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Are The Sopranos overhyped?

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I like it! But im not like a die hard fan that tapes it if im not at home, nor do I own a boxed set of the seasons. Even more importantly I never saw one episode of the first season, and missed mad episodes from the 2nd and 3rd season. It's good, but it doesn't beat watching a DVD. I hate following shows, haven't done that since X-Men was a cartoon on Channel 5 when I was little ;)! Also it stereotypes Italians, not like they aren't already stereotyped. :laugh: It's also un-realistic.

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

What do you think? I am enjoying the season, but I would like to hear from people who don't like it.

What are your reason?

i HATE it. i think it's promoting the fat/vicious/vulgar/un-stylish image of a man/mobster who is successful in what he's doing. moreover, women like him because they don't seem to care for aesthetics but for the power and money. all of this wouldn't be as terrible had we not got to see this mobster talking to a shrink and having 'real, daily problems.' are we to sympathise with him? are we to think, as NYT critic said, that 'tony soprano is one of us'? it's a scary thought...:vomit2:

another big issue (and i need to say that i am not italian): this show is highly un-PC toward american-italians. it portrays them in the worst posible light, as cheesy, greedy, patriarchal ppl.

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I work in an Italian bakery...Can I just tell you how many people walk in thinking that they are from the show??? They walk in like they are maffia. Me and my boss just curse them out in Italian and they have no clue what we are saying...it's beautiful. :)

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anyone who thinks that the problem with the sopranos is that it stereotypes italian americans or is unrealistic is missing the boat. since when was tv or movies supposed to accurately portray anything?

what, aren't the characters on Will and Grace, Friends or any other TV show sterotypes? you people take this shit way to seriously. there's been tons of TV that shows stereotyped blacks, jews, asians, etc. it doesn't make the tv show terrible. i mean, why isn't Sex in the City terrible? this show stereotypes men every week? just chill out and enjoy the most consistently well written and funny show on TV from the past 5 years.

The show does not glamorize or promote being in the mob anymore than the godfather movies did. It does portray the family side of some fictional characters lives. part of the point of the show is to tie up its viewers in the problem of identifying with the characters lives while being horrified with what they do for a living. Tony's time with the shrink is kinda just a voicing of what the audience feels anyway.

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Originally posted by crowina

I work in an Italian bakery...Can I just tell you how many people walk in thinking that they are from the show??? They walk in like they are maffia. Me and my boss just curse them out in Italian and they have no clue what we are saying...it's beautiful. :) [/QU

I agree............ Totally............... I just laugh, they probally aren't even a 1/4 Italian either.........................

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....lol....i always say when the season starts....everyone acts a little more 'italian'.........but hey....what r u gonna do......

.....personally...i like the show...enjoy the characters....and despite some exageration for tv.....entertainment purposes of course.....it is not THAT far off representation of the business in jersey.......problems and issues are simply played up for the audience....

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I peronsally thought this past sunday's episode was one of the worst episodes i've seen on the sopranos thus far. the first two episodes were cool, they seemed to be building towards something. but they decided to talk about columbus and completely ignore the fact that adriana might've turned. i just don't get it. i personally love oz and the wire more than the sopranos as far as dramas go on hbo.

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Originally posted by FlipsSOE

and completely ignore the fact that adriana might've turned. i just don't get it.

...yea but did u see how weird she was....and that is exactly what keeps viewers tuning in week after week....as bad as anyone thought that episode was....i bet nobody turned it off.....what if they missed something...and now no one can wait till next sunday.....what happens with adriana...jr's trial.....where was meadow....blah blah....u get it....

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Originally posted by FlipsSOE

I peronsally thought this past sunday's episode was one of the worst episodes i've seen on the sopranos thus far. the first two episodes were cool, they seemed to be building towards something. but they decided to talk about columbus and completely ignore the fact that adriana might've turned. i just don't get it. i personally love oz and the wire more than the sopranos as far as dramas go on hbo.

i totally agree...it ended and i was like what the fuck. but..i love the show and will still watch it no matter how much the episode sucks. but it was a very random episode i must say

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Things are supposed to drag out and leave you wondering.

It's a SOAP OPERA on cable.

They are dragging it out a little more because they decided to do a 5th season despite the writer's saying it should only be 4 seasons. Now what HBO did is they took his 4 seasons and added enough filler to stretch it into 5.

A little more inside info. . I hope you fans don't mind being in suspense becuase season 5 willl end on a huge cliff hanger and thier will be only 1 way to find out what happens.

You will have to wait for The Sopranos - THE MOVIE to hit a theater near you. Once you and the other 10.5 million faithful viewers shell out your $8 and pile in theaters it will end the Soprano Phenom. :eek:

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Originally posted by therealjr

Things are supposed to drag out and leave you wondering.

It's a SOAP OPERA on cable.

They are dragging it out a little more because they decided to do a 5th season despite the writer's saying it should only be 4 seasons. Now what HBO did is they took his 4 seasons and added enough filler to stretch it into 5.

are you saying this is the last season?

and a movie is coming out? .. i never heard that

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Originally posted by therealjr

The writer wrote 4 seasons but HBO is making a bunch of pointless episodes (like this weeks) to stretch it out into 5 seasons. So thier is 1 more season after this.

.....michael imperioli wrote the christopher columbus episode....

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