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omg this is a fucking nightmare

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Originally posted by jaysea


and carry on your life, WITH OUT HIM

Time does really heal.....

please trust me, im still going threw it, but time is my best friend now.....and having to deal with myself, i have grown in so many ways... and i have learned from my mistakes....and you will 2.

stay away from the pain killers!

smoke tree's......and lots of tea!

:laugh: well said.

you're young girl... make new friends, rekindle some old friendships. allow yourself to grow. not every relationship is going to last forever, realize that he is the one who lost. everyones been hurt & trust me when i tell you, you will probably be hurt again, learn from your mistakes.

:vomit3: men can be such nasty shit... it really sux when you think something is something it's not. i mean, it is one thing to want to break it off for whatever reason but allowing you to believe hes your bestfriend, that is low. this kid has no respect for anyone/anything. get as far away from him as possible, and the girl, however nice she may be, dont allow her to be in your life (shes out for herself). you need to focus on you.

on the positive side you should be happy you found out who he really is & take this as an opportunity to meet someone who is what you thought he was because obvioulsy he is not.

damn, this same shit happened to me but i didnt care because i was on the rebound :laugh: i was seeing a guy who was dating someone else and pretended he was single. one day his girlfriend called me up, she seemed like a nice girl but she had it out for me the whole time... we ended up becoming friends, big mistake!!! go out do your own thing, forget they exist, not only will it make him feel like shit, you will transcend the nonsense.

if u need to talk msg me on aol sometime (...), ill party with u if you are lonley/down.

sorry to ramble........

:grin: :jar: :bong:

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Originally posted by irenegade7

Never answer a mans phone never go through his shit if you do anything

you hear or find is on you....Those are the rules of the game. Bet you will never pick up another mans phone.

Consider it a lesson learned....

.. and i pickedup your phone (or saw your callerid).... and it was some "random chic" all i have to say is YOU BETTER START RUNNING! :eek:

dont be a dick and have some fucking compassion plz :rolleyes:

and romy.. you just have to fidn the strength inside of you to stand up and shut the door on him. just remember you have your friends and family that care about you and you really dont need a loser like that

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Originally posted by somebitch

[bdamn, this same shit happened to me but i didnt care because i was on the rebound :laugh: i was seeing a guy who was dating someone else and pretended he was single. one day his girlfriend called me up, she seemed like a nice girl but she had it out for me the whole time... we ended up becoming friends, big mistake!!! go out do your own thing, forget they exist, not only will it make him feel like shit, you will transcend the nonsense.

whoa! uh same thing here :raiseshand: She wanted to scheme but i refused to talk to her *edit* and just more drama later on.

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Jaysea, that was a compassionate response. Romy, listen to this guy!

Originally posted by jaysea


hey girl,

i read your post, and i have to say i really understand what you are going threw, ask bustaNut lol" few months back i was going threw hell, over something kinda similiar.... i thought i was gonna die, because this guy who was my life, ended up to be nothing more than a scumbag liar, who used me and never really ever cared for me.....

now i even feel like im in danger because he has been trying to come after me lately (Read my post in Dtourism,com)

and my life has been tured upside down twice.........

in the beging my world crumbled and i felt so alone, but in time hunny i realized that he was a fucking scumbag......and trust me hunny you will soon 2, once you realize that, it becomes alot easier to take his shit burn it up, move on out, and UP

and carry on your life, WITH OUT HIM

Time does really heal.....

please trust me, im still going threw it, but time is my best friend now.....and having to deal with myself, i have grown in so many ways... and i have learned from my mistakes....and you will 2.

stay away from the pain killers!

smoke tree's......and lots of tea!

Throw yourself into your old friends, or find some new ones on this board, i dont know you, but i will be here for you hunny!

all u gotta do is say ya need me.

go out, keep yourself busy! get that job!

and take one day at a time....

Halloween is coming and make that a focal point as something to look forward to....

pm me!




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Originally posted by irenegade7

Never answer a mans phone never go through his shit if you do anything

you hear or find is on you....Those are the rules of the game. Bet you will never pick up another mans phone.

Consider it a lesson learned....

are you serious? :nono: that is not the issue--isnt there a larger issue? CHEATING on her after a three year relationship-- be nice, B, i can't believe you said that!

