that night...WAS FUN :aright:

and my 2nd time..lol was this past march in Mexico...I got soooo drunk *about 20 shots of tequila*...my friend and i joined a wet t-shirt contest...put on a show at a strip bar..and...oh my..lol let me stop..

afte that...i quit drinking!!!

until now ;)

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8th grade was the first time i got really drunk.. i guess i was 13.

it was the saddest thing in the world, i wasnt even drinking with anyone else, i just filled up an enourmous glass with my grandfathers whiskey, and i drank the whole thing because after a couple sips i couldnt taste anything anyway.

it was about half a bottle i drank on my own and it took me 20 minutes to get from my basement to the second floor where i puked all over the bathroom and passed out.

its been downhill ever since... :tongue:

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

I was 4 ... I didn't know what the hell happened to me till I got drunk again many years later. I was at this golden anniversary party for some relatives or other at a catering hall, and while everyone was up dancing, I was really thirsty and my parents weren't at the party (just my grandma and aunt) so I couldn't tell them I needed some juice or whatever. I didn't know where my aunt and grandma were so I just started drinking out of this stem glass that was on the table where i was sitting. The stupid waiter kept coming to refill it, I prob had about 2.5 glasses of champagne, and I just remember stumbling out of the catering hall all dizzy trying to run after my aunt lol...

thats funny as hell, i can totally imagine a drunk 4 year old running around and falling down alot. :hat:

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Originally posted by sexxyme

and my 2nd time..lol was this past march in Mexico...I got soooo drunk *about 20 shots of tequila*...my friend and i joined a wet t-shirt contest...put on a show at a strip bar..and...oh my..lol let me stop..

no no no..kepp goin please. keeeeeeep gooooooooing!!!


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way to young. 12 years old. Although at around the age of 8 i'm sure i got a little "buzzed" cause my father who is a cop and an alki was of course one of those parents that would give you a sip when you asked for it and of course I would chug. :cool: This is why at this point i hate alcohol all together.

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the first time i drank was halloween when i was a sophomore in high school..... i was 15... and i show up at my friends house, walk in.... see some girl i know falling down the stairs... people walking around yelling and just drunk as all hell... i walk into the kitchen and was like "SOMEBODY GIVE ME ALCOHOL NOW!" couldnt deal with being the only sober person in the house.... so i poured myself 2 screwdrivers in kitchen glasses and that was that..... a couple hours later i was dancing with the vacuum. :grin: :drunk:

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first time I got drunk was the summer between my Fresh and Soph year of high school at a soccer tournament down in VA. Played Kings Cup except everyone that was playing was drinking a different drink. Beer, cheap wine, LI Iced teas, 40's...basically what was left was the nastiest concoction of alcohol imaginable, and everyone knowing that I never really drank before, cheated like mofo's and I got stuck with the last King twice that night. Puked all night and morning...attempted to play the next day...not a good idea. I was still pretty hammered and had to get subbed out almost immediatly to resume puking. not fun. :puke:

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twas a sunny pleasant aftanoon, on one of those special family holiday occasions when I was about

6 yrs old I believe.:spin2::roll::drunk:

It was a feeling of walking on air, accompanied with unbalanced dizziness, and a slight headache and silliness. :tongue:

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

damn yo, read my original post. i didnt write all that. embodiedhate changed my fuckin post when he quoted it.

I know I know... I just thought it was funny what he added to it...

bro if u look at the first post of this thread, my ORIGINAL post, its still the same.

so this must be another one of embodiedhate's alter ego's huh?

how can it be another one of embodiedhate's alter ego's if embodiedhate is an alter ego himself??


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Originally posted by sexxyme

and my 2nd time..lol was this past march in Mexico...I got soooo drunk *about 20 shots of tequila*...my friend and i joined a wet t-shirt contest...put on a show at a strip bar..and...oh my..lol let me stop..

noooo....more details!!!:drool::D

btw the first time i got wasted was when i was the night of my 8th grade graduation.:drunk:

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