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Club Maze, Does it stand up to the hype?


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With conference right arround the corner, Our local club scene is now begining to get its ass in gear. Venues are getting ready for their much needed exposure thats sure to come in march. With 2002 nearly over, clubs are being forced to pick up the slack they left behind the previous year with emergence of the new-er, big-er, more advanced super club. With the new Club Space opening date set for february (almost a third bigger than its predecessor), its becoming apparent that club owners are trying to pull water from a well that is not only not big enough, but one that which has also been tapped out dry. Forcasts say 2003 will be the year for music, but will the crowds be big enough to support the growing number of super clubs? That being said, i think its time to start filtering out next years possible survivors. With the Growing situation at Crobar, its becoming apparent that they might not make the cut. Now. im not saying their going to close, and im also not saying their doing bad, What i am saying is that they arent being creative as they can be and should be, lets keep in mind that they do have the greatest location on the beach their just not pushing the envelope. Then we have level who just lost acosta and picked up Padilla who from i have been told isent bringing in the crowds. Now I've been to level once (Strykes live PA) and unfourtunatly levels greatest advantage is also their worst problem: Size. Its too damn big, however you must admit, it is a beautiful place. its just hard to get people in there.

Now, aside from the big places like Crobar and Level doing bad, you have little more intimate places like lola shutting down because of bad buisness. Failed projects like Big Dj little club which where briliant ideas but were serving crowds of 10 or 20 or 30 people at times even though there seems to be a surge of good buisness in little places. But now what about these super clubs? who will be fighting for that last bit of water in the well, and more importantly...who will get it? I had a chance to check out Maze last night for Noel Sanger. He played an amazing set for about 10 people. The upstairs room was doing rather well about 200 or so people which means at any given time there was about 230 people in a club built for 6,000. What a beautiful place. very big. The staff were extraordinarily nice something im not really used to on the beach. At first i didnt think the sound system was all that, I walked arround and took my pictures checked out the people bought a few drinks (water and redbull for me) which were surprisingly cheap. After a while of just hanging out and socializing i decided to pry myself from the dj area and head downstairs and soak up some of the freaquencies see what all the hype is about. My god. So clear. It thumped, but didnt rattle. You could stand half an inch away from the speaker (which i did) and not blow out your ear. That whole night the only thing that botherd me (aside from their being 10 people to see sanger) Was that it took me 30 min to find parking, later i found out that the club was providing some 250 spaces at 5 dollars a pop, 10 bucks for valet...not to shabby. They have the right idea, Big club little soul. So This leaves us with the new Space. Opening day is just arround the corner and from what i hear its going to be a sight to see. Dont have any numbers on it yet but i expect it will be amazing. Luis has thrown a ridiculous amount of money into his new creation but will it be enought to snag the ever evaporating crowd of club go-ers. We'll see what happens in march.

My $3.50


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True, that's always been Level's problem...it's a nice place, but it's so hard to get anyone to go there. They have a hip-hop night 4 or 5 nights a week, and it sours their reputation...even on their non-hip-hop night, they've got 2 rooms of it (blue room and boiler room...) and sometimes a third in Level Six. So, without the draw of Acosta, they're dead in the water right now. They've got a lot of work to do.

crobar seemed to be the only club that did well on the beach. Don't get me wrong, the masses still showed up on any given Friday or Saturday night. It's because the majority of crobar's customers don't give a shit about the DJ or the music, they are attending because it's crobar and they want to be seen there. They consider it an honor to be insulted by Fabrizio and forced to wait 20 minutes to get in. crobar did have good DJs up until September...then the Space/Spin team got a hold of Burridge, Lawler, and now Sander K. I can forsee Satoshii and James Z. following suit. crobar may just revert to being what it was when it opened, a glitzy destination with mediocre talent at best. A few gems still show up, but I can see them moving on to other locations. I doubt crobar will close in 2003, but they're gonna have to work hard to get me to go back on a regular basis again.

