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What men are really about and how they rank women.

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Answers to Common Criticisms

Criticism:You're just bitter.

Answer:Maybe I am. But ladder theory made me that way, my bitterness did not make ladder theory. Attack the theory, not the person behind it. And why does everyone always say I'm bitter just because 99.999% of chicks are bitches?

Criticism:I have lots of male friends who would never think of me that way blah blah blah.

Answer:Your friend doesn't find you attractive, or he's currently doing better, or he's gay or you're wrong.

Criticism:That's not true

Answer:Yes it is.

holy shit, this site is hilarious... theres even a section where they have a mathmatical equation for this... lol...

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On Cuddle Bitches

Cuddle Bitches

cuddle bitch(n) - a guy who never gets to sleep with a girl but gets to have intimate moments with her like cuddling, spooning, or otherwise being affectionate. Usually this will occur in private. She probably considers him a really sweet guy, which is the kiss of death.

First off, cuddle bitches are bad, bad things to be. Maybe the worst thing to be. I mean, being an Intellectual Whore is bad, but being an Intellectual Whore who has to endure blue-balls is bordering on criminal.


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I've seen a bunch of web sites spring up like this by "god-knows-who, wanna-be-john gray" guys (john gray wrote that unforgettable novel Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

To me, it just seems that the people who come up with this are either: 1) frustrated men who want to sum up all of lifes answer's based on sex (ahem ::cough cough:: freud)

or 2) they want to cause the ire of women and will get a rise out of seeing people actually try and apply this mumbo jumbo . I bet they are guys who read Maxim and watch THe Man show on Comedy Central religiously.

Take it as a laugh, if anything. Although sex is an important factor in many of life's decisions (we are all animals), I believe guys like to be friends with attractive women, just like women like to be friends with men who are handsome.

If the brain skips all the other things, like style, intelligence, grace and morals, but automatically jumps to the decision of wanting to have sex with someone or not, that's a very narrow-minded way of looking at things


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Originally posted by somebitch

On Cuddle Bitches

Cuddle Bitches

cuddle bitch(n) - a guy who never gets to sleep with a girl but gets to have intimate moments with her like cuddling, spooning, or otherwise being affectionate. Usually this will occur in private. She probably considers him a really sweet guy, which is the kiss of death.

First off, cuddle bitches are bad, bad things to be. Maybe the worst thing to be. I mean, being an Intellectual Whore is bad, but being an Intellectual Whore who has to endure blue-balls is bordering on criminal.


oh man... thats the worst... lol...

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Originally posted by gmccookny

I've seen a bunch of web sites spring up like this by "god-knows-who, wanna-be-john gray" guys (john gray wrote that unforgettable novel Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

To me, it just seems that the people who come up with this are either: 1) frustrated men who want to sum up all of lifes answer's based on sex (ahem ::cough cough:: freud)

or 2) they want to cause the ire of women and will get a rise out of seeing people actually try and apply this mumbo jumbo . I bet they are guys who read Maxim and watch THe Man show on Comedy Central religiously.

Take it as a laugh, if anything. Although sex is an important factor in many of life's decisions (we are all animals), I believe guys like to be friends with attractive women, just like women like to be friends with men who are handsome.

If the brain skips all the other things, like style, intelligence, grace and morals, but automatically jumps to the decision of wanting to have sex with someone or not, that's a very narrow-minded way of looking at things


i'm with you on this one....to quote that site:

"Bitch -- 99.999% of women. "

translation: i'm just bitter cuz i get rejected a lot.

that's what that whole spiel sounds like to me.....some frustated dude who can't get laid.

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