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sf review

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ahhhh a very good day out...did the 10-9 shift...this girl i went with had get up real early ..but i made the best of it....i was waitin for some nasty tech all afternoon but it never came...so im sure it came when i left..jp threw down some bangers though....danny t was in the house..place was all fruity and shit..pink and what not..saw rob and barry out..from this board that i know.

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my review from the other thread.

Got there at 8:30am and walked in to NO MUSIC? Then noticed JP makin his way to the stage to talk to the crowd. I didn't care what he had to say so i headed to the coat check in the basement. Waited on line for 40 mins, but I had a blast listening to Cleavland ripppppppppp the basement apart. Played "Be yourself" into "elements" into "Spastik" into "wonderland" siiiiick set was goin on, and after I checked my coat, I stuck around for another 15 mins surveying the damage cleavland was doing to the basement.

Headed upstairs and the beats JP was playing werent to my liking, but I made do with what I had. Found some friends here and there, talked to random people was called "Dirty" by 4 girls(but they liked it[i was wearing my shirt that said dirty]) and made my little spot on the catwalk opposite the stage.

Upon glance of the crowd, it was disgusting. Now some of you seem to think that I feel that I am a supreme clubber or some shit, which isnt the case, but I feel that I know my fair share of info on certain topics. I havent been to factory in about 4 months, but since I last went, the average age dropped from 19 to 16. Rediculous. Kids running around everywhere. Drug use is a known there, so I wont go into it. yeah, ive done my share, but Im outta that phase in my life and dont agree with it. ur lives so I dont care.

Now musically, It felt like the entire day was filler music. Some of it was good, too much of it was Blah to me. Highlights for me were, first, Pontape getting destroyed to shreds then Deep Kemical Keys mixed into it, then he stops the music so Tenaglia can speak..... and later on, Ficken into Tiesto - Obession(biazzi mix) into Luz(2 different mixes of it). Those were the only 2 times where it felt like business was about to pick up, then BAM disapointment. After danny spoke, there was a few tenaglia tracks which were good, but didnt keep the energy that the mini tech set prior to him speakin was creating. Later on in the evening, he dropped No more games/Died in your arms and the energy in the club skyrocketed, and after it.... let down, filler shit. Around 7 somemore good things were played and then drops Like a Prayer and we all were happy with that. Left around 8:30 after Paula Cole, Boots on the Run and some other jams that I cant remember now.

No long tech sets the entire time i was there, and no real eye opening sets other then the ones i listed. this is all my opinon, so others may see it differently.

Big shouts to Barry, Erin, Ingrid, Steve, Simon, Ben, Barrie, Heather, Nick, Serge, Marisa, Jim, and the rest of the experience heads.

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decided to give sf another chance after being disappointed last time. jp sucked, the crowd was just nasty. like someone said, lots of filler. never going again, just not worth it anymore after 6 years of going there. The place is a TRASHPIT now, in the toilet with Exit. :no:

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i have to go along and agree that jp played a lot of blah blah blah filler, i got there at 845 and left at 1145 and he started to get good around 2 then he fell off at like 6-7, cleveland was insane last night, the best i've heard him and thank god for that i spent the majority of my night down there until jp found his pants, i go to sf almost every weekend and yeah it wasn't one of hs best sets, and well the club umm duh its sf and as along with every club people do drugs yeah some of us don't agree with it but its not your body so you gotta ignore and enjoy yourself, the only thing that bothered me about last night was he fact that there was no fans on, for the love of god, not only did i lose ten pouds but i'm gonna be dehydrated for the rest of the week, they really need to do something about that cause its not cool

anyway i had fun like i usually do, but now its time for real life

nice seeing all of you, good times:D

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OK this is the exact review i put on the jersey board everyone over there seemed to have an amazing time.... :what:

I had a pretty decent time, better than I had the last time I went, but I wouldn’t say it was anything special. Got there around 10 left about 8:30. Besides Like a prayer, in your eyes, be free & the hurting I think he played like shit . Most of it was just repetitive tech. Not a big fan of through the rain or the Christina Aguilera song he dropped. Hopefully he got better after I left. Not a bad time, but it def. wasn’t worth 50$.

p.s. - was I the only one that thought jp looked like he was about to make out w/danny on the stage??????

