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does anyone use sprint for their cell phone?

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I have sprint... There service in Brooklyn and manhattan is really good... Staten Island and NJ are SO SO... I dont know about any where else... I would choose Verizon over sprint... The only reason I have sprint is because I have a demo line cause my friend works for a cell phone company... So Unlimited minutes for $15.00 I could not go wrong...

Another thing about sprint that sucks... If you are a day late with payment... They want to shut you off... But on another note any one reguardless of there credit can get a cell phone...

Any other questions...

P.S. Sprint has alot of minutes for your money...

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i used to have sprint for like 3 years & i thought they were great. i would be able to get them to reduce my bill to basically nothing just by calling and saying that i dont understand how it got up to 200$ and its usually only 30... nights start at 7 instead of 9 which is great too. the negatives are, shitty service in some areas, and the people who work there are assholes. i switched to verizon after a confrontation with a bitch on the phone. sprint sent me a coupon for 200$ worth of services but i had already picked up my new verizon motorola 60 something and was set. now i pay a little more & cant fanagle bills to nothing but i have better service & dont have to deal with the assholes at sprint. + the service in my home with sprint was basically nonexistent with verizon it is good. :D

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Ive had sprint for 3 years and dont really have anything to complain about. I live in the bronx and work in manhattan and always have service. Service in NJ and SI is sometimes lacking though but not bad. Right now my plan is for 300 day time and unlimited nights/weekends for $30, cant complain. I do hear that verizon is better but idk ive never used them.

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Yes i have it and no i would not recommend that you get it. My service sucks. My phone doesn't ring anymore ( and i have a new phone), i get vm's and i dont get them til hours later, their customer service ppl are complete morons. I get practically no service in NJ and LI. My phone roams constantly. Calls drop all the time....its a f-in nightmare. :bigfinge:

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i dont understand how everyone hates them so much. when i had sprint, i had zero problems & it was dirt cheap. i never went over my minutes, nights start @ 7pm, and their voicemail system is so much better than verizons.. sometimes i miss having sprint, my phone was so easy to use, voicemail tells u exactly what time the call came in and from what #, with verizon you have to press like 3 buttons to find out the # someone called from, i practically drive off the road 2x a day now :laugh:

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used to have sprint now on verizon

sprint cust. service definitely blows. expect shit like this:

when you call up for any kind of adjustment the first line person can never help you or can't do anything b/c of the system. then you ask for a manager thinking that they can do something. after waiting for 30 min. the manager will come over and disconnect you, seriously. then you're super pissed but do you really want to waste another hour getting dicked around

verizon cust service

hi, when i signed up for my phone the guy said he was going to give me a $20 service credit b/c he screwed something up. I never got the credit, can you credit my bill. Yeah, sure ... done

confirming other sprint stuff ppl said

dropped calls and no service in certain parts of manh.

spotty coverage outside nyc area

late voice mails

nights/wknds start at 9 now as with vz

its not worth the $5 to $10 you may be saving though, the only thing that is better than vz is their website.

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Originally posted by elementx


this is true

my night and weekends start at 8 for sprint(everyone has diffrent plans) the new ones start at 9.

Sprint is ok, much better since i first had it, but still not as good as verizon

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this shit fuckin sucks.....i got a N400 phone and when someone calls me from a cell phone that isnt sprint the number wont show up on my caller id....they said theres nothing they can do because the other providers blocked their numbers or something stupid but i dont know other people with sprint that have this problem so why just me? :mad:

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Originally posted by elementx


And yes nights start at 9PM not 7PM...

OH mine only started at 7 because i was not on contract and my plan was 3 years old. i should have kept that plan, i was actually under the impression that it was a sprint thing & nights just started at 7pm!!! :tongue:
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Originally posted by echostar

this shit fuckin sucks.....i got a N400 phone and when someone calls me from a cell phone that isnt sprint the number wont show up on my caller id....they said theres nothing they can do because the other providers blocked their numbers or something stupid but i dont know other people with sprint that have this problem so why just me? :mad:

when i first started with sprint, it happened ALL the time:mad: (only with people with verizon calling) they told me the same thing. Eventually though, the numbers started to show up.

but i know what you are saying its so annoying not knowing who is calling you

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Originally posted by incredulous

when i first started with sprint, it happened ALL the time:mad: (only with people with verizon calling) they told me the same thing. Eventually though, the numbers started to show up.

but i know what you are saying its so annoying not knowing who is calling you

so youre saying it will fix itself eventually and i should hold onto the phone? cuz if its not gonna fix im returning it

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Does anyone have the New Samsung A500.....its the really really nice looking silver flip one, thats like 299?$

im getting it later today, cause right now i have tha stupid one that lights up all blue......and i HATE IT.....its to bulky...and its blue, i hate the color blue, i dont know what iwas smoking when i got it, it was cheap, and the guy said it was a Very good phone....

but it sucks!...so im going with the expensive one...

anyone got it?

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I am getting the same phone at the end of the week. You can also hook the digital camera up to it... I would contact sprint before you get it. Because they are offering the camera for free when you purchase the phone... Unfortunately I have to pay for the camera because a friend of mine is gettin me the phone FREE OF CHARGE I guess it is better to pay $50.00 for the camera instead of $300.00 for the phone... :) :) Good to know people in the cellular business...

Anyway the phone is really nice... I definately recommend...



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