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The Sausage Factory....

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Originally posted by donnie

don't know i was busy listening to the sick shit jp was dropping. and as to something someone said b4. u do hear the same beat at sf for like 45 mins, that's cause we can't get enough of the fuckin shit jp drops. i can't remember more than 3 at the most i wanted jp to change the song and it wasn't cause it was so long. and jp is a way betta musician than lawler or digweed or sasha. jp rocks it way betta than PVD. Who the fuck can compare with jp's 16 hr sets. Would someone please name a dj. just one.

heh...u r gonna get ripped for this bro...

but still i agree with u, i think JP is GOD... YES I SAID IT AND I DONT CARE IF U DONT AGREE WITH ME... but i think JP is amazing and so is SF

oh and btw....yes i have been to ARC before and i heard international DJ's when they were here, i still like JP more


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Originally posted by donnie

don't know i was busy listening to the sick shit jp was dropping. and as to something someone said b4. u do hear the same beat at sf for like 45 mins, that's cause we can't get enough of the fuckin shit jp drops. i can't remember more than 3 at the most i wanted jp to change the song and it wasn't cause it was so long. and jp is a way betta musician than lawler or digweed or sasha. jp rocks it way betta than PVD. Who the fuck can compare with jp's 16 hr sets. Would someone please name a dj. just one.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Jp is fucikin amazing. i go there week after week. i go out and hear other djs too. but none are liek jp. He doesn't get enought probs. lol probably cause that place is a crack house. with some of the songs he has done and the length of time he has been resident at sf. well for starters compared to him every other dj in newyork sucks. except for a few. u music lovers know who the good djs are. and i don't mean the international pvd(he sucks) lol jk just not my type of music really just sometimes.

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ooooooh booooy......... yea JP and yea factory!! :rolleyes:

(just reread some replies, overlook language) i'll never post regarding factory again simply bc the demeanor of most of you factory heads is overwhelming crud and garbage-like... kinda like seaside heights...

unlike any other message board i've encountered before.

i'm sure all you factory heads will be livin it up at your greatest afterhours in NYC. it's safe to say i won't be at the same events but as long as we're all having FUN... i could care less! enjoy the rest of your summer... :smoke:

feel free to rip on me... i'm kinda starting to like this stuck up bitch i've become (according to some) on this thread.... i guess i just am what i am. :jawdrop:

keep it real...


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Originally posted by so54

ok can we talk about this for a minute. i mean seriously wtf is up with these people?!?!? the sunglasses thing IS anoying, but i'm really sick of seeing people just standin aroung shuffelin their feet all night and pretending to dance. ok its one thing if you're dancin for a long time and you need a break and go hang in the chillout room or lounge or something for a while, but these people don't dance all night long! wtf!?!? who does that? i guess it just goes to show that some people go to a club to look pretty and feel popular while others go for the music. ugh, oh well.:rolleyes:

Heeyyy!!!.............you try dancing after taking 15 bumps of K and 5 caps of G...............heheehe :laugh: :laugh:

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In all hatefullness, and after reading the comments that these monkeyboy (and girl) rockstars are spewing, I just gotta say that the Cracktory crowd is probably the most ignorant bunch of worthless motherfuckers that clubland has ever seen. I am DELIGHTED that you people have a place like Cractory to sweat in because that means that I NEVER have to deal with you people. Have fun in your ignorance, it fucking deserves you! :aright:

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Originally posted by sleepiswaste

the people with shirts off in the old days were all of the gay community....the later it got...the more shirts came off.

this is what i am reminded of when i see shirts off in clubs...it was almost like a sign to others in the club to show where the gay boys were at.

reminds me of london clubs....but slowly (unfortunately) shirtless straight juiceheads are popping up in some london clubs as well


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Originally posted by embodiedhate

In all hatefullness, and after reading the comments that these monkeyboy (and girl) rockstars are spewing, I just gotta say that the Cracktory crowd is probably the most ignorant bunch of worthless motherfuckers that clubland has ever seen. I am DELIGHTED that you people have a place like Cractory to sweat in because that means that I NEVER have to deal with you people. Have fun in your ignorance, it fucking deserves you! :aright:

how is the factory crowd the ignorant people in this thread, when it's the anti-factory people bad mouthing people for how they dress(or lack of clothing), how they dance, what accessories they wear, etc....

It just gets really stale after a while, worse then the draper comments on this message board.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

if you guys dislike a club because a couple guys have their shirts off then i dont know. then some other ppl say its the music then other says its the drugs...

and then some other sf haters will just call ppl that go to sf stupid.

i love haters

And you like trying to be the thoughtful guy with a brain. Take the needle out of your ass and read a book sometime. :aright:

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Originally posted by jenniferf3

ooooooh booooy......... yea JP and yea factory!! :rolleyes:

(just reread some replies, overlook language) i'll never post regarding factory again simply bc the demeanor of most of you factory heads is overwhelming crud and garbage-like... kinda like seaside heights...

unlike any other message board i've encountered before.

i'm sure all you factory heads will be livin it up at your greatest afterhours in NYC. it's safe to say i won't be at the same events but as long as we're all having FUN... i could care less! enjoy the rest of your summer... :smoke:

feel free to rip on me... i'm kinda starting to like this stuck up bitch i've become (according to some) on this thread.... i guess i just am what i am. :jawdrop:

keep it real...


ok :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

In all hatefullness, and after reading the comments that these monkeyboy (and girl) rockstars are spewing, I just gotta say that the Cracktory crowd is probably the most ignorant bunch of worthless motherfuckers that clubland has ever seen. I am DELIGHTED that you people have a place like Cractory to sweat in because that means that I NEVER have to deal with you people. Have fun in your ignorance, it fucking deserves you! :aright:

Oh and like this response is just so goddam intelligent. Just like the rest of the garbage half of you spurt out. Get a life:idea: :idea:

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i dont like SF because of the drugs and the crowd, although i havent been there on a saturday yet. I cant really hate on JP that much, i havent seen him spin

that doesnt mean that ill be going to SF anytime soon tho

Ok but if you never been there how do you dislike it? I'mnot saying like it, if you don't you don't, but you haven't even been there. :confused: And as far as the drug thing, thats a world renown thing in clubland, its not just the soundfactory that has those things going on. SO if your gonna claim thats one of the reasons you don't like SF then you might as well not like any other place .

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I read a majority of the threads...& this whole discussion was pointless!!..Yea SF isn't what it used to be :cry: BUT WHO REALLY CARES!!.....If you don't like SF don't go..If you don't like seeing shirtless meatheads DON'T GO!....Everyone has their own opinion about every club you go where you like where the music catches your attention as far as the juiceheads walking around with no shirts THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!! not just SF but EVERY club you walk into....granted I don't go to Factory as often anymore....all in all I think it's still a decent club...people go there for the same reason we all go to any other club TO HAVE FUN!!!

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