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The one HUGEEEEEEEE Limelight question to be asked is..


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Hopefully he didn't take that out like he did the stage...that fuckin room is an artful masterpiece.

That whole fuckin CLUB WASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS an artful masterpiece.

Yea im very bitter.

The new Limelight just aint gonna ever be the fuckin same and there is no use going to check it out either.

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Originally posted by erica127

Is Limelight going to be all gay now? that's what one of my girls told me & she was always there back when it was open...She is very disppointed if it's true...Let me know if you can

your friend is exactlyyyyyyyyy right.

The guy who bought it from Peter Gaiten (yes the man in my sig..fuckin club mastermind genius) is a guy named John Blair..who usta run the sunday night fag parties at limelight called "DRAMA" (typical gay name right? right.)

So now...John Blair owns Limelight as well as a few gay bars in the city and he basically represent any and everything GAY.

Which more or less makes the "NEW" Limelight a flock haven for gays...rather than yer typical b&t crowd or straight crowd for that matter.

Not until those doors open will people realize how true this is..and that....the new renovations are makin this place look not at all like the old limelight...so any memories u have of old limelight...the stage ...the view of people from the balcony...the maze like walk to the bathroom and chill out room...CHERISH THOSE MEMORIES for they will be no more.

Now i don't have a problem with the gay community itself..i DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO have a problem when u got a gay guy owning and running the place and not being fair and catering to the straight people as well....

lol i bet jaysea is gonna come on this thread and tell me what a cunt i am...thats ok though...i will tell him what a cunt he is back.

fuckin fruity loop bastid.


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now when u said it'snot fair that he's not catering to the straight community..do u mean that people like me aren't allowed to really go there? cuz once again my girl told me that only gay people are allowed in & if that's true i think that's ridiculous..i don't have a problem at all with gay people, but if it's true it's discrimination...

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Originally posted by erica127

now when u said it'snot fair that he's not catering to the straight community..do u mean that people like me aren't allowed to really go there? cuz once again my girl told me that only gay people are allowed in & if that's true i think that's ridiculous..i don't have a problem at all with gay people, but if it's true it's discrimination...

what are they supposed to do? check your gay ID badge? :rolleyes: come on.. be yourself at vinyl used to be primarily a flaming party.. but go there now and its pretty well mixed. there's no way that straight people won't go there, whether a gay guy owns it or not. if the man wants to run a successful nightclub, he's not going to cater to only one crowd.

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Originally posted by erica127

now when u said it'snot fair that he's not catering to the straight community..do u mean that people like me aren't allowed to really go there? cuz once again my girl told me that only gay people are allowed in & if that's true i think that's ridiculous..i don't have a problem at all with gay people, but if it's true it's discrimination...

erica....bring that ho on over here i will set her straight with her Limelight rumors. :laugh:

nah but in all seriousness...i definitely doubt that "straight people are not gonna be allowed in" thats just plain dumb but hey...i totally could be wrong..but as eye surgery said.....what are they gonna do..check yer gay i.d. badge?

i belive bigpoppanils has one with a rainbow endorsement on it. :idea:

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Originally posted by lasix

what are they supposed to do? check your gay ID badge? :rolleyes: come on.. be yourself at vinyl used to be primarily a flaming party.. but go there now and its pretty well mixed. there's no way that straight people won't go there, whether a gay guy owns it or not. if the man wants to run a successful nightclub, he's not going to cater to only one crowd.

That's not entirely true. Of course straights will go there, but if it *is* going to be a gay party, it doesn't mean they will necessarily be able to get inside. If there are enough boys there on any given night- sucks for everyone else...

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gays have the best parties and the best music. i find it funny that gays made the whole house and tech scene possible in america yet straight folks hate on em. what can you do? whites hate blacks but their kids try to act like them...i guess acting like something u hate is a way of rebelling or something

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Well No Party was GAYER than Sound Factory Saturdays up untill 97, John Blair used to promote SF on saturday, It was an all Gay Party! Even when Jonathan Peters started their it was gay at first!

And No Limelight will not be ALL GAY!

t0nythelover is totally right on the comment he made!

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

gays have the best parties and the best music. i find it funny that gays made the whole house and tech scene possible in america yet straight folks hate on em. what can you do? whites hate blacks but their kids try to act like them...i guess acting like something u hate is a way of rebelling or something

It's ironic above all else... We don't wanna party with you, but hey, if it weren't for you we wouldn't be partying at all... :rolleyes: Of course they don't understand the irony b/c they're too damn ignorant... :blank:

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Well Quoth....you are so fucking Straight that it kills me!

but ill spill the cat AGAIN>.....

that's all i do on here, is talk shit, and tell everyone everything i know.....keeping a low profile......i shoulda been in the FBI......lol

But ok....this is what i know.....(Here we go again) LOL

REally sad....but all the rooms that were once in limelight are STILL THERE.....minus 1> is ALOT larger.and 1 is completly NEW,

The hallways seeme wider...and in some places......there not there......LOL its a different place...lol

the giger Room... (RIP)

is still there as a ROOM.....but everything inside of it.....was taken out.....and it is a NEW ROOM to a NEW Night club, GET ME?

so everythignt hat was once inside of it....was given back to Mr giger...(lol..mr giger) i will tell you the new rooms are facinating.....and still hold a spookyness to them


please everyone shut the fuck up its not 1994 anymore. its 2002

Shit changes......

there are magazines all ready Billing it as the New

night club masterpiece of our time.....

and you should see the talent lined up! for coming months!

and it will be a mixed club.......Sundays.....will be For the fag.s who started EVERYTHING IN YOUR CITY!!.....and sat will be about the sound's n friday u will prob see a resident.....or some long run Party move......Subliminal maybe?

So i spillt enought.....support it...NY needs a new room

Fucking little bitches......allready complaining....its 2 gay

if its to gay.........move the fuck out of NY

Cause hunny! NY IS GAY




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