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Who you would like to see banned!!


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SomeBitch, I don't know you, nor do I care to..and I don't know Mystify..however...what I do know is your last 20something posts stalking Mystify have no meaning or depth..just pointless jiberish........go figure...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: If you can't beat 'em..join 'em!!:D :D

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Originally posted by thehype

My top 3




ban em

Oh I forgot. Ban thehype. By far one of the most annoying motherfuckers on the face of the earth. Keep wearing those ties to clubs faggot!!! :laugh:

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this somegirl24 character should go too. she needs to get a damned mind of her own and stop worrying about what i think about some stupid chick from clubplanet. dont get ur panties in a bunch sweetie.

also, incredulous, not because he said im nasty, because he needs to get outta mystifys ass.

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Originally posted by incredulous

Hey george, you think if she goes on howard and she showes her boobs, she might get Dr. C to do it for free????

or you think he will say that she is just some bitch and tell her go play with bababoie?

cant you think of anything better?
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Originally posted by Drunk

Oh I forgot. Ban thehype. By far one of the most annoying motherfuckers on the face of the earth. Keep wearing those ties to clubs faggot!!! :laugh:

Hot damn..what the hell is wrong with everybody??? Can't we all just get alonggggggggggg????????:tongue:

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Originally posted by somebitch

this somegirl24 character should go too. she needs to get a damned mind of her own and stop worrying about what i think about some stupid chick from clubplanet. dont get ur panties in a bunch sweetie.

I'm not at all worried my friend..your giving yourself too much credit..i have a mind of my own and my mind tells me you have a lot of anger built up inside and your release is to vent to innocent people on a message board...

Like I said...GET HELP!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

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I PM DaVe about this and asked that he employ something like I've seen on other messageboards like elitefitness.com. They have something called Karma points. You can either give positive or negative karma to other users.

You know, like if a person puts up useful, informative or funny posts you can give them good karma points. In their sig it will display how much positive karma points they have (so you will know if they are a good person).

On the other hand, if they make useless, bullshit, annoying, insulting posts all the time you can give them negative karma points.

Enough negative karma points, and the user gets banned, I like this idea.

On a side not................I've seen pics of both mystify and somebitch, and yes, they are both very attractive.

So you guys can argue about something else.

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Originally posted by ou812

I PM DaVe about this and asked that he employ something like I've seen on other messageboards like elitefitness.com. They have something called Karma points. You can either give positive or negative karma to other users.

You know, like if a person puts up useful, informative or funny posts you can give them good karma points. In their sig it will display how much positive karma points they have (so you will know if they are a good person).

On the other hand, if they make useless, bullshit, annoying, insulting posts all the time you can give them negative karma points.

Enough negative karma points, and the user gets banned, I like this idea.

interesting concept, but i think too many members will abuse that system

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

interesting concept, but i think too many members will abuse that system

They have tings employed to prevent against this.

Here's a description of it from elitefitness.com:

When you post on the Elite Fitness Discussion Boards, your post count determines how many stars appear under your name. The other members can use the stars and post count to tell who contributes a large quantity of posts to the Boards. However, as some of you have pointed out to us, the quantity of someone's posts does not necessarily indicate the quality of the posts. You asked me for a way to quickly and easily tell who is making the highest quality posts. In other words, you wanted to know who is sharing the best information, being the most helpful, and being the friendliest. You also wanted to know who are the biggest losers on the site.

I could have gone through our members and come up with a system where I selected the best and worst members based on my own opinions. But, as all our members know, that's not how we do things at Elite Fitness. At Elite Fitness, we want you to decide who is being helpful to the community and who is being a detriment to the community. So we created the Karma system. With this system, you will get to determine and see who the most knowledgeable and helpful members are, and who are the biggest wasters of board space.

In Buddhist terms of old, Karma is the Universal Power Source that governs your life. If you are good to others, you are given a good and prestigious life. If you are bad to others you are given a bad and shameful life often for several reincarnations.

At Elite Fitness, it's simpler. If you post good quality and thoughtful messages, your fellow members will approve of your posts. By their approval you gain Karma. If you post incorrect, misleading, or messages against the guidelines, they will disapprove and you will lose Karma. Get too much negative Karma, and you get kicked off the boards. Kind of like getting "voted off the island."

Your karmic rating will be displayed underneath all of your posts. Everyone sees your rating, but only you will know your exact number of karmic points. You can view your Karmic points by clicking on the Karma "ying yang" icon on the right hand side of your own post, or by looking at your profile . Here's what the link looks like for giving out Karma: For every 100 points positive or negative, you will gain another karmic rating light. A green light looks like this:

Now before you get mad and decide that the system can be foiled, read on. We have carefully worked out a formula to make sure that the members with the highest Karma are truly deserving and the members with the lowest Karma were not ganged up on. Here's how the system works

Members can approve or disapprove of a post by clicking on the Karma icon . When you approve someone's post, you give him good Karma. When you disapprove of someone's post, you take Karma away. If someone loses all their good Karma, their Karma points go in the Negative. Negative Karma equals bad Karma. Members with more good Karma are to be recognized for their contributions to the site. Members with more negative Karma are to be shunned - and those members that get too much negative Karma get kicked off the boards.

Once you have a minimum of 100 posts, you get 10 Karmic points and the Karma clicks you give out begin to count. This keeps people from joining with aliases just to give out negative Karma. Everyone can give out 10 Karma clicks every 24 hours. Different members have different amounts of Karmic power and different amount of influence on the Karma of other members. Here are the guidelines to your Karmic influence:

You can only give one Karma award per post.

For every 150 days you are here, you gain 1 point of karmic power.

For every 2500 posts, you gain 1 point of karmic power.

For every 150 points of karma members give you, you get 1 point of karmic power.

Platinum Members (details coming soon) will get extra Karma for supporting the site!

You must always have 10 positive Karma points for your clicks to count on others.

You can give out a maximum of 20 karmic clicks a day.

You must give karma to 20 different people before you can hit the same person again.

You can see if your post has positive or negative karma by clicking on the icon .

So, here's what's important to remember:

The more good Karma you have, the more good, and bad karma, you can give out. Get too much bad karma and you get the boot. Not everyone is equal -- you have to have 100 posts before your Karma clicks count.

You get more Karmic power depending on three things: your post count, your join date, and most important, how much good karma you have. A well-respected member, with lots of posts and lots of good karma will wield major good and bad karmic power. A new user, with few posts, and minimal good karma will have less power.

This new Karma system allows new users to quickly see the resident gurus and idiots. It allows anyone to sort the signal from noise by checking the member's karma. And, it will also encourage more thoughtful posts from members as the karma points serve as a reward for helping others.

Try it out! When you read a post you like -- the person was helpful, informative, friendly -- click the Karma icon on the lower right and give them a bit. If you see a member posting trash, click the Karma icon and let them know. So try to be helpful, informative, and friendly - and remember, what goes around comes around.

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Calebmandrake --- without a doubt

And Somebitch should just really get a life instead of stalking mystify ....

maybe if she actually said or did something to u i would see why you were so bitter ... but since you dont even know her it shows your just a jealous whore with an obession !

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