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ok i have a semi-slight Quoth-dilema..shit wtf do i do?


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ok...my cousin is getting married in November. I just got the invitation yesterday to go to her wedding..BUT...its for me and a guest cause its at this fancy shmancy place out in Long Island. So im thinking to myself "shit..whooooooooooooooooo the fuck could i ask to go" being that im single since july and just wanna bring someone who i can have fun with and avoid all the typical "oh is this yer girlfriend michael?" bullshit.

So what do i do who do i ask?

Do i ask just a typical female friend? Ask one of the girls im currently talking to? Go solo like a fuckin turd and sit and have conversation with my wine glass? Take one of my sisters hot older friends?

How can i like ask someone if they would like to come for some free food...free drinks etc etc without like making them feel that pressure of "um..does Mike think im his girlfriend cause he asked me to come to a family wedding event?" cause TOTALLLLY what im trying to avoid.

Damn..its times like this that having a girlfriend or signifacnt other or someone yer seeing WORTH IT.

oh and um...any ladies wanna be my date?? haha

you get to see Quoth in a suit??? :eek:

shit it didnt hurt to ask? :tongue:

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Weddigns are great fun, most people knwo that. I woudl ask either a freind where u wont have to worry aboutentertaining them all night or someoen your interested in, it can bring you guys together and you guys can have a good time. Introduce her as your DATE.............

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it depends on what ur looking for....

if u wanna have fun with someone with no "strings" attached, invite a friend that u know u will have fun with....but if u invite someone that u "are talking to" that might send out the wrong signals...i mean if u really like the chic u are talking to, then by all means invite her....but if u are so-so with her, dont invite her; she might think that u really dig her, when u are actually not....

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You should take a guy with you............you guys can like hold hands and stuff, this way no one will ask you about a girlfriend, and you can tell everyone that you're exploring "other" avenues of your sexuality...............:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by quoth

ok...my cousin is getting married in November. I just got the invitation yesterday to go to her wedding..BUT...its for me and a guest cause its at this fancy shmancy place out in Long Island. So im thinking to myself "shit..whooooooooooooooooo the fuck could i ask to go" being that im single since july and just wanna bring someone who i can have fun with and avoid all the typical "oh is this yer girlfriend michael?" bullshit.

So what do i do who do i ask?

Do i ask just a typical female friend? Ask one of the girls im currently talking to? Go solo like a fuckin turd and sit and have conversation with my wine glass? Take one of my sisters hot older friends?

How can i like ask someone if they would like to come for some free food...free drinks etc etc without like making them feel that pressure of "um..does Mike think im his girlfriend cause he asked me to come to a family wedding event?" cause TOTALLLLY what im trying to avoid.

Damn..its times like this that having a girlfriend or signifacnt other or someone yer seeing WORTH IT.

oh and um...any ladies wanna be my date?? haha

you get to see Quoth in a suit??? :eek:

shit it didnt hurt to ask? :tongue:

i'll fly up there and go with you, babe ;) seriously, i would take a friend that is FUN--no stress, no strings, just a good time.

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Hmm, well I don't know about your family dynamics, but being that it's a family wedding and all, I would imagine flying solo would not be a big deal. But if you want to bring someone, which is understandable, I'd suggest taking a friend.

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I just went to a wedding (pics posted :D ) and i cant even tell you how much fun i (we) all had.

initally i was going with a friend as his date... he uh called me four days prior and decided to take his girl instead :mad: the couple was awesome and invited me you are still going.. but i went dateless.. (hopped in a friends car with her date) no big deal at all.. best wedding i ever went to!

but ask someone who you know you would have fun wiht or knows how to have a good time :D

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...i have a wedding for 10/27 and am having the same issues...the bride to be just told me that her single girlfriends were asking if any single men were coming stag...add to this that i just went to a wedding with one of my friends and feel like i should return the favor...she is just a friend, but a great one at that..

i think i'll take clubkat...:tongue:

...actually, i'll probably take my friend...it's a guaranteed good time...and since she's single as well, we might both find someone that night...

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Originally posted by clubkat

*scratches head* didnt u have this problem before and ya took lav or something?

(or am i going nuts lol)


haha bitch beat me to it. I was thinking the same thing.

just take a girlie. I mean you have good girl friends don't ya? :confused: I mean don't stress over it babes. I know everyone said take a friend but that would be your best bet. If not fly solo, no biggie.

hmm and you in a suit ;)

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Originally posted by clubkat

*scratches head* didnt u have this problem before and ya took lav or something?

(or am i going nuts lol)


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



But hey things are different now and though me and lav had fun (didn't we lav? ;) ) times DO change.

But seriously i appreciate everyones advice..even though its not too different from my own advice haha.

But insight is alwayssssss good.

oh and somebitch...there will be plenty of weed served during cocktail hour..my familia is cool like that trust me...i think it might be at some hotel or some big ass shindig out in long island so we have many rooms there to test out that theroy DOH!! :tongue:

fiery:nice to see u around

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Take Me Dont think about it anymore ;) just joking

1)take a friendddddddddddd someone that u know she will make u laugh and u will have a GREATTTTTTTTTTTTT time

2)if u want to impress take a nice escort

3)if u feel like having fun take someone that will spend the entired night flirting with u and then have a good fuck .....

think what exactly u want and invite it

my choice a friend , very close friend , more than a friend heheheh

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Originally posted by scaredgirl

Take Me Dont think about it anymore ;) just joking

1)take a friendddddddddddd someone that u know she will make u laugh and u will have a GREATTTTTTTTTTTTT time

2)if u want to impress take a nice escort

3)if u feel like having fun take someone that will spend the entired night flirting with u and then have a good fuck .....

think what exactly u want and invite it

my choice a friend , very close friend , more than a friend heheheh

this is why i like this girl more and more each day :laugh:

nice insight hun...pick u up from the airport round 10am? :tongue:

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Originally posted by quoth

oh and somebitch...there will be plenty of weed served during cocktail hour..my familia is cool like that trust me...i think it might be at some hotel or some big ass shindig out in long island so we have many rooms there to test out that theroy DOH!! :tongue:

sounds interesting :D
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