Space more than likely will continue to be the dominant club in Miami for 2003. Let me go out on a limb and say they're the top club in the country right now in terms of attendance, DJs, and so forth. Don't bitch at me because they don't bring some B-level DJ from New York...I'm just stating the obvious here. Space is the top club in the US right now, despite what Mixer, Urb and BPM have to say (they awarded their top club awards to some rathole in LA and Centro-Fly in NYC...) about it. The new venue will be fantastic, and people will show up. The capacity is similar, so if they can fill Space I, they can fill Space II. Spin will just be a little brother to Space, and do as well as they did in '02, which ain't bad. I personally can't wait for the new club...it's gonna be amazing for sure.

Maze, the wildcard. Maze is a beautiful club..I love to shoot there, and I'll be stopping in for New Years for sure...so watch out mazegirl! Tony, the place does not hold 6,000 people. Level doesn't hold 6,000 people, and they're twice the size. Maze is rated for 1,500 people max if I'm not mistaken. They're having a bit of a rough start, but with some new promotions in the works, I can see them getting the crowds in the new year. A few CP favorites will be showing up, too.

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Originally posted by pod

crobar seemed to be the only club that did well on the beach. Don't get me wrong, the masses still showed up on any given Friday or Saturday night. It's because the majority of crobar's customers don't give a shit about the DJ or the music, they are attending because it's crobar and they want to be seen there. They consider it an honor to be insulted by Fabrizio and forced to wait 20 minutes to get in. crobar did have good DJs up until September...then the Space/Spin team got a hold of Burridge, Lawler, and now Sander K. I can forsee Satoshii and James Z. following suit. crobar may just revert to being what it was when it opened, a glitzy destination with mediocre talent at best. A few gems still show up, but I can see them moving on to other locations. I doubt crobar will close in 2003, but they're gonna have to work hard to get me to go back on a regular basis again.

Maze, the wildcard. Maze is a beautiful club..I love to shoot there, and I'll be stopping in for New Years for sure...so watch out mazegirl! Tony, the place does not hold 6,000 people. Level doesn't hold 6,000 people, and they're twice the size. Maze is rated for 1,500 people max if I'm not mistaken. They're having a bit of a rough start, but with some new promotions in the works, I can see them getting the crowds in the new year. A few CP favorites will be showing up, too.

Maze, indeed is a beautiful venue....loved the sound...super clear, best in the beach!! the lights system is cool too.. the staff seems very attentive but no crowd :( but I am sure that in time Maze will be one of the crowd's favorites and I know I will be coming back for sure.

About Crobar, I left Maze around 2:15am and headed to Crobar...smooth entrance as always, I am the one who calls Fabrizio names :D ....I kinda miss Chantille, prettiest door girl I've ever met. Ok, Pete Tong was there , club was full but not packed packed.. the music was really good and the crowd went nuts when Tong dropped a mix of Plantet Funk's "Chase the Sun" with Layo and Bushwacka's "Love Story". Only stayed there with my "out of town" friends till 3:30 but Crobar was still full and people were having a lot of fun. It reminded of the good ol' days. Oh well!..let's see what happens with them. Still my favorite club. :D

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Last night was my first night there and it was love at first sight! What an incredibly beautiful venue, seriously, I just walked around the place and looked at the details...the main room's Dj booth has got to be a Dj's dream, the layout of the decks and the moving space inside of it looked very comfortable, it must be a pleasure to spin there...the Funktion-One speakers at the main room downstairs deliver a signal so crystal clear it's ridiculous...while it's blasting, you can stand right next to it and have a conversation with someone, it's a mistery the technology of those babies...those speakers do not rattle a bit and let you enjoy the music the way it's meant to be heard...nice! ( # 1 reason for me to like this club, their speakers are amazing )

I can't wait to see that dancefloor full of jumping people, hopefully it'll happen soon...this place it's ready for any large event, no sweat.

