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When Do you call it Quits...


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Originally posted by willbangyerbut

OMG !! this guy is toooooooo cute !! mikey baby you are adorable ! anyone know where i could get this mature guys number ? id LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to meet him !! btw anyone know if he swings both ways ?? im looking for a smart, cute , sexy young man like myself to show me around south beach . & mikey fits that discription. mikey hunny , wewwwwww hoooooooo arent you from S. island in NY ?? remember me ? Will ? we hung out & had a good time over there before(if ya know whut i mean baby) you have my number baby , i still have my NY # .XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Who the hell do you think you are? Mikey, who is this slut? Bitch you better go back to New York with that mess. Mikey is mine honey, go find your own cute New York boy. Coming in here and trying to steal my men? Fuck that, I have worked hard to get my men: Mikey, Andrew and Koky. You better watch it bitch, next time i see you at Twist or Cactus, your ass is mine (Wow I got myself all hot with that comment). You better watch your step Mary Cum Lately, I have a 12" strap-on and am not afraid to use it. Just ask Mikey.

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I've thought about the samething, when would i get sick of clubbing. Sometimes i'm at a club and i really don't feel like being there, Sometimes i don't wanna leave. something i guess that helps me not get bored of the whole scene, is that i don't go every weekend. I usually just go for the big DJs, i know that a lot of you like supporting the locals, nothing wrong with that but if you do it every weekend it does get old. Something that might help for people not to get bored of the scene is to maybe try to become bigger part of the scene than just a member. That's something i've been wanting to do to help me out and not get bored of it.

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Originally posted by willbangyerbut

ive been told by a little birdy that there is a cuter guy than all of them on here !! i dont know his name but ive seen him in some pictures with this girl from the new york board named dibs:tongue: OMG i heard hes got the cutest plumpiest ass

i think i know who you're talking about!!!!! :laugh:

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My 2 cents........

:idea: Maybe people just tend to get tired of the scene. I mean I did. I partied my ass off for a long time then one day I just started to come out of the coma and noticed the scene stayed the same. I still enjoy going to clubs but there is no way I would be able to do it on a consistent basis. Your priorities tend to shift(I am not saying that if you are a clubbing at 30/40 you are less mature than someone who is 25 and is not), but you tend to not need to get out and stay out till 6-7 in the morning anymore. I began to see that my weekends were a blur when I use to do that. Whether you are jamming to the latest Subliminal Sessions CD in the comfort of your own home or watching Melvin Moore or Jose Nunez tear up the decks in front of you with 3000 of your closest friends its all good. There is no rhyme or reason when the good age to stop parting and going to clubs is. Its just happens and for some it doesnt and thats all good.

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