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Marijuana legalization in Nevada


What is your take on the possibility of Marijuana being made legal in Nevada?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your take on the possibility of Marijuana being made legal in Nevada?

    • Yes, I think Marijuana should be made legal, but only in Nevada
    • Yes, I think making it legal in Nevada is a good start for the rest of the States to get a shot a legalization as well
    • Marijuana should be used for medical purposes only
    • No, Marijuana should not be made legal under any circumstances
    • Undecided

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Alright guys...what do you think about the issue that Nevadans are voting on today...the legalization of marijuana:confused: :idea::confused:

According to articles:

"The crass grass debate is up in the air, not up in smoke. State law allows medicinal use of marijuana through a doctor. A new initiative would make private-personal ownership of 3 ounces of pot legal. "

"The group getting the idea on the next ballot says the initiative is to protect responsible pot smokers and punishing the irresponsible. It bans public use of pot and prohibits the sale to and use by minors."

"In order to amend our constitution, the initiative must pass through two general elections. So legalizing marijuana wouldn't happen until the year 2005."

"49% of those polled prior to Tuesday will vote for legalizing the possession of up to 3 ounces of marijuana. 45% will vote against it. And many are still on the fence."

so......what do u think? I mean it still has a long way to go from here...this is just voting for it to actually be considered for the next elections and the one after that for actual legalization, but let's say it passes...do u think Vegas will become the Amsterdam of the United States...or do you think it will be just the beginning of legalization in all states??? or on the flipside ...Do you think it should even pass???

bandit.gifLet the discussions begin!znaika.gif

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I think it should be legal....in fact most drugs should be legal..at first there would be lots of life's losses but because of all the drug abusers. Plus, I think this kind of measure would not only hurt the people at the beginning but greatly to the drug lords and drug dealers cuz for sure the price would go down.

There's lots to talk about on this cuz it's a complicated topic. Bring it on!!! :D


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"Presuming the new initiative passes twice, it would do several things. It would eliminate the threat of arrest for adults who are responsibly possessing and using small amounts of marijuana, up to three ounces. It would require state government to implement a system under which adults would be able to obtain marijuana through a legally regulated, controlled, and taxed market, as opposed to the criminal underground. It would allow seriously ill patients to obtain medical marijuana at low cost, and it would implement a series of common-sense restrictions and regulations targeting irresponsible behavior, such as driving dangerously while under the influence, selling to minors, etc. The idea is to have the law target behavior that’s irresponsible and harmful, and not waste police and law-enforcement time on arresting responsible adults."

See??? I think all of this can be a definite plus...not only in Nevada, but throughout the entire United States IMO. We'd make $ off of taxes on it (i'm sure it would be a tax similar to the on on cigarettes or something like that). Those people who really need it for medical reasons would have better access to it. People who use it like morons would get in trouble for it just like w/alcohol and officials wouldn't have to spend so much time and $ trying to crack down on it.

Now, the flipside to it is that pot is seen as a "gateway" drug to many people, not everyone sees it that way, but lots do. Do u think if its made legal that other drug usage %'s will go up? and if so...then what? crack down on those drugs/drug users and leave pot legal??

This could be tricky :rolleyes:

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:D :D :D This is such an improvement in society ideals i can't believe it, just accepting the idea of legaliczation(even minimal) to pass on the ballot is an imporvement in itself, it shows how times are changing and government is realizing that telling their lies isn't paying off much nowadays(D.A.R.E and all that BS)...

Ok, so, I hope other states take Nevada's example and start considering legalization an option. It is sad how many people are arrested on the US on charges of marijuana possession and dealing of samll amounts, i can't believe they treat someone whjo sells a dimebag to some guy in the street the same way they would treat a rapist, that's just wrong!

Now, the flipside to it is that pot is seen as a "gateway" drug. Do u think if its made legal that other drug usage %'s will go up? and if so...then what? crack down on those drugs/drug users and leave pot legal??

I don not agree that MJ is a gateway drug, well, not worse than alcohol or cigarrettes, now those are the real gateway drugs , and where are they now? possibly the 2 largest industries worldwide....why do you think MJ is legal? because of society's morals at the time or simply because some people would loose alot of money????

And to prove MJ doesn't have that domino effect as "gateway drug"(hate that reference) , just look at countries were decriminilazation has taken effect(Holland, Switzerland,BC,etc), avg. consumption of Hard drugs such as Coke, Crack, heroin, etc is MUCH LESS than here in the US...

Then comes the issue of the WAR ON DRUGS? Decriminilazation would definitely solve all the problems this so-called "Moralization" has brought...it seems the government doesn't want to stop this war either , why?? $$$$$$$:hat:

Peace and happy smokin'


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"Voters rejected a proposal to allow adults to possess up to 3 ounces of marijuana to smoke in private, but not in cars or in public. Question 9 sought to turn Nevada's once strictest marijuana laws in the nation into the most liberal. It failed 61 percent to 39 percent.

Until last year, possession of a single marijuana cigarette was a felony punishable by a year or more in prison. But after the state's voters approved the use of medical marijuana in 2000, the Legislature voted in 2001 to make possession of less than an ounce of marijuana a misdemeanor.

Bolstered by the moves, Nevadans for Responsible Law Enforcement, an offshoot of the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project, gathered nearly 75,000 signatures statewide to place Question 9 on the ballot and spent nearly two million dollars to pass it.

The proposal envisioned the state-sanctioned and regulated cultivation, distribution and taxation of marijuana through licensed smoke shops.

On Election Day, it went up in smoke. "

Oh well....It was worth the try :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by sunnyhost

WTF?!? Me???? yeah right buddy.....haven't done a damn thing in aaaages

oh please...i ate those "special" brownies that u sent me last Christmas...:drunk: ....cant believe u gave some to ur Grandma...:tongue:

btw people...Sunnyhost doesnt do drugs, but i like busting her chops

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Originally posted by sunnyhost


"Voters rejected a proposal to allow adults to possess up to 3 ounces of marijuana to smoke in private, but not in cars or in public. Question 9 sought to turn Nevada's once strictest marijuana laws in the nation into the most liberal. It failed 61 percent to 39 percent.

Until last year, possession of a single marijuana cigarette was a felony punishable by a year or more in prison. But after the state's voters approved the use of medical marijuana in 2000, the Legislature voted in 2001 to make possession of less than an ounce of marijuana a misdemeanor.

Bolstered by the moves, Nevadans for Responsible Law Enforcement, an offshoot of the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project, gathered nearly 75,000 signatures statewide to place Question 9 on the ballot and spent nearly two million dollars to pass it.

The proposal envisioned the state-sanctioned and regulated cultivation, distribution and taxation of marijuana through licensed smoke shops.

On Election Day, it went up in smoke. "

Oh well....It was worth the try :rolleyes:

:( ....Just more proof that potheads dont vote....

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I totally agree with the legalization of marijuana. When I did research for my speech, there showed no deaths due to marijuana, except the consumption of it (brownies). Smoking has brought many of my friends & i closer together, and even my parents. I don't smoke with my parents that often, but when I do we bond & just talk about everything and it's the best thing in the world.

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