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A shout out to the hottie at Exit Saturday night 11/02

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Ok, so there were a lot of hot guys there Saturday night, but I've got to send this message out to one in particular....

I don't think I got his name right....oh well. I had an awesome time glowsticking with him on the dance floor and the "stage." I haven't had a good dance partner in a while but his moves definitely made up for that.

Damn, he was sexy.

He had on a black sleeveless t-shirt with gray lettering, tinted glasses/sunglasses, had blue and green glowsticks....

Apparently he goes to Exit a lot so maybe he posts on this board....if you think you might be him and you danced with a girl in all black with long red hair, send me a message. It would be cool to talk to you again.

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dont pay attention to this guy up there...

babe i cant believe u didnt remember my name? wow..u liked my sleeveless right?? it was hot...its A/X....my tinted glasses were fresh too werent they? yeh im @ exit a lot...Tony Draper is the man but u know...i like to check out Junior once in a while...so..u know...HOLLA AT ME

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Originally posted by butterfleye

Ok, so there were a lot of hot guys there Saturday night, but I've got to send this message out to one in particular....

I don't think I got his name right....oh well. I had an awesome time glowsticking with him on the dance floor and the "stage." I haven't had a good dance partner in a while but his moves definitely made up for that.

Damn, he was sexy.

He had on a black sleeveless t-shirt with gray lettering, tinted glasses/sunglasses, had blue and green glowsticks....

Apparently he goes to Exit a lot so maybe he posts on this board....if you think you might be him and you danced with a girl in all black with long red hair, send me a message. It would be cool to talk to you again.

Sounds like Djfabioc rocked your world:aright:

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Originally posted by somebitch

:laugh2: she said glowsticking :cry::blown:

haha...yeah laugh at me because I didn't use the right term...

Most of my electronica/party/whatever experience has been in Atlanta....I only recently moved back up north. The music, the fashion, the dancing, in this case, the vernacular is a lot different.

Give me a break, I'm new here.

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Originally posted by butterfleye

haha...yeah laugh at me because I didn't use the right term...

Most of my electronica/party/whatever experience has been in Atlanta....I only recently moved back up north. The music, the fashion, the dancing, in this case, the vernacular is a lot different.

Give me a break, I'm new here.

What she meant butterfly................is that she has a soft spot in her heart for glowstick twirling candy ravers................there her favorite.:spin2:

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Originally posted by ou812

What she meant butterfly................is that she has a soft spot in her heart for glowstick twirling candy ravers................there her favorite.:spin2:

umm yeah. thanx for the wonderful clarification.

butterfly: just so you know ou812 is a sick glowsticker, he could definitely complement your moves... and he frequents at exit as well.. maybe it was him you met?? :confused:

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Sorry to have gotten all defensive...

He told me his name and I remember what I thought I heard but umm...I don't know if I heard him right or not because it's an uncommon name. I'm already being a cheeseball by posting this (I was really bored at work) so I'm a little bit apprehensive about describing him and being even more cheesy......

I plan to come up to Exit more often so maybe I'll see him again...or maybe I'll just find another hottie ;)

(I should have just slipped him my digits and I wouldn't have to do this! Hindsight is 20/20)

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Originally posted by butterfleye

I plan to come up to Exit more often so maybe I'll see him again...or maybe I'll just find another hottie ;)

you know what you definatly should come back to exit alot... and i would suggest not posting about exit on this site cuz everyone is a hater and if you say that you went there they automaticly think less of you...

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Originally posted by butterfleye

Ok, so there were a lot of hot guys there Saturday night, but I've got to send this message out to one in particular....

I don't think I got his name right....oh well. I had an awesome time glowsticking with him on the dance floor and the "stage." I haven't had a good dance partner in a while but his moves definitely made up for that.

Damn, he was sexy.

He had on a black sleeveless t-shirt with gray lettering, tinted glasses/sunglasses, had blue and green glowsticks....

Apparently he goes to Exit a lot so maybe he posts on this board....if you think you might be him and you danced with a girl in all black with long red hair, send me a message. It would be co

ol to talk to you again.

This has to be the funniest thing that I have read in a while. I think that

she just describe every single male who was in there.

This is what X does to you. Laughing my ass off..:laugh: You guys

were glowsticking. I must be getting old. Is this a new sex thing...:laugh:

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Originally posted by irenegade7

This has to be the funniest thing that I have read in a while. I think that

she just describe every single male who was in there.

This is what X does to you. Laughing my ass off..:laugh: You guys

were glowsticking.

Well, I hope flaming me made yourself feel better. It was just a silly post...there was no need for you to insult me by making assumptions and accusations.

I shouldn't have to defend myself but no, I wasn't on X, thankyouverymuch. Sue me if sometimes I like to use glowsticks when I dance and that I really liked dancing with this guy...we had the same style; we were a good match.

And I think you're giving the majority of guys at Exit (actually the majority of guys period) a little too much credit. I said this guy could dance....not flail around like a jackass.

I must be getting old. Is this a new sex thing...:laugh:

You're not old enough yet....you're getting old when you don't give a crap what other people think and you do your own thing while at the same time not dogging people for the things they like to do.

And yeah, it was kinda sexual...it takes talent to do what this guy did. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from him....

edit: it wasn't the glowsticks that were sexy :rolleyes: that horse is already dead...quit beating it. It was his moves, his attitude......

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Originally posted by butterfleye

And yeah, it was kinda sexual...it takes talent to do what this guy did. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from him....

Hmmmmmmm, glowsticks as a sex toy..........I never thought of that............could be fun in the dark.:blown:

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Originally posted by butterfleye

Well, I hope flaming me made yourself feel better. It was just a silly post...there was no need for you to insult me by making assumptions and accusations.

I shouldn't have to defend myself but no, I wasn't on X, thankyouverymuch. Sue me if sometimes I like to use glowsticks when I dance and that I really liked dancing with this guy...we had the same style; we were a good match.

And I think you're giving the majority of guys at Exit (actually the majority of guys period) a little too much credit. I said this guy could dance....not flail around like a jackass.

You're not old enough yet....you're getting old when you don't give a crap what other people think and you do your own thing while at the same time not dogging people for the things they like to do.

And yeah, it was kinda sexual...it takes talent to do what this guy did. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from him....

Welcome to CP. Heres some good advice: don't let the morons that post on this messageboard get to you.. ;):)

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Originally posted by girly

Welcome to CP. Heres some good advice: don't let the morons that post on this messageboard get to you.. ;):)

. . .Exactly . . I look back now and realize how much of an asshole I've been to noobs in the past . . .

Irenegade: I hate to break it to you, but you're not funny . . :) . . . :aright: . . .

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Thanks to those who tried to make me feel more welcome...I shouldn't have expected this messageboard to be any different from the messageboards in Philly and Atlanta that I've been a member of.....same shit, different board. There will always be those people who occupy their time by laughing at others because maybe they're too afraid to turn their cynical view point on themselves.

This post turned into something completely the opposite of what I intended and that's my fault. I guess I just shouldn't have posted it all. I chose not to post his name because I believe in a person's privacy. I used the vague details because if he happened to read this post; he might figure out that I was talking about him instead me giving descriptive details and letting everyone know who he is.

I guess I hoped he'd read this, realize it was him, and remember it if we ever saw each other again at Exit.

Can y'all stop laughing at me now? Thanks.

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