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Anyone else think 9/11 should be a national holiday?

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I mean..they have memorial day for all the soldiers lost in american battles...so why not respect the families of those who perished from the evil acts of terror and let 9/11 be a day of mourning...i mean lets face it...wheather or not it ever becomes a national observed holiday....we live the rest of our lives knowing what truly happen on that day when it comes around every year for the rest of our adult lives.

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a national holiday is a big step. most such things represent more than one single incident. Do we really want to be celebrating a 9/11 memorial in 70 years? I'm not sure, particularly with the sentiment such a holiday is bound to create (anti-middle east, anti-islam) on an annual basis. it's also important to remember that we don't even know where 9/11 is leading us. the fighting in afghanistan isn't over, bin laden remains uncought, we could be going into iraq (i don't see that as so related to 9/11, but bush seems to). wait and see on this one, i think.

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yea those are some good points...but you know how our government works...i mean they make columbus day which was how long ago?? 1492 and yet a day like 9/11 when lives were lost not when countries where discovered, kinda kicked to the side.

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yes, we should "Humanity Day", and it should be taken 1 step further, around the world on 9/11. it would just be honored (not celebrated) more so in the states, and mostly in NYC, at least thats what i think.

9/11 was an attack on humanity, and effected the whole world. Plus, many foriegners died in the attacks. those countrie's dead should be honored as well.

in 70 years, we should still be honoring, like we still do D-day and Pearl Harbor.

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National day of mourning, yes, holiday NO. Turn any day into a holiday and it loses its meaning--most idiots just care about getting a day off from fucking school or from their miserable jobs. And just as we do on Memorial Day, we could perform all this reflecting and remembering while lying on our backs at the beach.

Idiot #1: "Hey Idiot #2, are you doing anything on Sept. 11 to remember the tragedy?"

Idiot #2: "Yes, I'm going to the beach. There's no better place really. The splashing of water will remind me of the brave firefighters, the shark warnings will remind me of the evil terrorists, and the bikini-clad women lying on the sand will remind me of the twin towers."

Yes, if Sept. 11 becomes a holiday, the beaches would be packed with people, some of them so patriotic, their thongs would be red, white and blue. If nothing else, they'd have another reason to get sunburned.


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werd, it should def be a holiday. it IS a big step but i think its important to remember the events that occured on 9/11. it doesn't have to be in an anti-middle east, anti-islam way either. its all about love for OUR country, not necessarily hate for OTHER countries. i think that one of the best things 9/11 did was create a huge sense of patriotism and pride that we had forgot about a long time ago. especially in our generation, i mean honestly how many people in their teens and 20's did you see driving around with american flag bumper stickers on their cars before 9/11. THIS is why it should be a holiday.....so we don't let this reemergence of patriotism be forgotten until the next time we face terrorism or war again.

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Originally posted by £ddie

National day of mourning, yes, holiday NO. Turn any day into a holiday and it loses its meaning--most idiots just care about getting a day off from fucking school or from their miserable jobs. And just as we do on Memorial Day, we could perform all this reflecting and remembering while lying on our backs at the beach.

Idiot #1: "Hey Idiot #2, are you doing anything on Sept. 11 to remember the tragedy?"

Idiot #2: "Yes, I'm going to the beach. There's no better place really. The splashing of water will remind me of the brave firefighters, the shark warnings will remind me of the evil terrorists, and the bikini-clad women lying on the sand will remind me of the twin towers."

Yes, if Sept. 11 becomes a holiday, the beaches would be packed with people, some of them so patriotic, their thongs would be red, white and blue. If nothing else, they'd have another reason to get sunburned.


i agree with you. a day of mourning is a much better idea. we are supposed to be remebering soldiers on memorial day but ho wmany peopel in this country actually do that. not many. just a time to party and go down the shore.

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no it should nto be. people cannot just sit and dwell on something.

same reason as why they wont let charlie daniels perform his 9/11 tribute...east coast can't go 20 minutes without being reminded, for better or for worse, there is no moving on with keeping on making more and more ceremonies, more and more memorials, enough is enough. time to move on. pearl harbor doesn't have a holiday and around the same ammount of us lives were lost there too. we don't need songs, holidays, stupid stickers made by non americans trying to cash in on the whole 9/11 market...we will remember anyway.

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Originally posted by so54

its all about love for OUR country, not necessarily hate for OTHER countries. i think that one of the best things 9/11 did was create a huge sense of patriotism and pride that we had forgot about a long time ago. especially in our generation, i mean honestly how many people in their teens and 20's did you see driving around with american flag bumper stickers on their cars before 9/11. THIS is why it should be a holiday.....so we don't let this reemergence of patriotism be forgotten until the next time we face terrorism or war again.

it's worth noting that what we might see as a remergance of patriotism was interpreted by the rest of the world as militaristic nationalism. Remember the salt lake olympics? to much of the rest of the world, they were too reminiscent of hitler's munich olympics. america is a wonderful place, but i hardly think its in our best interest to keep flexing our national pride to the rest of the world; what we see as love of country, they see as threatening.

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Originally posted by quoth

I mean..they have memorial day for all the soldiers lost in american battles...so why not respect the families of those who perished from the evil acts of terror and let 9/11 be a day of mourning...i mean lets face it...wheather or not it ever becomes a national observed holiday....we live the rest of our lives knowing what truly happen on that day when it comes around every year for the rest of our adult lives.

hell ya, that shit was big... but not a holiday, like a day of rememberance and quiet, or everyone should wear black that day or something, but i def. get what you are saying

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Originally posted by bbbooom

or everyone should wear black that day or something,

i don't seem to have a problem with that...here lemme look through my closet :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

but yo u people bring shitloads of awesome points to this thread...especially Eddie...

but yea i could see more of a remembrance day then holiday cause yer right bout people not givin a shit bout holidays.

i mean look at my birthday (May 26th) it comes ON or AROUND memorial day...u dont ask me what im doing to celebrate around that time do you?

Fuck no..you ask me where the party is at..where im spending my birthday and how drunk am i gonna get.

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Originally posted by j303j

i agree with you. a day of mourning is a much better idea. we are supposed to be remebering soldiers on memorial day but ho wmany peopel in this country actually do that. not many. just a time to party and go down the shore.

def b/c in 5 years Macys will be having its 9/11 whites and linens sales!

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Originally posted by £ddie

National day of mourning, yes, holiday NO. Turn any day into a holiday and it loses its meaning--most idiots just care about getting a day off from fucking school or from their miserable jobs. And just as we do on Memorial Day, we could perform all this reflecting and remembering while lying on our backs at the beach.

Idiot #1: "Hey Idiot #2, are you doing anything on Sept. 11 to remember the tragedy?"

Idiot #2: "Yes, I'm going to the beach. There's no better place really. The splashing of water will remind me of the brave firefighters, the shark warnings will remind me of the evil terrorists, and the bikini-clad women lying on the sand will remind me of the twin towers."

Yes, if Sept. 11 becomes a holiday, the beaches would be packed with people, some of them so patriotic, their thongs would be red, white and blue. If nothing else, they'd have another reason to get sunburned.


i couldnt agree any more
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