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Originally posted by grock1841

also bc of insecurities need to be cracked out of thier heads to listen to house music which is embarrasing for people who do things in moderation

..........so I take it you were'nt feeling the tech sets either????

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Originally posted by njangel

p.s. - was I the only one that thought jp looked like he was about to make out w/danny on the stage??????

:laugh: Thats great! Its cool how much respect they have for each other, and that they publicly praise each others work!

Originally posted by grock1841

sausage fest with everyone wearing fucking knockoff dior glasses pretending they are not gay

:laugh: That line just made my fuckin day! That's great!

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Originally posted by grock1841

i have been going to SF fof 2 years and i have never felt a weider vibe and seen such blatant drug use there. .

I have to totally agree.. As the night progresses i get sick to my stomach watching everyone get more and more messed up. But anyways on to my little review, I was there from 6 am sat-11pm sun. When i first got there at 6 omg it was so crowded. I mean you weren't able to walk at all. You had to search hard to find an empty spot and claim it. Then after a while the crowd thinned out .. As for the music some of the highlights for me was change the world of course! :rock: That was played right after JP came out on stage and gave a little speech. Like a prayer, be free, boots, in your eyes, ficken, through the rain, huff and herb, Blaze- when i fall in love, and basically everything else JP has been playing the last couple months. Also he played DAnny T's new track which he must have gave to him while he was there because the only other time i heard it was in vinyl when Danny was asking for the crowds approval..track is off the hook! Also some great stage shows. the pink panther theme so one of the first shows they had a little person come out in a detective suit and the music to the pink panther started playing and then the panther himself comes out.. And then later on in the day Vivacious came out and did an awesome performance.. All in all worth the 50 dollars, left knowing some new people, music was good but I wish i would have slept beforehand and i think I won't be going back for a while..:D Also nice seeing everyone who i saw from here..

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Cleveland was off the hook...im definitely gona start spendin more time downstairs....i liked some of the stuff JP played...but it was as everyone said..massive filler

whatever though..i wouldnt say i wasted 50$...it was worth it...but the kids gotta lay off the shit...and i chatted with tenaglia so i was happy :D

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

Cleveland was off the hook...im definitely gona start spendin more time downstairs....

I usually always stop in for a few minutes of cleveland when i go and hes definitely a talent.. Some of the things he does and plays are so crazy and original..

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We woke up around 5 am and got there around 7am and there was not line to get in, but a lot people were coming in at that time, the coat check had a huge line so decided to hide my $200 DKNY Jacket (Not a good idea because now is gone)...The main floor was really packed but JP was not dropping and hard beats, till later in the afternoon, JP had this pink outfit that looked like a Chinese outfit, the theme was Pink Panther fashionlogo_over.gif so the walls and balloons and dancers had a pink panther color or outfit. I saw one girl get carried out unconscious outside, and saw few people just really messed up. The also had a catwalk by the stage were people were dancing. And at one point me and a friend got up there and the camera guy filmed some of us dancing and there was couple photographers also taking pictures of everyone. I did not see many people from the board there there . I waited all day for the best tracks (Trought the rain and No more Games VS Dying in your arms)…We left around 8pm and it was good time without any drama….Happy Bday JP

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Not trying like I know it all or anything, but this is the exact reason why I dont go on many Theme Nights anymore.

The Party goes later, so more filler tracks, bangs out a few sick tracks, but doesnt wanna get rid of em all in one shot. Back to filler. More kiddies go on theme nights also. On reg. nights the crowd is older for the most part.

IMHO...I love the filler shit he plays, TECH, Tribal, Deep dark shit.

I guess thats why my screen name is TEKNOJUNKEE.

All I gotta say is .March 1st (2nd)... Factory! My b-day party along with 3 of my freinds, Including Berniec from CP! Corner is gonna be roped off, gonna be a crazy night. Hopefully we can all get a meetup going.

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i got to SF at 9:30 and stayed till closing @ midnight...i ahve to agree with the rest of the board...musically not impressive...the only time i heard bangin beats was 9-10pm...

the crowd was pretty ugly...uglier than usuall but i was so overwhelmed by the # of ppl there and the ppl dancing that it didn't phase me in the slightest...

but there wasn't a single moment in the basement that i was impressed by Clevland...

i was def. impressed by the electro group playin in the lounge of the 4th floor....inglufed in weed smoke:bong: :bong:

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people who shouldnt go out without first putting on deoderant and the topper of the night gay I LOVE JP shirts worn by guys....

shit for 50 bucks if i wanted to hear pots and pans i would have cleaned out my dishwasher....so all you yo yo's that said the music was awesome get off JP's dick and come out of the closet

i agree.

