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kiss me confused...


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I am LITERALLY right on top of the Holland Tunnel, at Newport. I can meet with you and everyone else in a matter of minutes...did you want to watch football somewhere or play football somewhere? Either way, I'll let you name the time and place on Sunday and we'll all get together...

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Originally posted by trueqwest

I am LITERALLY right on top of the Holland Tunnel, at Newport. I can meet with you and everyone else in a matter of minutes...did you want to watch football somewhere or play football somewhere? Either way, I'll let you name the time and place on Sunday and we'll all get together...

My father used to own a brownstone up on Jersey Ave By 6th. But now he lives out in South Jersey.

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Originally posted by trueqwest

I am LITERALLY right on top of the Holland Tunnel, at Newport. I can meet with you and everyone else in a matter of minutes...did you want to watch football somewhere or play football somewhere? Either way, I'll let you name the time and place on Sunday and we'll all get together...

now im the one getting the weird feeling i know you

oh boy

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Originally posted by trueqwest

I am LITERALLY right on top of the Holland Tunnel, at Newport. I can meet with you and everyone else in a matter of minutes...did you want to watch football somewhere or play football somewhere? Either way, I'll let you name the time and place on Sunday and we'll all get together...

I have a good friend that lives over there, in the Hampton towers. What a fucking sick view....

As far as football and beer, that's what Sunday is all about!!!!!!

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the night was just a big bust, overrall; i only freaked out about him for the beginning of it, before i got the headache which took over and ruined my night :mad::( .

i got there and found my 3 friends (the last to come later), him included, and was nervous as hell. i was doing the whole "if i don't look at him i won't have to think about it" thing for a while, but then i wanted to talk to everyone, and him, (maybe even about it) and it was revealed that it was impossible to have a conversation in that goddamn place.

even the smoking patio at the palace in hollywood is so fucking loud that you literally can't have a conversation with someone and hear him/her. shit, even if he had been a girl, and i could've taken him to hang out in the ladies' lounge, i would've had trouble hearing him there. the joint is ridiculous :no:pissed.gif .

we all got on the dancefloor and the music was really good to start with, i was having a good time, but i got a really bad headache so soon after i joined the floor that that's all i could focus on. i tried to stay 'cause i wanted to see deep dish and 'cause i wanted to be with my friends, but i felt miserable.

and someone came up to me who remembered me very well as "the highlight of his night" from november 2000 who i still barely remember, and i felt so guilty about not remembering him that i started feeling bad about that, too :( .

and a weird guy hitting on me that night who then revealed to me that the girl he was near was his wife grabbed me and tried to stick his tongue down my throat. that was after she also literally told me that i was the "hightlight of her night" - but just for taking her to the bathroom. they were :roll:ing. and a great way to send me outta there :no: .

so, overall, i didn't have fun with my friends, didn't enjoy the music, barely danced, got slobbered on, and didn't get to talk to the guy or really figure that out. i guess, when i see him next, i'll see what's going on, if anything.

thank you, everyone :) .

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Shit weyes, that blows. Sorry you had such a miserable time. At least you got over the anxiety of seeing him for the first time after the incident. According to your post, it seems like your becoming a pretty hot commodity. Too bad the market isn't what it should be. :tongue:

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Originally posted by mala

Shit weyes, that blows. Sorry you had such a miserable time. At least you got over the anxiety of seeing him for the first time after the incident. According to your post, it seems like your becoming a pretty hot commodity. Too bad the market isn't what it should be. :tongue:

you're right about the anxiety part; that was something, i guess. i'm glad that's over with.

and yeah, the market's sketchy :shaky: . that's all i can say.

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