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The Tony Draper Drama, can we end it?

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The Tony Draper thing is out of control! I always read what everyone says about him and I feel the need to defend him for one second. The bottom line, he had a Main room in NYC for 4 years, that means something people, trust me. Maybe it was time for Exit to change but leave the guy alone, I could only imagine how this would all make me feel if I was Tony. Next there are some DJ’s (young ones) who need to chill out for a sec, have a little bit of respect! We (DJ’s) don’t go bashing other DJ’s....ever....I wont name names but I am a little disappointed in the baby shit that goes on, especially when you are involved in the party. Tony is a friend of mine and even though I am not a fan of hard stuff he has my respect and always will. As far as him coming back for the night, I think it is a great thing, I play tribal and he will kick your ass until the wee hours of the morning. I bet you anything that it will be a great night for all, just give him a break. Last, thanks to Mrs. Bobby Goodrich and Johnny Z. for bringing me in so much, I really like this party and on another note Exit or should I say MIRAGE was one of the first night clubs in NYC (first big room) I ever worked, and it was for Bobby (Buster Poindexter). To all the new jack DJ’s out there, relax sometimes, have respect for people who came before you (TONY), and stop talking about yourselves on the internet so much, that is for the people on the dance floor to do. I know the internet is a powerful thing but it is just so tacky to always see certain “D.J.’s†talking about themselves all the time, this is just a little criticism or comment from me.


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Originally posted by jasonojeda

The Tony Draper thing is out of control! I always read what everyone says about him and I feel the need to defend him for one second. The bottom line, he had a Main room in NYC for 4 years, that means something people, trust me. Maybe it was time for Exit to change but leave the guy alone, I could only imagine how this would all make me feel if I was Tony. Next there are some DJ’s (young ones) who need to chill out for a sec, have a little bit of respect! We (DJ’s) don’t go bashing other DJ’s....ever....I wont name names but I am a little disappointed in the baby shit that goes on, especially when you are involved in the party. Tony is a friend of mine and even though I am not a fan of hard stuff he has my respect and always will. As far as him coming back for the night, I think it is a great thing, I play tribal and he will kick your ass until the wee hours of the morning. I bet you anything that it will be a great night for all, just give him a break. Last, thanks to Mrs. Bobby Goodrich and Johnny Z. for bringing me in so much, I really like this party and on another note Exit or should I say MIRAGE was one of the first night clubs in NYC (first big room) I ever worked, and it was for Bobby (Buster Poindexter). To all the new jack DJ’s out there, relax sometimes, have respect for people who came before you (TONY), and stop talking about yourselves on the internet so much, that is for the people on the dance floor to do. I know the internet is a powerful thing but it is just so tacky to always see certain “D.J.’s” talking about themselves all the time, this is just a little criticism or comment from me.


Amen brotha......your attitude and work ethic go hand in hand with your great dj'ing skills...my condolences about Cyberia (you're moving on to bigger and better things)...these people think that once they are in the scene for awhile, their musical tastes are "above" what Tony Draper spins..:rolleyes:...most of these clowns were baptized into the scene by Tony Draper and Exit, and now they are too good for him??? You might have a "better" taste in music, but you dont have to be so negative towards the guy. If you dont like him, then just dont comment on him. No need for the hate.

PS. Jason, thanks for dropping Scumfrog's mix to Sunshine couple weeks ago at Cyberia..I was the lone guy dancing to that song :D

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Originally posted by smokesum

Amen brotha......your attitude and work ethic go hand in hand with your great dj'ing skills...my condolences about Cyberia (you're moving on to bigger and better things)...these people think that once they are in the scene for awhile, their musical tastes are "above" what Tony Draper spins..:rolleyes:...most of these clowns were baptized into the scene by Tony Draper and Exit, and now they are too good for him??? You might have a "better" taste in music, but you dont have to be so negative towards the guy. If you dont like him, then just dont comment on him. No need for the hate.

I agree with both guys on all accounts.

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Originally posted by smokesum

theres a difference between stating an opinion and straight out bashing

I do agree with you there...I have to admit that it gets way out of hand sometimes. I personally never heard Draper, so I can't and won't comment about his ability.

