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Have you ever had a dream about someone you havent seen or talked to in a while - and then when you wake up all you can do is think about that person? Well it's happening to me!

Ive been laying in bed for the past 2.5 hours trying to sleep but because of a dream i had last night about a guy i used to see - im wide awake thinking about him. And i dont know what to do. DO i call him and say hi - even though we ended on REALLY bad terms and havent spoken for 3 months? Do i email him? Do i let it go?

It ended with us because well we both had x's in the pic that were making it very difficult. It's happened twice to us. The first time we were just "talking". then things happened and we didnt talk for about 6-7 months and then out of the blue he called and ended up together. we were together 3-4 months but btw both of our x's (both first loves which made it that much more difficult) it was hard. things ended bad btw us but i still REALLY care for him and miss him. Which i have really just realized since this stupid dream the other night.

what to do what to do!?! anyone else ever have a dream that made them stay up all night thinking about someone. (probably not -i think im just nuts)


*~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

*~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*

*~*There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.*~*

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Don't call, seriously. At least not so soon. I've had that happen before and usually as the day or days go on you forget about it and looking back wondering "what was I thinking??"



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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Well it aint' odd that you had a dream about him, you've last talked to him just 3 months ago. Anyways, don't call him. You gotta get your shit resolved with your ex first. And he's gotta get his shit resolved with his ex. Or else you guys are gonna go back to the same shit as before. Don't go after one guy when you still got eyes for another.


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*Did you find your ecstacy?*

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

AIM: PrimeKMB2

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i haven't made any calls or anything. ive been trying to keep my self occupied - because i know if i get bored im just gonna end up calling. but im trying not to. ya cant take back words - and i dont want to end up regretting something. its so weird how a dream can make ya think about things...


*~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

*~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*

*~*There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.*~*

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That's good. You didn't call. Yeah dreams make you think and shit. Sometimes I kinda think dreams are like a message. But I think most of them are just dreams. Don't let dreams cloud over reality. Cause in the end that's what everything comes down to, the reality of it all. I think you and I and everyone else on this board has experienced that in there life all the time.


Use BROWN EYES guest list at Exit Fridays!!!

*Did you find your ecstacy?*

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

AIM: PrimeKMB2

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Definitely avoid calling - it can't help but make you feel bad, no matter how well or badly the conversation goes.

Incidentally, I had a dream about a camel last night...I wonder what that means... cwm6.gif


Nothing can be as savage as love...one taste is never enough...

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Originally posted by silente:

Incidentally, I had a dream about a camel last night...I wonder what that means... cwm6.gif

hhahahhaaaa.... i am hysterical laughing right now at that. probably becuase i am beyong wasted. i just gothome from some dumb bar. thank god i cant find my phone rigt now


*~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

*~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*

*~*There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.*~*

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it's always best to wait a few days or weeks to let yourelf process your thoughts & feelings about a particular thing before you act on your emotions. it's only natural that you dream about him and subsequently think about him a lot. just remember, time heals all wounds.

last night i dreamed i was in a cab with a friend and she told him to go to Center Avenue (in the city) and he thought she said Centerville (some little town somewhere outside of NYC) and we ended up with a $125 cab fare. was this a message from my subconscience telling me to get centered in life or else it's going to cost me dearly?

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