After looking around for about twenty minutes, I went to the "little room upstairs" which turned out to be not so "little" and not so "room"...it's basically a club within a club...very comfortable and perfect for Mono and Duque...it was pretty amazing to see how the room matched perfectly the unique vibe of Phat Music Sessions...the right size, great sound and very comfortable to hang out...it's like a playground, I was going around the place talking to people, all very nice, everyone was having a great time. The music was right-on, I dance my ass off and was pretty impressed with the femenine element there, beautiful girls all over the place.

It was really cool to hang out with the CP crew, nice people.

If this is a sign of things to come for Maze and PMS for 2003, I'm there and I'm happy, what I saw last night and the fun I had it's exactly what I look for when I go out, I went back home with a huge smile on my face.

Thanks again to Marco, Mazegirl, Cris and Mono.


Funk :cool:

ps. I'm ready for my next Phat Music Session! :aright:

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heres the thing

maze definitly is the sickest venur around right now..

clubbing is a business

and with all businesses u gotta short hand ur competition..

for all u people who think ohh space has this dj now and crobar dont..

well money talks and djs are going where ever they have work they dont care for a loyalty to a club..

i went to maze last night and hung around for a few hours loved every min of it..not many people but i really didnt mind it was a great atmosphere.

then at like 3:30 went to do my normal hops skips n jumps to different spots..

now about wmc well its all about parties and the promoters..

keep in mind that the majority of the people will NOT be regulars to the scene so i doubt they would wanna see a normal miami party..

regular nights its not about a big dj..

big djs dont pull crowds like u think

only after a club has recieved recognition can big djs pull people..

proper street promotion is needed.

magazine ads,newspapers all that good stuff

where ever u see a crobar or space flyer

take it down put a maze flyer

but most of all whats gonna establish a club is the people who go there if they are content with what u have for them they will keep coming back for more..

after all people follow word of mouth better then if they see a flyer somewhere.

dont let staff get to cocky and bitchy cause remember clubbers pay ur salary..

i know for one thing if a club has assholes at the door or inside i will not return to that club.

anyway thats a lil info/tips or whatever u call it on marketing a club.

cant say anymore and let all my secrets out the bag cause then clubs wouldnt need me for help hahaha

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i agree w/ what's been posted above for the most part. in my opinion level has never been a major player in drawing the crowd that crobar/space/spin and now maze are targeting. i have never really liked level, in the few years it's been open i have only had reason to go there a few times. so if they closed or remained a hip hop dominated club, i could care less really. i have never taken that venue seriously.

space/spin have indeed pulled in the big dj's and with them the big #'s. they have a sound to the venue and with that sound they have the correct dj's for the most part as residents. their dealings w/ the bullitt roster have built them a solid reputation although most of the dj's on that roster are very "tenaglia" ish. nothing wrong with that. it works for them. i have to give biz some major props with the things he's doing w/ lunar sessions. it's really the only original thing that space has going that differs from the norm miami tried and true. spin is a venue that is nice, but i just don't believe in the place. it's bee associated w/ the VIP crowd for too many years under other management and names. that whole block has in fact. plus the whole place just comes off as space on the beach.... only not as good. the place looks like everytime something at space breaks, they just pull out a replacement from spin and drive it over the causeway. they keep it open just to keep it open... to say they have something open on southbeach. and what is up w/ the huge pictures of dj's such as john digweed... he's never even played spin? i'm curious to see the new space. i just hope (and doubt) they have learned from past mistakes how to treat patrons. i'm sure the new system will rock. i remember when space first opened how good it sounded. they added some sound to fill the middle of the room and it just killed it for me. now it's too loud. the last few times i've been there, the sound has been horrific. they push that system way to hard. louder does not = a better vibe. trust me.

crobar... this just makes me sad. i used to have so much fun in there. they used to bring so many good dj's. but recently the place has just become commercial crap. i know it sells, looks good on paper and in the bank... so good for them. but it really is a shame. in my opinion, crobar should just sell itself for what it has become. a cheesy tourist destination. the only night they have going that i semi regularly attend is back door bamby. still loads of fun in there! crobar should stick to pete tong, get fat boy slim and they'll do fine. stop bringing dj's like josh wink and let somebody like maze do that sound.

