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The Tony Draper Drama, can we end it?

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Who gives a fuck :idea:......There are people who like Draper & those who don't..BIG FUCKING DEAL....All dj's have their own style...If his isn't to your likeing...SO WHAT....People knocking on Draper is like someone going to Roxy a few months ago & making a comment how Vicious sucked :eek:....Different styles appeal to different people..No one is right/wrong for likeing what they listen to..

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Originally posted by doubtness

I believe that a majority of the people that goes to listen to Draper, is because he bangs out hard beats, and this along goes very well, when you're under the influence of drugs.

It's true.

You know how many other DJ's play hard? A lot

Where are these DJ's? Are you still stuck in 2000?

I couldn't disagree with you more. He may not be YOUR taste, but a lot of people really, really like him. To those that do, they are there for his music, and it is his music that brings them back.

Then you, along with the others people you speak of, need to get out more.

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To be honest, I really don't know how the hell Tony Draper held on to the mainfloor for so long on Friday nights. A big chance was taken by making him the head dj of such a large venue. I can't believe a dj of his limited skill and diversity actually made it on to the mainfloor. Some individuals may claim that "he did something right" in order to hold on to mainfloor every friday night. But honestly, he didn't do shit right. He spun at a venue that was considered a fucking joke by the majority of real house-heads, and he held it down because the club itself went to shit during his residency. Ultimately, he gained a following that consisted of nothing more than the cunts who remained there after the party went to shit.

Nonetheless, mainfloor dj or not, Draper's friday night venues sucked fat gorilla nut. It wasn't a true nightclub, but rather, a tasteless playground for bitch-asses to clap their hands and stop their feet to some of the most tasteless house music. There was no soul or flavor to his track selection or mixing. I haven't heard him spin in a long time, but from what I remember, he was nothing more than an insult to house music.

I am sorry to see Cyberia fridays go to shit, however. I enjoyed the vibe there way more than I did Mirage's, and the music spun by Ojeda was, as always, beautiful and soulful.

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Originally posted by legend38

You are a moron for several reasons.

I listen to music;I listen to the sounds DJ's create. That If you were able to go to exit, stay completely sober, listen to the music, and say to yourself "wow, what a great set. track selection was consistent,programming was excellent, no wrecks, great vibe, what a great time" Then you need to get out a little more.

Im actually not a fan of Tony but I dont hate on him...even though its not me sayin it, someone in Exit is saying "wow what a great set Tony....great consistent track selection Tony, great programming tonight Tony, great vibe Tony, wow Im having a great time!" If there wasnt then Exit would be empty when he spins right fuckface?

Yeah it was, but if you had any ability to comprehend, which apparently you do not, I have stated SEVERAL times that once I discovered the other options, exit just did not have the same appeal. You relax, maybe you should stop "smokin sum" and start paying attention :alrite:

Maybe you should open your eyes and not doubt my ability to comprehend but doubt my interest in reading your gay posts...Mr. AllOverNYC :rolleyes:

No the music is not the ONLY thing driving people there, but it is the main thing. People going to Centro are venturing there to experience the LES',the satoshi's,the hybrids,the superchumbos etc. and those OTHER ELEMENTS are not as prevelent.

Did you take a tally of people going into Centro?? Or better yet have you ever even gone to Centro on Thursday nights?? and if you did, which i doubt, how many times have you gone??

If you are trying to tell me that you have the same drugged up crowd at Centro that you have at Exit you are more of a moron then you have already made yourself out to be.

and dont put words in my mouth, it makes you look stupider than you are..."peoples' promoter"...lmao...give me a break..fuckin clown

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Im actually not a fan of Tony but I dont hate on him...even though its not me sayin it, someone in Exit is saying "wow what a great set Tony....great consistent track selection Tony, great programming tonight Tony, great vibe Tony, wow Im having a great time!" If there wasnt then Exit would be empty when he spins right fuckface?

Uhh, restate your sentence into something that makes some sense,then I will dignify it with a response.

Maybe you should open your eyes and not doubt my ability to comprehend but doubt my interest in reading your gay posts...Mr. AllOverNYC

Don't put words in my mouth, it shows your inability to comprehend when you do so. This, in turn, makes you look like a moron.

Did you take a tally of people going into Centro?? Or better yet have you ever even gone to Centro on Thursday nights?? and if you did, which i doubt, how many times have you gone??

