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I have been following you posts for quite a while now, but this is my first! :) I live in Denmark, Europe and i've got the overall impression that America and Europe have very different drug/psychedelics cultures. In America you have drugs like PCP, Ketamine, Crack and Methamfetamine. These drugs are very rarely seen in the European rave-scene. On the other hand we have Heroine, Hashish (not very rave-like but still typical European), GHB and very poten LSD-blottters. I guess that stuff like psilocybine mushrooms and XTC is something that we have in common.

I just thought that was kinda peculiar. :)

Anyway, now for the question: I am an experienced psykonaut, and i have had high level experiences with powerful hallucinogens like Psilocybine, aMT, Meskaline and LSD, with the latter being my clear favourite. I have long been wanting to try Ketamine, but since it's almost imposible to come by (and illegal), i haven't had the chance yet. :( It kinda sucks to be swimming in high-quality acid, and still be wanting Ketamine *lol*)

I have been told that Ketamine is sold without restrictions in America. Is this true? If yes, is there an online store where Ketaset/Ketalar can be bought? I would be grateful for any help offered and maybe then we could work out a trade or something.

/+karma to all you guys on the board :) !

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Yes Ketamine is illegal here and much more difficult to get than most of the other popular drugs you have mentioned.

And yes... if you like high dose LSD you will probably like high dose K.

K is available in europe, it is just hard to find (as it is here most of the time)

Im sure a little drive to Amsterdamn could rectify your situation.

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I just bought a bottle from the vet here in the dominican republic, now what do i do?..i think i'd rather snort it, how do i turn it into powder? or can i just carefully do something with the liquid. I dont wanna fall into the k-hole! lol...some rational advice would be appreciated, if possible. lol..


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unless you have a syringe handy, and you're ready to inject some.. u won't be doing anything with liquid.. as far as turning it to powder - here is my favorite method:

-find a pot to boil water and a plate that you can rest over the top of it for a nice fit

-add about a quart of water (you don't need much at all)

-start boiling the water on high

-break open the liq (it can be tricky so be careful)

-pour the liquid all over the plate evenly

-once the water is boiling put the plate on top of the pot

-get a spoon and run spirals around the plate to keep the K evenly spread

-in about 2-3 mins it will begin to harden (keep spiraling the spoon around the plate)

-once it is all hardened (5-6 mins) put the plate in the fridge to cool

-get a razor blade.. the best way to scrape is to hold the blade down on the edge of the plate, and drag it towards you while firmly pressing on it.. you will see mounds of K slowly form, this is by far my favorite part..

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