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Yeah, so I almost died last night...

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yesterday morning, I wake up... decide i don't feel like going to work... take the day off, jump in the car, and 75 miles down the parkway, i'm now at the beach...

So I chill on the beach all day... listening to dnb, and then pack it up and head back north...

I end up going to justin's house where he/steve/I (and some other people) are gonna go to the city, have dinner, and see 24hr party people...

so we get to planet holleywood, go up the elevator.... and i'm feelin a little wierd... all of a sudden, I lose my hearing, and my eyesight is flickering in/out... next thing I know.... I feel like i'm waking up from a dream, but as I start to come to, I realize i'm on some strangely carpeted floor, not a bed.... so it feels like i woke up INTO a dream... as I start to fade out again, the ph staff gets me some water and stuff which makes everything a little clearer...

so I sit on the floor for a few minutes, and steve fills me in that i just collapsed and had something resembling a siezure...

so after a minute, i get up, slightly disoriented and walk towards a table to sit at... now my vision is in/out again, but i make it to the table and drink like 5 glasses of water, and a glass of orange juice... now i'm shivering uncontrollably...

so i have a few cups of hot tea, and now i'm starting to come back to normal... but my fingertips are bright blue, and my lips don't have color...

the waitress comes over, and i'm just like "yeah, listen, i just collapsed over there, some i'm gonna need food/water fast... thanks..."


meanwhile, me/justin/steve are shooting jokes about the whole thing to the 2 girls that justin brought...

one of us said something like "oh, its just the aids..."

lol, 2 hours later in the car ride home, the girl was like "wow, i'm so sorry you have aids!" and we burst into uncontrollable laughter....

so yeah, that was the closest thing i've ever felt to death... and at one point, i thought i was going to collapse and wakeup in a hospital with a million gadgets/wires hooked up to me...

so we ended up cancelling our plan to go to 24hr party people... (sorry christian, i'll try not to die next time we plan a movie)...

I went to sleep as soon as we got back to justin's...

jesus... what a fucking night...

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Originally posted by djqwest

Yo, me too. I thought I was the only one.

yeah, it doesnt seem to happen to many people, but like 1 in 20 times, when i take an enourmous hit and hold it in for too long, it just knocks me out. my friends say i like convulse and shit when it happens, and i end up feeling like im waking up on the ground or wherever i ended up.

must be pretty funny to watch :hat:

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I start to get cold sweats, then turn like pale, and then pass the fuck out. I do think it's from holding it in too long. I thought it was like some bad chemical reaction or some shit.

Originally posted by dirtyepic18

yeah, it doesnt seem to happen to many people, but like 1 in 20 times, when i take an enourmous hit and hold it in for too long, it just knocks me out. my friends say i like convulse and shit when it happens, and i end up feeling like im waking up on the ground or wherever i ended up.

must be pretty funny to watch :hat:

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Originally posted by djqwest

I start to get cold sweats, then turn like pale, and then pass the fuck out. I do think it's from holding it in too long. I thought it was like some bad chemical reaction or some shit.

yeah, i'm sure its just a result of not getting enough oxygen when you hold the hit for too long.

oh well.

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Yeah that was some crazy fucked up shit...

2 seconds before he hit the floor he punched me so I think maybe God was just punishing him. ;)

So we got the Joeggs just chillin on the floor of Planet Hollywood (Yeah I sorta wanted to die too) for like 5 minutes, drinkin the water and orange juice and shit and people are all confused cause they don't know where the line is and stuff and if we're on the line or just hangin out and stuff... It was pretty funny.

He had me worried when he decided to turn blue and shiver, but he pulled through.

Yep... Thats all I got to say about that

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Originally posted by abortionator

Yeah that was some crazy fucked up shit...

2 seconds before he hit the floor he punched me so I think maybe God was just punishing him. ;)

So we got the Joeggs just chillin on the floor of Planet Hollywood (Yeah I sorta wanted to die too) for like 5 minutes, drinkin the water and orange juice and shit and people are all confused cause they don't know where the line is and stuff and if we're on the line or just hangin out and stuff... It was pretty funny.

He had me worried when he decided to turn blue and shiver, but he pulled through.

Yep... Thats all I got to say about that

"steve, get your hand out of my face, i don't feel good..." 'what this hand *waves it in my face*' <punches steve>

2 seconds later...

'ohh shit...' *grabs railing* <hearing loss/fade to black>

next thing i know i'm waking up into a dream, that isn't a dream....

I have to say, i'm pretty on top of shit even when i'm dying... i was still cracking jokes and making fun of people/myself during the whole frightening escapade...

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Originally posted by echostar

he wont go to the doctor cause hes too cool :cool::laugh:

well my doctor doesn't work on weekends, so i'd have to call monday, then he'd take a week to 'pencil me in'... and i feel ok now... so its probably not worth the trouble...


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Originally posted by hoke

Joe, stop cracking jokes about this and go see a fucking doctor.

It's not even remotely funny, amusing, anything of that nature.

Originally posted by joeg

well my doctor doesn't work on weekends, so i'd have to call monday, then he'd take a week to 'pencil me in'... and i feel ok now... so its probably not worth the trouble...


hey, are you up for the usual sunday festivities today? i haven't been into the city since tuesday... I could go for some sushi or something...

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Originally posted by joeg

well my doctor doesn't work on weekends, so i'd have to call monday, then he'd take a week to 'pencil me in'... and i feel ok now... so its probably not worth the trouble...


It's your health. It's definitely worth it.

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