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Here is Danny Tenaglia's Review from his message board!

Originally posted by DANNY TENAGLIA (On DTOURISIM)

I arrived at the SF about 11AM-noon ish and stayed until around 9-10PM.

JP ROCKED IT! He definitely is so focused on his mixing that they are quite flawless. I enjoyed ALL the music he played. Of course me being a DJ, I can be fussy and maybe even a bit spoiled wishing I was hearing some of my latest favorites. But JP, again, he is one of the few DJ's that I truly enjoy because he plays many, many tracks that I don't know and keeps me dancing hard and curious as to what they are? It's in our nature. Of course, we both get sooo many records I wouldn't be surprised if half the songs he played that I wanted to know what they were, I probably already have them sitting right here and just haven't gotten around to them yet. LOL

Yes, it was my pleasure to get on the mic (you know I ain't shy) and was happy to bring JP down to the stage and have the entire crowd sing Happy Birthday to him. He was as humbled as can be, and I know the people sensed the genuine "RESPECT" he & I have for each other. JP was wearing an excellent and comfy looking oriental Pajama type outfit, and I don''t blame him. You wanna be as comfy as possible if your gonna be in the same spot for 16 hours PLUS! I gave him a present..... A bottle of Calvin Klein's "BE" cologne! LOL No, I did NOT mention my Friday party! That was not my intention to promote Vinyl/Arc.

Everyone already knows the deal, there was no need for that.

There are people outside doing that with fliers, and it was just something that I genuinely thought would be a nice surprise to do for him and the crowd. I also thanked Richard the owner and staff for being "on point" as always providing a great party here in NYC. Our city is alive & rocking. There is Variety!!!

So, once again "Happy Birthday JP" and to my Mom. They share the same date. Next year I told JP we have to put my Mom's pic on the flier and photoshop her face on his body! Or maybe vice versa!! How funny would that be? LOL

DJ Sander Kleinenberg was at Arc, and my intention was to go there first, but I slept until 10 am. I'm sure he was off the hook too.

PS: For the record.... To anyone who goes around saying nasty things about people being messy and all that kind of stuff, once again "I" personally testify that I found everyone to be respectful and mature. There were no fights, no one in need of assistance and all I saw was a large crowd enjoying the party, the music and each others company. Including in the basement. I hate when people witness one or two incidents with a crowd of 3000 + people and magnify it as if every person is there with their eyes up in their heads. This isn't and was not the case. There are always going to be situtaions in every club, but it is not fair to make it appear like everyone is a mess when it is simply not true. So, if I read or hear about another post on this board dissing our scene in this way, the entire post will be removed. Be real, Be fair, keep it about the music and fun.

OK, DJ Cleveland also never fails to deliver either! NOOOOO, I did NOT play a set with him. I went in the booth for one minute to say hello. That would be very inapropriate and disrespectful. You should all know me better than that! Last night was JP's Birthday and I was there to dance to him. I mostly stayed by the stairs by the stage and danced until my legs had to stop. I loved the sound there too...... Last night I thought it sounded the best ever. Never too loud or too low.

One more thing, JP if you get to read this, I sincerely wanna thank you for playing and liking my remix of Yoko Ono. It meant a lot for me to me to hear it there on the SF system.

JP played it twice throughout the night and rocked it with his crafty looping and fx.

So, to end this long post, I just wanna say thank you to all the people that are true to the dance music scene and have appreciation for both of what JP & I do. We are quite different in many ways, yet we have the same passion running through our veins to play music, make people feel good and we enjoy that you appreciate both of us.

So, there you have it. Your weekends are full!

Me on Friday's and JP on Saturday's! What more do you need?

OK, OK there are other options....... I'm just being witty becuase I just woke up and am still enjoying the effects of the entire weekend.

Many people there asked me abouth the WMC! I will be at SPACE again, but this time it is on a Tuesday. March 18th. I suggest getting there after 6am! :0 I plan on playing a VERY looong set. Maybe even breaking my record of 18 hours at Stereo in Canada.

PPS: People call me the "marathon man"....... NO, I think JP wins that title!


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