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Well, here's a thought. A friend of mine was going out with a guy... he cheated on her with ANOTHER friend of mine.

They both found out, and i took the liberty of introducing them.

They got along rather well ;)

A week later one of them called him and invited him to dinner out at a restaurant. She said she'd be bringing a friend and they'd all have a nice time.

When they got to the restaurant they ordered dinner. Then the other girl showed up.

The man almost died of fright. The two girls sat down and had a nice dinner and conversation as if nothing was wrong...

meanwhile the guy is having a heart attack and about ready to run out of there.

They both dumped him that night and became best friends.

They still are ;)

just a thought...

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I'm sorry to hear what an asshole this guy was to you...but all you can do now is learn from this experience & MOVE ON! This might feel like a shitty time right now but in the end...it's going to get better...I understand how hard it must be b/c you where with him for so long...but speaking from a similar experience to yours...your better off without him & it's better you found out now than never

...Just keep yourself busy & FORCE yourself to keep your mind off of him (it'll be hard but you can do it) the less you think about him the better you will be A little alone time will be good for you too.. it will give you some clarity & you will finally get to focus on YOU & only you & not have to worry about someone else before yourself....I know this is a rough time for you but believe me things are going to get so much better & you will find someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated...Don't think of this as the end of something but more as the begining of a fresh start :)

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Im trying to move on, i really am.

of cours he keeps calling me and that makes me more upset to hear his voice.

i hate him but at the same time i want everything to be better.

but it never will be, this is it.

i can't even have him as a friend, cause that will only bring back memories.

and it will never help me get over him.

i need something to do now, i jst go to my room and cry and every place i go in my house it reminds me of him, on the couch we used to sit on, the kitchen where we'd eat, everything.

its only like 1230 in the afternoon, i dont even want to think about how im gonna make it thru the day.

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Originally posted by romy20

Im trying to move on, i really am.

of cours he keeps calling me and that makes me more upset to hear his voice.

i hate him but at the same time i want everything to be better.

but it never will be, this is it.

i can't even have him as a friend, cause that will only bring back memories.

and it will never help me get over him.

i need something to do now, i jst go to my room and cry and every place i go in my house it reminds me of him, on the couch we used to sit on, the kitchen where we'd eat, everything.

its only like 1230 in the afternoon, i dont even want to think about how im gonna make it thru the day.

hey babe... i dont post much anymore, but i just had to post here. i still remember how u helped me out when my gf broke up wit me, u're a great person and u dont deserve this

the guy is a scumbag, and u're better off without him... whats even more fucked up is how he wants to get back with u now, but didnt think of that when he was with the other girl. i know that u've been together with him for 3 years, but if he can cheat on u after that long of a time together... wow i cant even find a word to describe him...

and plz go eat sumtin and wutever u do, DONT start takin pills again

im me if u wanna talk

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Originally posted by romy20

Im trying to move on, i really am.

of cours he keeps calling me and that makes me more upset to hear his voice.

i hate him but at the same time i want everything to be better.

but it never will be, this is it.

i can't even have him as a friend, cause that will only bring back memories.

and it will never help me get over him.

i need something to do now, i jst go to my room and cry and every place i go in my house it reminds me of him, on the couch we used to sit on, the kitchen where we'd eat, everything.

its only like 1230 in the afternoon, i dont even want to think about how im gonna make it thru the day.

once you get a job you will be too busy to think about him + you will have money to spend on yourself... that is the best thing for you. focus on getting a job & yourself, then you will realize you are too good for him anyway. ;)
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Guest gabo

there is so much love in this thread! this is what cp is really about... helping someone in need, that you only really know from the boards. Kinda makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

romy, earlier you said that you have no one to talk to about this, I think you have 200 people that will help you get through this, and lend a shoulder to cry on.

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Originally posted by romy20

Im trying to move on, i really am.

of cours he keeps calling me and that makes me more upset to hear his voice.

i hate him but at the same time i want everything to be better.

but it never will be, this is it.

i can't even have him as a friend, cause that will only bring back memories.

and it will never help me get over him.

i need something to do now, i jst go to my room and cry and every place i go in my house it reminds me of him, on the couch we used to sit on, the kitchen where we'd eat, everything.

its only like 1230 in the afternoon, i dont even want to think about how im gonna make it thru the day.

