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how do you politely tell a girl...

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You Mags,

You take her out to dinner, tell her that you will order for the both of you (very romantic).

You order a large steak/ penne ala vodka, etc. for yourself then you order her a large lettuce with carrot sticks on the side and a diet coke. Better make that a water with a lemon wedge.

I think she'll get the hint. j/k bro. I wouldn't say shit.


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Originally posted by piro8

You Mags,

You take her out to dinner, tell her that you will order for the both of you (very romantic).

You order a large steak/ penne ala vodka, etc. for yourself then you order her a large lettuce with carrot sticks on the side and a diet coke. Better make that a water with a lemon wedge.

I think she'll get the hint. j/k bro. I wouldn't say shit.



i think the best way to tell her is on the phone :blank:

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the best way to do this... wait there is no best way. Girls pay attention to how they look like white on rice. trust me... she knows about it. a little motivation might be what she needs perhaps? Maybe suggest to her that you want to start working out more or something, but you want her to come with you... it's a thought.

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dont say anything! :nono:

trust me if you see it...she sees it

if you say something she'll feel hurt and self concious....

if its really bothering you tell her your gonna try this new diet/workout plan and you know you wont stick with it if you try it alone

tell her you want her to do it with you so it's something you can do "together" cause you love being near her :D

butter her up....DO NOT let her know why though

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Originally posted by incredulous


i think the best way to tell her is on the phone :blank:


The girl could take it as someone looking out for her best interest and that will give her motivation which she may be appreciative or she might take it the wrong way and think that you are calling her a boombalaty. :)

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Originally posted by Kermzy

"Yooooooooo, lookin' a little thick there sweetheart, might wanna cut back on the sweets!"

In other words, there is no polite way!!!


Originally posted by ninadd

My BF says " So when are you going to renew that gym membership" or you can just say "why don't you come to the gym with me it will be fun" that's probablt the best route to go

i tried this, she doesn't like the gym she says.

its not looking good

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honestly there is no easy way!! the gym thing is the best one..

not that i was obese but i deff weighed more a few years ago.. my bf is into training (like i know you are magilicuti) so it was easy for him to tell me to go to the gym.. cause he just included me in his workout.. he never told me not to eat stuff.. but he showed me how he ate.. and introduced me to different eating habits.. he is really good about that stuff b/c he knows the health benefits of different foods.. so instead of being like "hey fatty don't eat fruity pebbles everyday" (heehee) he would be like.. "you know its not really healthy to start your day out everyday with sugar cereals.. you would be a lot less tired if you weren't coming down from a sugar high by 10am...."

nina knows what i looked like a few years ago compared to now.. so whatever he did it worked!

i promise if you could get her in the gym for a few weeks and she could see the difference it makes.. she would get into it.. if not slip trim spa in her drinks! J/k:D

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Originally posted by notallthere

Just start breaken open diet pills and put that shit in her food kid

Or just start looken at girls that are obviosloy skinnier then her and be like that girls fat. She’ll get the hint

Fuken wenches

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

i posted this question on 3 boards and this by far the smartest answer i've gotten. saying that skinny girls are fat, brilliant

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Originally posted by luvle02

Are you like you used to be?

i was 130lbs when i was 18 when i met her. after highschool i started to work out and i think she got me into dressing up a bit more. she told me recently i am better then when i was in high school actually but i can't really say the same

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

girls think they have gained weight even if they havent and youre a stupid fuck if you say anything about it......even if its to compliment

remember the second cardinal rule of Goodfellas;)


yeah that's true but they sometimes just keep eating still.

second cardinal rule? i dont even know the first one. i must be fucked

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look if you dont figure OUT a way to get this bitch to slim down then you are going to end up looking for your ideal bitch else where. You may have an emotinal bond with her and all that good shit but sexualy youll be on the prawl


call me bitter and a asshole but people dont seem to have a problem insulting me so i say what im thinking ...

fuck em all

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Originally posted by piro8

You Mags,

You take her out to dinner, tell her that you will order for the both of you (very romantic).

You order a large steak/ penne ala vodka, etc. for yourself then you order her a large lettuce with carrot sticks on the side and a diet coke. Better make that a water with a lemon wedge.

I think she'll get the hint. j/k bro. I wouldn't say shit.


...orrrrrr.....after ypu order your steak etc.....break out a weight watcher's frozen din din and ask the waiter if they can nuke it for ya!:idea:

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Originally posted by magilicuti

she's gaining weight

If you workout invite her to the gym with you, if you dont join with her and say that you want the both of you to look your best for memorial day.....

works like a charm....

If she gets mad at you say that you were referring more to yourself then her...


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