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Shroomy Crushes Saleen...read:


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Saleen, I am much more afraid that my children will grow up to be like you, ignorant, insecure, unhappy and alone, than I am of them using drugs (legal or illegal)

I know there will always be access to alcohol, cigarettes and all the illegal drugs. I hope they will have the true information about them and their dangers to make a good decision and the self-confidence to not need them.

And they will hear that information from me as opposed to the parents who think that all the DARE crap works when the statistics show it does not. And the reason it doesn’t work is that the real information is so interspersed with the lies that the kids assume that all the information is lies.

Blaming people with drug problems on the drugs is as ignorant as blaming people with weight problems on food. I’m just waiting for a class action lawsuit by all the alcoholics against the liquor companies.

If I have happy well-adjusted kids who occasionally use some substance I will have been a good parent. If my children do not use drugs or alcohol (btw isn’t “drugs or alcohol†redundant!) but are unhappy, unhealthy, maladjusted, (or in their late 20’s, alone, whining, inarticulate and balding) I will have failed.

in other words....

got a degree you don’t use,

failed on wall st,

failed on madison ave,

so moved here to try pharmaceuticals and now have the latest in your string of unrealized dreams to start your own company.

Now add….

no true friends,

repeatedly cannot form a literate sentence, (just take your last post "you acceptance and promote drugs" its accept you dipshit)

the social skills of a cro-magnon,

and still cant figure out how to reply to a post without quoting the whole fucking thing.

If I were you, I would be doing drugs. Prozac at the minimum.

btw I was raised in public housing in Detroit and moved out at 17yrs old (go see 8-mile.)

I DO have my own company, DO have a wonderful wife, DO have a wonderful family, DO use my degree, DO enjoy what I do, DO have great friends I can count on, and DO have enough $$ to be comfy. So shut the fuck up with this macho my dick is bigger than yours crap. If you want to have a battle of wits with me, you are unarmed. I have already done everything that is just a pipe dream to you.

Yes, I paid my dues (instead of partying) when I was younger so I can responsibly have a good time now, and you think that is backwards…

at 18 you were a loser, at 25 you are still a loser and if you live to 80 you will still be a loser.... but hey, at least you dont use drugs.


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Guest saleen351

News flash sgt and shroomy. Many on this board, including me, thing you guys have gay mannerisms, and act gay...Talk all you want, but behind the scenes on cp, the cpers question if you guys are gay or not, and most believe you are both bi. I've never met sgt, but those who have say the same thing about shroomy... And shroomy the earring, needs to go. straight guys don't where them any more.... Before i met you, the cpers would tell me, you are "fagish" and after 2 min its obvious why you moved down here. You play for both teams...

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Originally posted by saleen351

News flash sgt and shroomy. Many on this board, including me, thing you guys have gay mannerisms, and act gay...Talk all you want, but behind the scenes on cp, the cpers question if you guys are gay or not, and most believe you are both bi. I've never met sgt, but those who have say the same thing about shroomy... And shroomy the earring, needs to go. straight guys don't where them any more.... Before i met you, the cpers would tell me, you are "fagish" and after 2 min its obvious why you moved down here. You play for both teams...

You had your ass handed to you verbally, and all you can say is the person is a fag? C'mon now, that's so fifth grade and WEEEAAAAAAAAK. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by saleen351

News flash sgt and shroomy. Many on this board, including me, thing you guys have gay mannerisms, and act gay...Talk all you want, but behind the scenes on cp, the cpers question if you guys are gay or not, and most believe you are both bi. I've never met sgt, but those who have say the same thing about shroomy... And shroomy the earring, needs to go. straight guys don't where them any more.... Before i met you, the cpers would tell me, you are "fagish" and after 2 min its obvious why you moved down here. You play for both teams...

that’s pretty low Nick.:( since I know both Charlie and Gregg personally, your theory is incorrect. not that neither they nor I ,need to really defend there sexuality to you. in fact your theory sounds kind of childish in retrospect, but whatever that’s your deal. just suck it up bro and move on..;)
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Originally posted by saleen351

News flash sgt and shroomy. Many on this board, including me, thing you guys have gay mannerisms, and act gay...Talk all you want, but behind the scenes on cp, the cpers question if you guys are gay or not, and most believe you are both bi. I've never met sgt, but those who have say the same thing about shroomy... And shroomy the earring, needs to go. straight guys don't where them any more.... Before i met you, the cpers would tell me, you are "fagish" and after 2 min its obvious why you moved down here. You play for both teams...