No I have never been there. I do, however, have a plethora of intelligent friends that attend the party; people that would not expose themselves to the exit type party. I don't need to go there to get an idea of what centro does.

and dont put words in my mouth, it makes you look stupider than you are..."peoples' promoter"...lmao...give me a break..fuckin clown

You don't know shit about me, nor do you know shit about what I do. Call me a clown all you want, but when you can structure a sentence that makes sense, and come back with intelligent responses, other then your typical "you're gay, ok mr.gay", then you will be acknowledged. I do not know where all your hostility comes from. If you are jealous about something, I'll understand. We are getting a lot of hate from your breed;it is all good though. We are gonna keep doing our thing :aright:

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

To be honest, I really don't know how the hell Tony Draper held on to the mainfloor for so long on Friday nights. A big chance was taken by making him the head dj of such a large venue. I can't believe a dj of his limited skill and diversity actually made it on to the mainfloor. Some individuals may claim that "he did something right" in order to hold on to mainfloor every friday night. But honestly, he didn't do shit right. He spun at a venue that was considered a fucking joke by the majority of real house-heads, and he held it down because the club itself went to shit during his residency. Ultimately, he gained a following that consisted of nothing more than the cunts who remained there after the party went to shit.

Nonetheless, mainfloor dj or not, Draper's friday night venues sucked fat gorilla nut. It wasn't a true nightclub, but rather, a tasteless playground for bitch-asses to clap their hands and stop their feet to some of the most tasteless house music. There was no soul or flavor to his track selection or mixing. I haven't heard him spin in a long time, but from what I remember, he was nothing more than an insult to house music.

I am sorry to see Cyberia fridays go to shit, however. I enjoyed the vibe there way more than I did Mirage's, and the music spun by Ojeda was, as always, beautiful and soulful.

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Originally posted by legend38

Uhh, restate your sentence into something that makes some sense,then I will dignify it with a response.

I'll let that speak for itself..not that you could ever dignify anything.

Don't put words in my mouth, it shows your inability to comprehend when you do so. This, in turn, makes you look like a moron

Nobody put words in your mouth. You stated I have an inability to comprehend since I have never read your earlier posts. Now why would I want to read the posts of an upstate hick who thinks he knows NYC?

No I have never been there. I do, however, have a plethora of intelligent friends that attend the party; people that would not expose themselves to the exit type party. I don't need to go there to get an idea of what centro does.

So your perception of Centro Fly Thursdays and the people that go there is based upon your "intelligent" friends that go there? Wow, your just digging your own grave.

You don't know shit about me, nor do you know shit about what I do. Call me a clown all you want, but when you can structure a sentence that makes sense, and come back with intelligent responses, other then your typical "you're gay, ok mr.gay", then you will be acknowledged. I do not know where all your hostility comes from. If you are jealous about something, I'll understand. We are getting a lot of hate from your breed;it is all good though. We are gonna keep doing our thing :aright:

I think my responses were pretty intelligent. Unlike you, Im not tryin hard. I'll let my 9th grade English teacher worry about the structures of my sentences. Im sure 99% of the people reading my responses understood what I was trying to say. Your futile attempts to undermine my intelligent are just not working.

...and btw no ones hostile....I said your first response was gay and it was. You were the one that got heated. Maybe you need to cool off in that coat check Exit room of yours.

And what is my breed? I haven't heard Tony Draper spin since he was at Metropolis.

Believe me no one is jealous of you, your midnight room, your............I'll stop here.

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Originally posted by doubtness

I can't really think of a club that plays the same type of music that TD plays.

Certainly, not DT



Well there is life outside New York my friend.

Raves will play this music.

JV plays in a similar vein, although not quite as hard.

And to reiterate, he doesn't play hard all the time, he was a resident, and had to play for a long time, so many genres were played throughout the night. Yes he did have same banging tracks, but those were usally reserved for the end of the night.

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Nobody put words in your mouth. You stated I have an inability to comprehend since I have never read your earlier posts. Now why would I want to read the posts of an upstate hick who thinks he knows NYC?

How am I supposed to know you do not read them? You made an asanine assumption about me; in order for you to make that assumption you would have to read my posts. Is putting two and two together that difficult? Smoke a lil more.

Nobody put words in your mouth. You stated I have an inability to comprehend since I have never read your earlier posts. Now why would I want to read the posts of an upstate hick who thinks he knows NYC?

Upstate Hick that thinks he knows NYC?? :laugh: Once again, little boy, you know nothing about me,where I live, what I do, and where I go. You just want to take it to a different level now, bashing where I am from.

So your perception of Centro Fly Thursdays and the people that go there is based upon your "intelligent" friends that go there? Wow, your just digging your own grave.

Yeah that is my perception. I have a lot of friends that go there, and I work for people that work with Thorin. I am not digging my own grave because I can trust their musical opinions.

I think my responses were pretty intelligent. Unlike you, Im not tryin hard. I'll let my 9th grade English teacher worry about the structures of my sentences. Im sure 99% of the people reading my responses understood what I was trying to say.

