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Going solo...?


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Alrah here is the situation..whenever i ask my friends to go out there always saying they just wanna chill locally which is way too boring. I always end up doin something boring. Im like the only one of my group of friends tat like to go out and party..the question is do u find it weird goin solo?

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i head into sf solo every single week for the last year and a half plus and i have a great time each and every week.. and you dont have to be like no i dont wanna leave you leave when you want.. you get there when you want... imo best way to go because then you dont have to have your frineds ruining a good time

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I go to SF solo alot also. Not too many people can handle the all mornig to late afternoon party.

I dunno...i see it as this: If you want to go somewhere go! Why hold back. Plus, if you get bored or lonely you are forced to meet new people (which is a good thing). New Freinds that go clubbing can equal a new crew. SF is diff. from other places IMHO though. I always feel comfortable going to SF alone cause you basically have seen everyone there once b4 and become aquainted.

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haha... you see me everyweek... i always with interesting people at factory.... factory is prolly the easiest club to go solo to.. one of the only places you can go there and basically talk to anyone and everyone.. i rather go solo imo just always seems better to me.. dont have to deal with other people wanning to leave.. you leave when you want, dont have to worry if they are havin good time, its just bout you and havin a good time rollin in solo... my friend actually called me and said he wants to go tonihgt and didt wanna go in solo.. so i meetin him at JR's bar on 46th street and 8th. but me solo!!!!! woohooo!!!

Originally posted by clubbhoppintg

I go to SF solo alot also. Not too many people can handle the all mornig to late afternoon party.

I dunno...i see it as this: If you want to go somewhere go! Why hold back. Plus, if you get bored or lonely you are forced to meet new people (which is a good thing). New Freinds that go clubbing can equal a new crew. SF is diff. from other places IMHO though. I always feel comfortable going to SF alone cause you basically have seen everyone there once b4 and become aquainted.

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Originally posted by jesx81

Alrah here is the situation..whenever i ask my friends to go out there always saying they just wanna chill locally which is way too boring. I always end up doin something boring. Im like the only one of my group of friends tat like to go out and party..the question is do u find it weird goin solo?

Sorry but I hate to be "CAPTAIN STATES THE OBVIOUS", but you are on a message board filled with all these people who have the same interests as you in the lush nighlife all over the U.S. It would be silly not to meet some of these people. Keep posting, im sure that you dont have to go solo anywhere :D

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Originally posted by jesx81

Alrah here is the situation..whenever i ask my friends to go out there always saying they just wanna chill locally which is way too boring. I always end up doin something boring. Im like the only one of my group of friends tat like to go out and party..the question is do u find it weird goin solo?

i go solo from time to time... because im in a similar if not the exact same position... plus its not as bad as you think it might be...and chances are youll bump into ppl you know through out the night... if youre that leary about going out alone, come to some of CP's meetups and go clubbin with us... in any event... good luck...

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Originally posted by jesx81

Alrah here is the situation..whenever i ask my friends to go out there always saying they just wanna chill locally which is way too boring. I always end up doin something boring. Im like the only one of my group of friends tat like to go out and party..the question is do u find it weird goin solo?

not at all - going solo is good for you!:D

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i just moved up here and really wanna go out but am scared to do the whole solo thing b/c i have no friends up here. i have gone solo to a club once back in DC and i had a great time. i ended up going solo b/c i was so wasted and lost my friends and it was the best time i ever had at buzz. so maybe i'll try it out at this club u all are talking about.

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Originally posted by clubkiddan

i just moved up here and really wanna go out but am scared to do the whole solo thing b/c i have no friends up here. i have gone solo to a club once back in DC and i had a great time. i ended up going solo b/c i was so wasted and lost my friends and it was the best time i ever had at buzz. so maybe i'll try it out at this club u all are talking about.

come to a meet-up. I haven't yet, but have met quite a few people from CP and they're all cool kids.

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i like this thread. sometimes you feel like you are the only one who does something and than see lots of others do it.

I dont think im into going to local clubs alone unless i know people who are definatly going.

Some of the best times i have had at factory were alone. Always find someone to hang with. When i did go with friends it was the same anyway. we would all get banged up and seem to spread out all over. so one day i figured what the hell and went alone it was awesome

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