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sobeton

that’s pretty low Nick.:( since I know both Charlie and Gregg personally, your theory is incorrect. not that neither they nor I ,need to really defend there sexuality to you. in fact your theory sounds kind of childish in retrospect, but whatever that’s your deal. just suck it up bro and move on..;)


no, please show on any post where i came after these two fags?

They wanna talk trash then fine, I will post what myself and other cpers say... They are questionable... Too many people on this board, talk soooooooooo much trash but yet never post it, too bad, i'm not like that, i'll post it....

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um yeah....

Thanks for proving my point from the other post

Originally posted by shroomy

What you dont understand sarge is that saleen isn't smart enough to realize when he looks like an idiot.

No matter how valid the point he will always be able to come up with some reason to not listen to it.

I think it is a survival technique to keep him from having to face the reality of his life.........

and now you have meet me saleen, so you know I can snap off both your arms in less time than it takes me to type this. You really are beyond ignorant.

and btw your attitude towards gays pisses me off far more than being accused of being gay. ... and to have a guy who has not had a girlfriend in memory accuse me of being gay... please. You are probably one of those guys who is afraid that doing a club drug is going to let you out of the closet, and turn you gay.

It is dickheads like you who make some of the nicest and most interesting people on earth lives misserable, for no reason besides your lack of confidence and ignorance.

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welcome to club sketchy:confused:

the board was like a game with these to yesterday

this is what it looked like

shroomy: "saleen you suck"

furry: "saleen your a moron"

shroomy: "saleen you have no friends"

furry: "saleen go fuck yourself''


what a bunch of trash

what happend to clubs and music reviews, events and what not


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Originally posted by saleen351

News flash sgt and shroomy. Many on this board, including me, thing you guys have gay mannerisms, and act gay...Talk all you want, but behind the scenes on cp, the cpers question if you guys are gay or not, and most believe you are both bi. I've never met sgt, but those who have say the same thing about shroomy... And shroomy the earring, needs to go. straight guys don't where them any more.... Before i met you, the cpers would tell me, you are "fagish" and after 2 min its obvious why you moved down here. You play for both teams...


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by shroomy

um yeah....

Thanks for proving my point from the other post

and now you have meet me saleen, so you know I can snap off both your arms in less time than it takes me to type this. You really are beyond ignorant.

and btw your attitude towards gays pisses me off far more than being accused of being gay. ... and to have a guy who has not had a girlfriend in memory accuse me of being gay... please. You are probably one of those guys who is afraid that doing a club drug is going to let you out of the closet, and turn you gay.

It is dickheads like you who make some of the nicest and most interesting people on earth lives misserable, for no reason besides your lack of confidence and ignorance.

ut oh, my gaydar just went off.................

admit it, you are willybangerbutt...... or dropdasoap....

you have the means to cover the ip address.....

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That's it Saleen, if the best you can do now that Shroomy has knocked you down is get up and begin your so-familiar-gay-bashing routine?...hum...you are merely reminding all of your CP fellows how low can you go and how pointless your cause is.

Accept your defeat and learn something from it, an intelligent person must learn to get a lesson out of every human experience...otherwise, it's a waste of life.


Funk :cool:

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This is childish and redundant.... I'm soooooo over all this. Can't you people move on and not talk shit about each other? I mean get a life.... If you don't like someones comments in regard to a night out, or what not, then don't fucking reply.

This is total drama - grow the fuck up.

This whole thread sucks.........................:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mad: :mad: :rolleyes::(

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Originally posted by lolahotass

This is childish and redundant.... I'm soooooo over all this. Can't you people move on and not talk shit about each other? I mean get a life.... If you don't like someones comments in regard to a night out, or what not, then don't fucking reply.

This is total drama - grow the fuck up.

This whole thread sucks.........................:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mad: :mad: :rolleyes::(

Grow up? Nuh!


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Originally posted by funketeer


That's it Saleen, if the best you can do now that Shroomy has knocked you down is get up and begin your so-familiar-gay-bashing routine?...hum...you are merely reminding all of your CP fellows how low can you go and how pointless your cause is.

Accept your defeat and learn something from it, an intelligent person must learn to get a lesson out of every human experience...otherwise, it's a waste of life.


Funk :cool:



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