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Law School Is Hard

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So I started my first week at New York Law School on Monday...I already have tons of reading and a mass of other things to prepare...Not that I didn't know that it was going to be difficult, but this sucks, and I can't go to Centro tonight because I have class tomorrow:( Anyone else in my situation?:confused:

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I just completed a paralegal certification. Although im not going for my law degree, i can understand the work load...

That's the main reason I don't want to go further with law. Right now, i can't be bothered with school again. 21 years straight. Time for a break... time for some real life experience, then we'll see....

btw, most lawyers i've interviewed for advised me not to go for a law degree, saying it's just not worth all the wrinkles and grey hair. Sorry to be a party pooper :blank:

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Originally posted by xxsweetie

So I started my first week at New York Law School on Monday...I already have tons of reading and a mass of other things to prepare...Not that I didn't know that it was going to be difficult, but this sucks, and I can't go to Centro tonight because I have class tomorrow:( Anyone else in my situation?:confused:

YOU WILL HAVE NO LIFE YOUR FIRST YEAR. Just accept it. Make it through your first year and the rest are easy.

It seems really overwhelming at first because it is. In a couple of weeks, you'll adjust to the work load and just get used to it. It won't kill you. Stay organized and don't fall behind.

Also, unless you're in exams, always take friday night off to blow off some steam and relax. You'll have plenty of time saturday and sunday to get your work done. Don't expect to go out much at all during the week because you'll be studying late every night and need a decent amount of sleep so you'll be fresh when the professor tears into you in class the next day.


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And dont forget to get a good sound bed thrashing... the time to benefit ratio is very high so make it a point to get a good fucking to blow off some of that steam. Plus if you make it routine to get a little oral pleasure in after you study youll actually have something to look forward to when you slam those books shut!

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Originally posted by xxsweetie

So I started my first week at New York Law School on Monday...I already have tons of reading and a mass of other things to prepare...Not that I didn't know that it was going to be difficult, but this sucks, and I can't go to Centro tonight because I have class tomorrow:( Anyone else in my situation?:confused:

Not in the same situation, but I may be...HOWEVER, due to my lack of decision making, I missed the deadline for Fall semester and prolly for the whole year? Can anyone confirm that there are no spring entries to Law School?

Anyhow, cheer up, it can be much different from college, u made it through four years of that...so u should do just fine.

Now, for the devil on your shoulder, u have to come out TO CENTRO for a bit; u need to clear ur mind and not worry about all of the work that u have to do. Besides don't u want to get in on the Hometeam action? hehe j/k, hometeam is prolly the last people u want to meet if u have any TYPE OF RESPONSIBILITES tomorrow.....still if u come out make sure u say HI (i will be at the door)

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

And dont forget to get a good sound bed thrashing... the time to benefit ratio is very high so make it a point to get a good fucking to blow off some of that steam. Plus if you make it routine to get a little oral pleasure in after you study youll actually have something to look forward to when you slam those books shut!

Yeah, come to think of it, that helped a lot too! Thank god for undergrads. :D Just make sure they understand you have very little time for them otherwise. I'd avoid other law students for this too cause you'll soon find that law school is a lot like high school...

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thanks for your "advice" guys...I'll keep all of that in mind

wideskies: are you in law school?

trancerxn12..:you are absolutely right ;-)

nycclub15: don't tempt me! I reallllly do want to go because I went last week and had a great time, but I have a 9am class:(

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I heard your first year is the most important year to do good as well. I hope to get into law school, still in undergrad right now. I read a lot of info on law school, it sounds scary. Good luck.

NYCclub15 I believe there are no spring entries for law school.

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double posts are silly, so i'll fill this one with lawyer quotes:

If law school is so hard to get through, how come there are so many lawyers?

Between grand theft and a legal fee, there only stands a law degree.

There are two kinds of lawyers, those who know the law and those who know the judge.

There is no doubt that my lawyer is honest. For example, when he filed his income tax return last year, he declared half of his salary as 'unearned income.'

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Originally posted by xxsweetie

wideskies: are you in law school?

nope, but i dated someone at NYU Law long enough to hear a lot of complaints and found myself to be a rather fine editor (if i do say so myself...)

but really, just keep in mind that everyone else is also in your shoes right now; they're feeling overwhelmed with new material and subjects, a LOT more reading, moving into the city for the first time for some, and that whole 'making friends in law school so i won't go mad all alone' thing probably is on a lot of people's minds as well.

try to start out strong by setting a reading schedule for yourself, and work on your text scanning skills. there's no way that you'll be able to read EVERYTHING and remember it all unless you never leave your room (not advised, not worth it) so start learning how to read fast and for relevance.

good luck ! :]

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I finished my first year at Fordham, as everyone says first years is the hardest and its the most important. The job you get as a summer associate (which is generally the job you retain after graduation) is largely based on first year grades. You are making an investment into your future, so think of that every time you are thinking of blowing off studying to go out. I went out about 12 times my whole first year and it paid off.

There are also no Spring admissions because most classes are year long...thats what makes class so tough, your whole grade depends on one test

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Originally posted by crank47

I'd avoid other law students for this too cause you'll soon find that law school is a lot like high school...

Yep, and it's filled with a bunch of anal retentive, overly competitive,(often) socially inept, intellectual snobs. Glad I'm through with it.

Good luck Rachel, hit me up with any questions. . .

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good shit, i'm going through the whole EIW process and I feel like cattle being herded into a room to talk to someone who could give two shits about you.....i hope you are able to keep up sunday mornings at factory etc..(now that you are officially part of the dark side)

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i am about to start my 2nd year at Pace in white plains--

I have my assignments yet the bookstore has none of the books leaving all my work for this weekend. Yet Robbie Rivera is at the surf on sunday...hmmm....

what Im wondering is, people say first year is hard, the other 2 are easier, is that b/c u get used to the workload, or b/c its actually easier work?

Mike Bugout

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

what Im wondering is, people say first year is hard, the other 2 are easier, is that b/c u get used to the workload, or b/c its actually easier work?

Mike Bugout

There's just less stress second year. If you did well first year you're gonna get a job. Once you get your job, grades matter not as much. You take classes you WANT to take. You learn how to do reading assignments without annotating every friggin sentence in the book. I honestly barely read after first year. I'd skim because some professors still use the socratic method in 2nd/3rd year, so you have to have SOME preparation. But all in all, second year was a piece of cake, and third year is a joke.

HOWEVER, if you did not get a job after first year, your life will suck because you still have to bust your ass to get good grades while all the other second years coast. :cool:

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