now for maze. this place has the highest potential of any place down here in years. the sound is by far the best in miami, possibly best in the country. unfortunately politics seem to come in to play for this venue. it's a catch-22 for them. all the big draw dj's down here are loyal to other promoters and/or venues, yet the club is so big it's almost impossible for them to build anything new. it's gonna take a lot of hard work to make this venue work to the general clubber. they have all the pieces in place and a phenominal staff. they know how to treat their customers. but over and over again i hear those exact same words. "really great place, sound, staff" etc... now it's just a matter of getting the talent in there to keep those people that are so impressed w/ the venue coming back every friday. saturday will do well no matter what in my opinion. if maze sticks by it's guns they will succed. last night was a really good night upstairs. that is a MAJOR start in the right direction for them.

all in all, the clubs really need to stop working agaist each other so much. it just stiffles the scene. politics suck the life right out of it.

if i ran all these clubs this is what i'd do.... leave level as hip hop. close spin altogether. move that trance night from spin over to space w/ george and edgar bring in the big trance dj's on the roster like PVD and tiesto once in a while. keep oscar on and add stryke to saturday nights then rotate in the "outside residents" a couple times a month on saturdays. crobar, i'd leave as is. commercial. all nights would stay the same. maze, i'd throw as much money as i could to hire carmel. bring in big dj's a couple fridays a month. add to that 2 more local residents (ahem austin leeds and jon cowan ahem cough) . do a monthly PMS style party and leave saturdays as they are.


hip hop


trance fridays acosta, edgar, PVD, tiesto.

tribal house/techno saturdays oscar, stryke, tenaglia, lawler, deep dish, carl cox etc...


commercial fridays and saturdays. tong, fat boy slim, robbie riveria, jules etc


progressive fridays digweed, sasha, (give space $$ for howells) burridge, sander etc.

circuit house saturdays calderone, ruhauffer, monty q etc.

everybody wins. but hey... it's not a perfect world is it? ;)

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what do girls really like to hear?


I have been keeping an eye on the board these past couple of days as I have an interest at the moment with what has been going on at Maze recently and of course how the Phat Music Sesssions went last night which judging by initial reports went as well as it could have gone which is a start in the RIGHT direction this is the most important step and a positive one too

a project like this is going to take a lot of time and things as corny as it will sound need to grow organicly, week by week, month by month - this has been the ethos of Deeper Substance here in London and it has so far with all the hard slog gone into it, worked and worked well

Now the aim is to bring that spirit and ethos to a global stage and last month at Reserved was a massive step in hopefully showing Miami this can be possible and possible with help from the bigger players.

The next night on the 24th will see Deeper Substance back in Miami this time at Maze and I will be looking to carry through with Marco, with Alejandro and Mono and Chris that same ethos and drive to push things forward and grow WITH Maze.

I have heard some pretty stonking reviews about the club structure wise but as someone pointed out earlier, there is a lot of work needed in terms of promotion but with REGULAR fixtures like I hope DS can be at Maze, this will lead to a loyal following in time, comfortable in their surroundings and the quality of diverse music on show that will happen on the night.

What Biz is doing at Space is awesome with the Lunar Sessions and there needs to be more people like Biz with the balls and the connections to do just that. On top of that he is an ace bloke as well

I personally am relishing the challenge and urge all you guys as well to do your bit to make that next postive step for Miami.

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You are completely right about Level. That space you used to be the best back in the day when it was Paragon. The reason being, Paragon was opened three nights, and each night was different. Rave,Techno,House, and Hip Hop. Every night it was different. There are so many talent dj's swinging through South Beach and none of them land in Level. Not to mention 2 or 3 VIP areas are great, but when you have 8 and one of them takes out that beutiful runway stage, that is just plain stupid.

Maze, is a hot space, I have good feelings about that place. The Sound and lights alone make it.

Crobar is always going to be near the top of my list. I have never had a complaint about them. :cool:

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You're all missing the most important thing...