TELL HIM TO STOP CALLING YOU! He realizes what he did & now he is going to persist on calling you to try & get you back....he is set in his ways & YOU HAVE TO MOVE ON...having him as a friend won't work either b/c you are too emotionally attached & you are going to want more than that & anyway he is a piece of shit for doing what he did to you....you don't need that kind of person in your life...As far as getting your mind off of him staying home crying isn't going to make you feel better...listen.... get a few $$ go out get some ice cream, go to blockbuster & rent 10000 movies or if you have a car take a ride somewhere (driving has always been a successful remedy at times like this) do anything you can to get your mind off of this....You will get through this & today is just the start you are going to be fine....you'll get through the day & just look forward to tomorrow because it's going to be a lot better

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hey romy...sorry to hear you are so down. sounds like you have come to some realizations and have lots of shit to figure out. sounds like this guy has some issues too.

now, i'm not trying to start anything, but i have a serious question: you're painting this guy in a horrible light. but didn't you know he cheated on you in the past? and haven't you cheated on him too? this is just stuff i heard long ago. did you guys fix all that? i'm not trying to say its a good idea to stick with him (he sounds like a jerk), just wondering why this time its so much worse / serious? is it because it wasn't just cheating but a whole other relationship?


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Originally posted by barvybe

hey romy...sorry to hear you are so down. sounds like you have come to some realizations and have lots of shit to figure out. sounds like this guy has some issues too.

now, i'm not trying to start anything, but i have a serious question: you're painting this guy in a horrible light. but didn't you know he cheated on you in the past? and haven't you cheated on him too? this is just stuff i heard long ago. did you guys fix all that? i'm not trying to say its a good idea to stick with him (he sounds like a jerk), just wondering why this time its so much worse / serious? is it because it wasn't just cheating but a whole other relationship?


yeah that was it, he had a totally different relationship with another person behind my back for 2 months.


STUFF LIKE "oh i can picture myself married to you" "we have a special bond" he even told me that he wants to move closed to hom next semester to be with me, and he told THE SAME FUCKING SHIT TO HEREHIOHW Lkhrv kl1;2b11!!!!!!

so then before,he actually callled his mom and told her what happened, so she called me.

omg this is seriously somethiong outta a movie

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apologies in advance for what will at first seem like a cheesy response...

your parents are away but do they have a phone they can be reached at? believe it or not, bearing your soul to the ones that brought you into this world can be enlightening - they've been there before, ya know?

of course this all depends on if you're relatively close to them...

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Hey Romy... first off, really sorry to hear that :( The guy is the asshole in this situation, and you are better off alone than with a lame ass poor excuse for a boyfriend.

Now, the best thing you can do at the moment is to not let yourself sit around and do nothing and think about it. Do whatever is "your thing" ... if it's art, paint something, if it's listening to Danny Tenaglia tear it up at Vinyl, go there and dance your ass off... you get the idea.

And you said that he was only your friend - go find new people to hang out with. Hell, grab some CP'ers to go hang out with! A good night of dancing always helps :) And I'm sure anyone who's in NY right now (I'm not unfortunately) would be more than happy to have you in their crowd. Build up some new people.

Unfortunately, getting up and doing things at a time like this is *very* difficult, but "action is the antidote to despair" (I forget whose quote that is, but it's true!) so please don't let yourself sit and wallow in this, that is the WoRsT thing you could do!

Good luck babe!

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

And you said that he was only your friend - go find new people to hang out with. Hell, grab some CP'ers to go hang out with! A good night of dancing always helps :)

yeah romy, i seem to remember a certain core group of limelight-fridays heads that would meet up w/ you.:D

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Best advice...go on a vacation :)

when I broke up with my boyfriend/fiancee a few years ago due to the fact that he treated my sooo badly(I dont even wanna get into it) .... 2 days later I took 4 of my closest friends and went to Cancun....My mother paid for everyone's airfare and hotel...that was her way of helping me out becuz I was a complete MESS!!!

And let me tell you...the vacation helped me out soooo much....

...and now to hear the worst part.......he died in the World Trade Center, he was a firefighter...

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