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have you come to grips with dying?

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I've been coming to terms with it since high school. It doesn't take much, really, just a genuine interest in it and strong willpower.

To be quite honest, September 11th barely made an impact on in terms of relating to death. To be quite honest, once you realize the way things run in life, those lives aren't as significant in value...and it's more the sentimental loss that impacts you more than anything rather than the sheer number of lives.

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No as a matter of fact i dont think i will ever come to grips w/ it. It scares the hell out of me. I guess im most scared that i will die not getting to do everything i want to.

And to think that i will never see my family and friends again...

I think as I get older it scares me more and more. And when you see friends & family that are sick, I think it makes it worse.

As for all that afterlife crap, i dont believe in it. and i guess knowing that death is a final thing petrifies me....:(

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i've come to grips with dying in the sense that i accept the fact that i will die one day and i'm not afraid of it. i'm not scared of getting old or dying suddenly and i try to live my life day by day so that if i could look back on it when i die, i would be happy with how i lived.... i think it's more important (and more comforting) to focus on living rather than dying...

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I accept that I will eventually die, but I don't know if I will ever be ready to. I'm not scared of dying without having done anything or any bullshit like that. I am scared of the actual moment of my death; the actual process of dying is what scares me.

As for a will: I haven't earned enough to make one out.

Fuck a will.

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Pretty much everything we do is done in the context of our eventual death... The possibility is always 'looming' in the back of our minds somewhere... But it's the ability to realize our own finiteness the makes being human what it is.

In the end, death is absurd. There is no cheating it! And it seems that it is our 'job' as human beings to realize this, and act out our lives nonetheless, extending a notion of how we wish the world to be in a projection of our actions. One may live life in the denial of death, as many seem to; or one may recognize the inevitability of death and go about on your daily life. To embrace the notion of one's own death, and be positive in life, is a challenge we all face...

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