I went to Maze last night and I agree with all of you that the club is a perfect "music" venue and has the potential to be "Twiloesque".

That said, THEY'RE INVISIBLE to all but a few dedicated music heads. This is a town with a long history of great places, (clubs, bars, restaurants), that have dropped into the wastebin because they didn't get it. This market responds to hype...period. I met with the Maze people a month before their opening and gave them my opinion on what they were doing. They didn'y buy it then...maybe they do now.

Advertising is a waste of time on its own. Take that money and hire some local promoter with a good reputation and let them create a buzz. When we opened Shadow, the first thing we did was hire Gerry Kelly. Why? Because he was a very well known promoter and by taking him away from where he was caused a buzz on the street. On opening night we had almost 4000 people show up. No big DJ...no advertising...nothing.

Every weekend that goes by with the room empty is only making it harder to fix the problem. Did you ever notice how the attendence at a Dolphin game is directly related to the team's record? The same applies to the club market. Everybody wants to hang out with a winner.

I was at Crobar last night for a while. The vibe was fun as it always is. Half the crowd didn't even know that Tong was playing. The ones who did, loved him...the ones who didn't, loved the party. The point is that they have what most of you consider an inferior product, yet they have a successful business.

I was at Opium/Prive for a couple of hours. Ariel Baund was amazing in the main room. The place was packed. Very fun vibe. Again, you guys slag off Opium, but they have a very successful operation.

I can tell you from experience that they have to make a move now. I have spoken to several people in Europe with regards to WMC and their plans to have a party and every one of them has asked me about Maze as a possible choice of a venue...they also have all said, "I hear it's a wicked venue, but a total fucking failure". Not exactly the sort of hype they want. The stench of failure is hard to wash off.

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I've been reading some of your post and found them all very interesting, even though I don't necessarily agree with everyone, I have found very interesting points are being brought forward.

It's no secret that to build a good following for Maze is going to take bringing in the talent and relying on good promoters.

A very interesting detail about Maze is that it has been built by people who know what they are doing and can afford the best of the best...everywhere you turn, there's a $10,000 piece of equipment gazing at you...this is not your masking-tape put together cables all over the place nasty crap that I personally have noticed in lots of clubs (I can't say all - will not generalize either) it's just very nicely put together.

I think it's too soon to asess the success or failure of Maze, it has only been opened for a month...let WMC come around and throw some momentum into the equation...the more people see this place, the more the place is going to build a following...I know I'm hooked and I'm going to be there to see it grow.

As for some clubs...re-invest the money you make on up-grading and up-dating your systems and equipment...it takes a club with a killer sound system such as Maze to come around to reveal what crap of sound some clubs out there are flying with...I'm not just criticizing for the sakes of criticizing...I'm trying to be as honest as I can be...I go to clubs for the music and the people...I rather hear my music crystal clear...and as far as the people goes...hum...it's only a matter of time before the place is packed from wall to wall.


Funk :cool:

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Originally posted by ogmiami

I was at Crobar last night for a while. The vibe was fun as it always is. Half the crowd didn't even know that Tong was playing. The ones who did, loved him...the ones who didn't, loved the party. The point is that they have what most of you consider an inferior product, yet they have a successful business.

I was at Opium/Prive for a couple of hours. Ariel Baund was amazing in the main room. The place was packed. Very fun vibe. Again, you guys slag off Opium, but they have a very successful operation.

I can tell you from experience that they have to make a move now. I have spoken to several people in Europe with regards to WMC and their plans to have a party and every one of them has asked me about Maze as a possible choice of a venue...they also have all said, "I hear it's a wicked venue, but a total fucking failure". Not exactly the sort of hype they want. The stench of failure is hard to wash off.

True!, I was at Maze and Crobar last night and Crobar had a really nice party going on. Like you said, it's all about the hype to get the people to go to Maze.

I went to Mynt on Thursday and you couldn't even walk inside, and the music was shitty yet they are doing very well. Something to think about...

