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LIST: DJ's that primarily use cd's

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Dick Head #1

Dick Head #2

Tony Draper


any other loser DJ I can't think of right now

Louie DeVito

yo im ibclubbin.....you got anything you want to say to my face??? huh???

and just cause i spin cds doesnt mean i cant spin vinyl buddy.....the talent is there...its just a matter of $$$


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All jokes aside.....weapons are weapons. Some things you can't get on vinyl that you need to use CD's for......

However, there's a difference using CD's as tools instead of using CD's exclusively for lack of talent.

What people don't realize is the ease of using CD's. You get pioneers and they all but mix the CD's for you, all you gotta do is cue it up and let it fly.

There is such a difference with CD's and wax....its a whole 'nother ball game.

People that get started only on CD's are more or less mp3 dj's.....and everyone out there can be one too. Just download some songs and put some together for an hour or two.......congradulations, you are now a DJ.

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Originally posted by cintron

Dj's who PRIMARILY use CD's.

That kid Chris does NOT primarily use CD's, nor does Danny.

both are waxheads.

Sorry, nope.


DJ Times: How have CDs changed what you do?

Tenaglia: CDs are a Godsend for me. I used to travel with a lot of acetates, and not only are they heavy, but they wear out, and God forbid, you wouldn’t want to lose them. And now I have the capabilities of traveling with two boxes of records, and all my really important, private stuff on CD, and each one holds 74, 80 minutes. If I carry two books of that, 200 CDs each, I’ve got an incredible collection on the road with me. I have tons of a cappellas with me at all times, sound effects, everything’s loaded up right on cue. To do that with a record, it’s work. It’s already work – locate that CD, put it in, cue it up. But to have it on acetate, to cue it back, the needle would keep skipping; acetates are not friendly that way. So for me, CDs, as far as looping, that master tempo feature, I love it. I’d say 50-percent of my night is CDs. Even if I buy the record, I’ll burn it on CD.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

People that get started only on CD's are more or less mp3 dj's.....and everyone out there can be one too. Just download some songs and put some together for an hour or two.......congradulations, you are now a DJ.

all joking aside as well, yes its easy to download music and pretend you are a DJ, but its a whole other level to play well...

just because you spin vinyl doesnt mean you are necessarily a better DJ...

i may only spin cd's , but i do buy vinyls and can spin vinyl pretty well, considering the little amount of hours I have been able tp use tables......on the other hand, ive been around kids who buy tons and tons of vinyl, but cant match a 4/4 if their life depended on it

id rather be a good cd dj than a vinyl purist with no talent...obviously i have the most respect for someone who can do both, but the ability to program a good set and spin it flawlessly is more important to me, and ive said it before...i dont care if you're playing on records, cds or 8-tracks, what counts is the SOUND:aright:

and Mike Ski spins all cds....doesnt even show up to gigs with vinyls...Louie Devito spins some vinyls but also spins prerecorded acapellas over tracks half the night:laugh:


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Originally posted by hoke

Sorry, nope.


That's nice, but the man has been spinning for 30 years. In that time, he's gone through more vinyl than you could fit on an oil tanker. If he wants to use CD's nowadays to help make things a lil easier, he's more than entitled... ;)

But yes, when we see him at vinyl, you will see him relying MOSTLY on records, and using CD's to supplement the sound.

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Originally posted by cintron

That's nice, but the man has been spinning for 30 years. In that time, he's gone through more vinyl than you could fit on an oil tanker. If he wants to use CD's nowadays to help make things a lil easier, he's more than entitled... ;)

But yes, when we see him at vinyl, you will see him relying MOSTLY on records, and using CD's to supplement the sound.

Times they are a-changin'.... That interview was last year (I remembered it because they were handing out that issue of DJ Times at Vinyl for free). I wouldn't be surprised if Danny uses CDs even more now, since the CDJ-1000's are out. It's hard to know exactly what he's using, though, since he puts that curtain over the mirror :\

Anyway... whatever works. I expect a good DJ to be able to beatmatch... that's the basic skill. What's much more interesting is track selection and creativity in the set. I don't care if you're using vinyl, CDs, a Kiddie Record Player... if you can make me move, you're alright in my book!

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Originally posted by bsb2002

DT was talking about when he travels for gigs, largely because he's scared shitless of losing his records. At home, its far less CDs

That makes sense. It sounds like he appreciates some of the features of CDJs, too, which he might want to use occasionally but not all the time.

I guess the main point is that some very famous DJs use CDs frequently, and there's nothing inherently *wrong* with them... but I think most people in this thread will agree on that point anyway.

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danny tenaglia himself said it at arc the night of howells vs tenaglia..... he covers that mirror behind the booth so that a) you cant see what costumes or tricks he has up his sleeve and B) so you dont see the mess of all his cds layin all over the place because and I quote "I spin mostly cds."

a lot of CP heads where there too that night, and I know you all heard him say that.

who cares what someone spins. If it gets me going, im happy.

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Originally posted by roninmess

danny tenaglia himself said it at arc the night of howells vs tenaglia..... he covers that mirror behind the booth so that a) you cant see what costumes or tricks he has up his sleeve and B) so you dont see the mess of all his cds layin all over the place because and I quote "I spin mostly cds."

a lot of CP heads where there too that night, and I know you all heard him say that.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that! (Though I don't remember his specific words personally.)

who cares what someone spins. If it gets me going, im happy.

I absolutely agree. I don't understand the dogma that some people have over vinyl.

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dude those kiddie record players are a bitch. I tried scratching on one but it's obviously worse than hell.

If they made a technics look all old-school Playskool then i'd own three.

and yes i'm a dedicated vinyl purist. i will argue this to the end of the earth.

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I started out with vinyl and a pair of Gemini decks nine years ago before I finally got my 1200s. But I'll admit that I use mostly cds nowadays. I don't have the money to spend on new wax every week like I used to, and the few records I do buy now get burned to cd anyway since the decks are so shitty at the club I spin at. It's also convenient not having to carry my records everywhere, plus I like editing the majority of the tracks I spin before I play them out. I love Terence Fixmer's stuff, but the mastering job on some of his records is pretty horrendous so I'll tweak the sound a bit and then burn it to cd. Or sometimes I'll like a song except for one retarded break or sample that the producer decided to throw in, so I'll make my own edited mix and burn it to cd before I play it out. Playing cds for me is just about knowing what sound I like and having more control over the track since I can tweak it to my satisfaction. Records are still more fun for me, though, and I still dig them out every once in a while for my own amusement.

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