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WTF is up with LEVEL? GA is gone..


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with every one talking about GA going to NYC what is this club doing?? This place never has any thing planned, no guest DJ's, no promotions....nothing.:confused:

I think they should chang there name to What Ever.

You walk up to the door and ask who is playing? "UMM some blow up doll with a cd playing UMM what ever we don't know".

I think Jerry Kelly should get his head out of the white sack of goodies.:confused:

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Well, George is a busy boy these days, he goes on tour a lot. We consider him old hat, and to Miami, he is...but to the rest of the country, GA is probably the best thing since sliced bread. Not to critcize him, I give GA a lot of credit for helping to bring the Miami scene to a national level, but to the Miami scene itself, he is fairly 'common' nowadays. But mention his name in Denver, CO, and watch the clubbing masses there drool.

I'll second that, FX has me :eek: listening to some breaks stuff outside of a club environment now...

Ariel needs more exposure too, he suffers from 'underrated local syndrome', a fate that is too common unfortunately. I'll show up at Level early just to hear him play, check out FX for a bit, then off to Space for my Oscar/guest DJ/Roland dose.

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well if anyone went inside level last saturday, you would have found all the people who were NOT at space. capacity at level with a few hundred in line at 2am, with eddie g spinning. and one thing u can always count on, george will bring a crowd time and time again, he makes miami look good to the rest of the world whether you like level or not :2guns:

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Originally posted by Shadowz

well if anyone went inside level last saturday, you would have found all the people who were NOT at space. capacity at level with a few hundred in line at 2am, with eddie g spinning. and one thing u can always count on, george will bring a crowd time and time again, he makes miami look good to the rest of the world whether you like level or not :2guns:

i dont know about that...i have been to level and the attendance is down, BIG TIME!!! the only time i have seen Level "filled to capacity" (as u stated) was when it was Dj Scot Project...even for Dj Wag level was empty...pretty pathetic if u ask me, cuz Dj Wag is a top notch Remix/Producer/Dj (not much into Trance anymore, but i give credit where credit is due)....Acosta has a following ur right, but not enough to hold level's head above water....:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Shadowz

well if anyone went inside level last saturday, you would have found all the people who were NOT at space. capacity at level with a few hundred in line at 2am, with eddie g spinning. and one thing u can always count on, george will bring a crowd time and time again, he makes miami look good to the rest of the world whether you like level or not :2guns:

blah blah blah

same old shit

is there a new resident DJ planned?

is there ever going to be a decent guest DJ there?

eddie g isn't this the clown that was making fun of OG calling him ugly and shit.:blown: :blown::confused:

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Originally posted by Shadowz

well if anyone went inside level last saturday, you would have found all the people who were NOT at space. capacity at level with a few hundred in line at 2am, with eddie g spinning.

was Eddie G there with his soilders? are you one of his soilders? :blank:

get the fuck outta here with that shit - seriously. We've heard enough bantar on this board from his camp

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yeah, mrmatas, i hear you about that, it was not packed for wag, but the busiest nights are the 'regular' nights with acosta or eddie g- last saturday, for george's bday (slammed and VIP for the most part sold out in the main room even with tiesto at space/LP's bday), etc. it has stayed pretty busy there all summer at least on saturdays. really the only place to go for something other than house to dance your ass off to. trance is still alive in miami...:2guns:

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i will say this. i think gerry kelly is a great club owner, when it comes to club issues and decorations and typical south beach nightlife. but when it comes to music, its just not there. i remember at the Bliss party in July, someone went up to him and asked "hey, who's spinning right now?". he was like, HUH??Who?

it was only parks & wilson on the decks. they really need some guest dj's in there. people will and have gotten bored of george acosta and eddie g. week in and out. i love both trance and house just as equally, but george acosta is just totally played out,

(same songs every week), and the 2 times ive heard eddie g, i felt like :blown: . Eddie G SUX......

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Saleen, I hate to stomp on your post, I mean you no ill will, but they cannot convert Level into a hotel, it's a protected landmark. Not Level itself per se, but the structure....1235 Washington has been an entertainment building for 70+ years, and will always be that...well until some B.I.G. wannabe drunkenly plows his Excursion into a support beam and down it goes...

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