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Originally posted by james954

all in all, the clubs really need to stop working agaist each other so much. it just stiffles the scene. politics suck the life right out of it.

that's why I havent seen a progression. It's completely stagnant.

Originally posted by ogmiami

This market responds to hype...period.

unfortunate, but it's a fact...

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I think that having a 'mini-party' in the upstairs room is a great idea for Maze. Keeping it a little off the commercial side will eventually bring a strong following if the parties are promoted properly. For quite some time now, people that used to go out 3 or 4 times a week stay home or chill at a friend's because there's better music- or at least a more consistent vibe. Good weekly parties that create a buzz and a community are made through consistency. Being able to know that on any given week, a clubber can drop by said party and be guaranteed good tunes in their slightly-specific genre is KEY. Residents that constantly change up their records [keeping a few cheaters] but keep the same vibe- and then bringing in a suprise guest/headliner once a month...

Maze should capitalize on all the things it has going for them. Making people want to be there because of : the GREAT system, keen aesthetics, and great vibe... through flyers and the internet [speaking of which- fix the damn website to something slightly less pathetic, emphasizing the notion of upper echelon club that they represent...] they should interest clubbers by making it a place to be seen, a place to people watch, to shake their ass, get a great martini, and see better talent... to make people want to actually get in their cars and DRIVE there. And to help others see where their efforts are lacking- which is good for the scene's diversity.

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Originally posted by andrewthomas

progressive for maze??

never it will go down the same street all the other fallen clubs who tried to bring in djs like that.

heres some trivia for u guys

since i can see maze having the hottest girls in all florida.

what type of music do girls like best?

fallen clubs that built the foudation of the scene as it is today.... groovejet, shadow lounge and crobar all built their reputations bringing in the likes of dave seaman, sasha, john digweed, nick warren, steve lawler... all progressive dj's. and with those dj's comes hype. i agree 100% w/ dade. hype sells 95% of the people that go out. sasha pulled several thousand out on a monday night. real failure there. just out of curiosity andrew, how long have you lived in south florida and how long ago did you get into the clubbing industry?

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i been living in florida for 2 years and been vacationing here for like 5 years since my family lived here for 7 years..

and honestly the only time i though south beach was pumpin to the max was when my cousin chris had his club liquid going on.

i think its the whole scene then went to shit down here cause back then everything was care free.

and now all everything is drama.

and its never about the music here its about trends

and i repeat

why progressive?

cause every club in town had these djs already

theres billions of djs out there that have never came to miami yet..

i dont see why noone gets them in..

or should i say

who has the pull to get them in???

oh and by the way groovejet,shadow not failures? ofcoarse they were why aint they around now?

crobars next to go

go to NY and see the clubs there that been open for like 10 years already thats success

maybe they were successful for a short time but why not for the long haul?

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andrew bro, don't take this personally.... but there are a LOT of factors that go into the club industry that i'm affraid you just don't grasp. if liquid is your basis of success, and putting to you the same way round about shadow and groovejet... if liquid was such a success where is it today? things change. people want new venues. plus, if you figure in the cost of many of the dj's that shadow and groovejet brought down you'd realise it isn't easy to have a smaller venue and deal with over inflated dj prices. just cause a club eventually closes it's doors does not equate to failure. economics change, crowds change etc. maze has the size and capitol to bring in talent that groovejet and shadow could no longer afford and crobar is just unwilling to pay.

why progressive? it works. it's underground enough that it apeals to the music heads. it's accessable enough that it can be sold to the masses. the dj's have enough hype and music sales, cd's other international reputations that you can have something to sell them on. it's a genere that has worked well in the past down here. i agree that it isn't what it once was, but it still works. again, if it didn't... why did several thousand show up to crobar on a monday night... outside of season no less. to see sasha?

andrew, i have lived in miami for 13 years, i have been clubbing for for close to 16, and i have been following one form of dance music or another since the mid 80's. not trying to toot my horn here, but having knowledge and experience is a lot more than having an opinion. explain to my why you feel your thought and ideas would work in miami. please don't resort to "miami sucks" or "and its never about the music here its about trends". give me a solid educated point of view. trends are followed globally. at any given time at any given club in the united states you will find a MUCH larger % of "cluless" people in a club. please back up your thoughts and tell me why a club should book some of the talent you want to hear? what will sell it? why should somebody come see/hear these dj's? don't give me the "things are better in NYC" argument. you are not in NYC. you have to deal w/ what you have. besides, i know for fact the venues up there are hurting as much or more than the venues here. the population of that area is 5-6 times that of miami/ft laud/west palm... there is obviously no shortage of people to put in venues there.