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i've heard him in person. nothing impressive. i won't bash him just becasue it's not my style, but i will bash the shit out of the majority of his fans. Maybe he takes residual flak because of them, but it's not his fault.

Kinda like how people bash paul oakenfold because everybody who knows nothing about music shows up to see him play stuff we've already heard 1001 times.

same sort of issue... but again, it's all in the eye of the beholder.

I'm sure Tony has thousands of fans who gladly chant his name over and over each night and tell their friends about it when they get home, so in perspective, who gives a fuck what a few people on an internet messageboard have to say.

it's not like Exit is at a shortage of Draper fans.

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Originally posted by jasonojeda

and the bottom line is he was there for 4 years, he must of been doing something right.

He wasn't there because he represents a musically driven party. His parties at exit consist of a lot of other elements. Unfortunately, these elements bring the numbers in.

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Originally posted by legend38

He wasn't there because he represents a musically driven party. His parties at exit consist of a lot of other elements. Unfortunately, these elements bring the numbers in.

Wow what a gay respnse :rolleyes:

Who are you to say what a musically driven party is? :rolleyes:

or to say why he was put there??? Is your last name Marvisi?

2 years ago Exit was the music "hotspot" for you..so relax.

All parties in New York are driven by music and a lot of other "elements". Look at Centro..its a "high talent" party. Is the music the only thing bringing people there?? no...its the music and a lot of other elements.

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Originally posted by legend38

He wasn't there because he represents a musically driven party. His parties at exit consist of a lot of other elements. Unfortunately, these elements bring the numbers in.

I couldn't disagree with you more. He may not be YOUR taste, but a lot of people really, really like him. To those that do, they are there for his music, and it is his music that brings them back.

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Originally posted by zeeker

I couldn't disagree with you more. He may not be YOUR taste, but a lot of people really, really like him. To those that do, they are there for his music, and it is his music that brings them back.

well....i agree and disagree, from my point of view.

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a lot of this board used to hit up exit A LOT two years ago...thanks for all the loot i made promoting that party haha :)

i never understood why people bashed him, i'm sure a lot of you guys haven't even heard him which does not give you the right to bash him, but whatever, his style is different, just like other styles are different...


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Originally posted by doubtness

I believe that a majority of the people that goes to listen to Draper, is because he bangs out hard beats, and this along goes very well, when you're under the influence of drugs.

You know how many other DJ's play hard? A lot

Is it the DJ's fault that people do drugs at a club? No

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Originally posted by smokesum

Wow what a gay respnse :rolleyes:

Who are you to say what a musically driven party is? :rolleyes:

or to say why he was put there??? Is your last name Marvisi?

2 years ago Exit was the music "hotspot" for you..so relax.

All parties in New York are driven by music and a lot of other "elements". Look at Centro..its a "high talent" party. Is the music the only thing bringing people there?? no...its the music and a lot of other elements.

You are a moron for several reasons.

Who are you to say what a musically driven party is? :rolleyes:

I listen to music;I listen to the sounds DJ's create. That If you were able to go to exit, stay completely sober, listen to the music, and say to yourself "wow, what a great set. track selection was consistent,programming was excellent, no wrecks, great vibe, what a great time" Then you need to get out a little more.

2 years ago Exit was the music "hotspot" for you..so relax.

Yeah it was, but if you had any ability to comprehend, which apparently you do not, I have stated SEVERAL times that once I discovered the other options, exit just did not have the same appeal. You relax, maybe you should stop "smokin sum" and start paying attention :alrite:

Look at Centro..its a "high talent" party. Is the music the only thing bringing people there?? no...its the music and a lot of other elements.

No the music is not the ONLY thing driving people there, but it is the main thing. People going to Centro are venturing there to experience the LES',the satoshi's,the hybrids,the superchumbos etc. and those OTHER ELEMENTS are not as prevelent.

If you are trying to tell me that you have the same drugged up crowd at Centro that you have at Exit you are more of a moron then you have already made yourself out to be.

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