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all i have to say is

u think ur know everything

go get a job doing something bout it.

i never said liquid was a big success but it was at the time till other problems arroused out of the club scene..

things had to be closed and that was that.

crobar cant handle several thousand people..

i think ur trying to make an arguement out of it cause u just wanna try n prove a point or something..

im just saying theres a million other djs that can draw a huge crown without having to bring in SASHA or all the same talant thats normaly comes threw..

and if u can get a party jumpin without having to resort in djs like sasha well then u have something great there and honestly people will respect that more..

do u really wanna have to bring in a gues dj just to pack the place?

cause thats pretty much what ur saying, so if a club booked sasha one night ok place is a mob scene what happens the week after?

cause u gotta have something in store for those people cause they are gonna be expecting something great.

if u knew so much ude know u have to work on regular nights first and when it comes time u get a guest dj.

good resident djs are hard to find very true but there out there.

and some djs might be good enough for a residency but they just dont have the knowladge of how to work a weekly residency.

just like the majority of the djs here be playing the tracks out week after week just killin songs and then they still play them.

key for a resident dj is to try NOT to play the same tracks every week and to change up the styles through the night.

the djs they had upstairs in maze were actully really good.

i was very pleased by them.

didnt play any commercial joints or big hits but yet they has sickk groovey music.

something like that ide go back and hear every week.

i rather go hear a dj who plays tracks i dont hear in every other club and listen to thin wondering wow this tracks hot what is it

and the biggest key to a successfull club witch u failer to mention is TEAMWORK no clubs ever gonna succeed with out it.

and in nyc i dont know of really any club thats hurting

unless they have legal problems.

sound factory is packed every week and has NEVER HAD A GUEST DJ there in over 12 years yet they still have the strongest parties there every saturday night.

$40 cover sharge and another $30 to park ur car ur lookin at $70 just to walk in the door and yet its packed everyy week till it closes sometime on monday morning after jp finishes his 30 something hour set

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Originally posted by andrewthomas

im just saying theres a million other djs that can draw a huge crown without having to bring in SASHA or all the same talant thats normaly comes threw..

and if u can get a party jumpin without having to resort in djs like sasha well then u have something great there and honestly people will respect that more..

do u really wanna have to bring in a gues dj just to pack the place?

cause thats pretty much what ur saying, so if a club booked sasha one night ok place is a mob scene what happens the week after?

cause u gotta have something in store for those people cause they are gonna be expecting something great.

if u knew so much ude know u have to work on regular nights first and when it comes time u get a guest dj.

good resident djs are hard to find very true but there out there.

and some djs might be good enough for a residency but they just dont have the knowladge of how to work a weekly residency.

just like the majority of the djs here be playing the tracks out week after week just killin songs and then they still play them.

key for a resident dj is to try NOT to play the same tracks every week and to change up the styles through the night.

the djs they had upstairs in maze were actully really good.

i was very pleased by them.

didnt play any commercial joints or big hits but yet they has sickk groovey music.

something like that ide go back and hear every week.

i rather go hear a dj who plays tracks i dont hear in every other club and listen to thin wondering wow this tracks hot what is it

and the biggest key to a successfull club witch u failer to mention is TEAMWORK no clubs ever gonna succeed with out it.


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Valid point Hector, some people just turn around and dish it out to Fabrizio...it's so much fun to watch it. I miss Chantille too, she was my biggest fan @ crobar!

Wow, Tony, you really spawned a killer thread.

Dade hit the nail on the head...a good promoter would do wonders for Maze. Sure, Carmel's happy with crobar, but Maze should look at the flyer archives at www.clubflyers.com, and pick out the name of a promoter who hasn't done anything in awhile, and let him or her have a go at it...I don't know, like Gary James or someone similar...get Paciello outta WITSEC maybe hehe? Big in their day, but now they're in semi-retirement. Or grab one of those big shots from another city...Made Events comes to mind, let the 112 Crew have the upstairs hehe :)

Up in New York, a lot of people have asked me about Maze. The buzz is generally good, but some are worried about their rough start. I tell them to go down and check it out for themselves, and be blown away...see the sound system that gives Steve Dash nightmares!

Miami's scene is very trend oriented, true. Look what the hip clubs were last year, and where are they today? Or look back 3 years, and the hip clubs then are no longer in business.

As for the success of a big place in New York like Sound Factory, it's simple...in a city of 12 million, it's not too difficult to pack a place, with a crowd-friendly DJ who plays the hits as they were...he plays it safe...no tricks, no obscure tracks...It works in Miami too...swap out JP for GA, and you'll see what I mean. The true innovators I've noticed are in places like Arc, Centro-Fly, the Tronic party, and so on...just like in Miami how the true innovators are on the Space Patio, Maze, and occasionally crobar...I'm not gonna tackle this debate though, I've seen the controversy SF causes on the New York board, and I don't need to spend the next month defending myself over a mere observation.

Andrew's got a valid point about teamwork in a club though...a lot of places seem to have a clashing of egoes going on, and that's what brings it down. Level had it, the smaller promotions demanded their time in the spotlight, and the big shot promotions squashed it hardcore...marginalizing it. It's why Space works so well. The headlining DJ gets the room for a bit, but the Space folk give the residents and smaller promotions their fair share too...Roland gets to play the main room, for example. No real ego tripping going on, just everyone having a good time.

What I'd like to see in Miami is more flexibility. Multi-roomed clubs like Maze, Level, and Space can and should give the little guy some time to show his stuff. Maze is going in that direction by letting the PMS party happen, and Space definitely did it with Biz, Roland and the Lunar Sessions. I wanna see more of that. Let FX do a set sometime, or invite the Tronic folk down from New York, or the 112 team even...

Anywho, let's keep this goin' :)

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As much as I read.......I respect every opinion so far...... most of them have a solid argument ...... the theme or point of this thread is clear thou .......

Just got back from Maze for PR ....... no words to explain it ......... simply a club in a different league ...... I’m straight ....... the crowd was mostly “curved” ..... who cares... the music was waaaaay to gooood ...... the crowd way to vibeful ....... the club ....... again .....

doesn’t belong in Miami ..... as long as the main argument in this thread talks about the hype .......

Have it clear ....... there is no club right now with Maze’s infraestructure........... with Maze’s future ......

Is not about a liquor license ....... today Maze was flying til 6 am ........ club open til 7 am ..... it is enough time to party ...... if you experience something like tonight .......

I partied my ass off ....... with probably the best company this board can give ...... thanx Lola for the time we shared ...... it’s only the beginning........

Rest assured that place doesn’t need an Oakenfold ..... or a Digweed ...... needs only that any “clueless” clubber steps in ..... and will never change ....... not with the sound and

layout this people have set.......

My conclusion ....... thanx god I was only drinking tonite ...... I would have shot Ivano .... and is not his fault.......

"I wish you were here"


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Originally posted by james954

again andrew... why? give me reasons why. thats all i ask.... don't resort to personal stabs. give me some dj's and how you'd sell them. why should somebody being them? what is the economic benefit?? what are you trying to sell?? educate me...

no offense but if u wanna know that much ude have to hire me to do work for u cause ide never go as far as giving my plans and ideas away for free

im sure u understand the business aspect of it.

i wouldnt even go as far and mentioning a dj cause ill open my mouth and my djs would be booked by another club reading this

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