Your 9th grade english teacher would be disgusted. Use a comma here and there, maybe even a semi colon. If someone could read that statement through the first time and clearly understand it, then more power to them. Being educated, it was not very clear what you were trying to say.

Your futile attempts to undermine my intelligent are just not working.

You do a great job of making yourself look ignorant. I "attempt" nothing, i reinforce your stupidity.

...and btw no ones hostile....I said your first response was gay and it was.

You said a little more then that. Go back and read, it all goes back to the comprehension issue.

Maybe you need to cool off in that coat check Exit room of yours.

Call it what you like, but I'm probably walking out of that "coat room" every friday with more then you are worth. What are you doing to help the scene? You are sitting on your fat ass arguing in front of the computer monitor. You are a poison, please shut the fuck up or cease to exist.

Believe me no one is jealous of you, your midnight room, your............I'll stop here.

You can keep going if you please. Let jealousy continue to rear its ugly head.

Still unemployed? I haven't seen you beg for more jobs on CP. perhaps you should spend less time arguing on the internet and more time searching for a job. ;)

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Drapers style is nearly the same as vicious.. track selection is so similar. Draper got a bad name on here cause of people talking.. one person following another.. Do you people really think because draper is hated by a certain amount of people on this board he is hated everywhere?.. no way!! Some people like his style some people like others.. Personally i hate styles such as JP, DT and some others that place consistant tribal songs all night.. That puts me to sleep. I just hate the crowd that draper has brought in, maybe its the managment that allowed the dress code...idk

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Originally posted by ttclubber1

Personally i hate styles such as JP, DT and some others that place consistant tribal songs all night.. That puts me to sleep.

This comment is pretty funny. To say either of these 2 guys put you to sleep. :laugh:

No Extra message necesary.

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Originally posted by legend38
How am I supposed to know you do not read them? You made an asanine assumption about me; in order for you to make that assumption you would have to read my posts. Is putting two and two together that difficult? Smoke a lil more.

Actually I made my assuption based on your first stupid response rookie.

Upstate Hick that thinks he knows NYC?? :laugh: Once again, little boy, you know nothing about me,where I live, what I do, and where I go. You just want to take it to a different level now, bashing where I am from.

Funny you call me little boy, if you said that to my face you'd get bitch slapped.

Yeah that is my perception. I have a lot of friends that go there, and I work for people that work with Thorin. I am not digging my own grave because I can trust their musical opinions.

Give it up. We weren't arguing about the quality of music at Centro, but the fact that music isnt the only reason people go there. People ususally try to change the subject of argument when they know they are losing.

Your 9th grade english teacher would be disgusted. Use a comma here and there, maybe even a semi colon. If someone could read that statement through the first time and clearly understand it, then more power to them. Being educated, it was not very clear what you were trying to say.
Maybe you could use those superior grammar abilities to help get some people into your coat check room. "COME TO THE MIDNIGHT ROOM, GET A FREE ENGLISH LESSON"

You do a great job of making yourself look ignorant. I "attempt" nothing, i reinforce your stupidity.

You said a little more then that. Go back and read, it all goes back to the comprehension issue.

Call it what you like, but I'm probably walking out of that "coat room" every friday with more then you are worth. What are you doing to help the scene? You are sitting on your fat ass arguing in front of the computer monitor. You are a poison, please shut the fuck up or cease to exist.

More than I am worth? You dont' even know me to make that assumption. Folow your own advice. A poison? You're the one that keeps bashing Draper. In regards to helping the scene, you never been to Centro Fly in your life. I think I can safely say you've probably been to at most 5 clubs in NYC (thats being generous). You know nothing about the scene. You can't help something you have no concept of.

You can keep going if you please. Let jealousy continue to rear its ugly head.



and if you truly think I am jealous of you, then please tell me what I am jealous of...please....just name one thing i should be jealous of..this should be good

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Funny you call me little boy, if you said that to my face you'd get bitch slapped.

Probably, because you are a bitch. When I see you I will confront you , and like the rest of these internet tough guys you will back down. I've done it before and I will do it again.

Give it up. We weren't arguing about the quality of music at Centro, but the fact that music isnt the only reason people go there. People ususally try to change the subject of argument when they know they are losing.

I am not changing the subject matter, where were you educated? Music is the main reason people go there.

A poison? You're the one that keeps bashing Draper. In regards to helping the scene, you never been to Centro Fly in your life.

This argument was not about bashing Draper, it was about the exit party in general. Once again your comprehension lacks. Keep smokin.

Ahhh, I see the direct correlation between helping the scene and going to centro fly. You are a moron.

I am done with you. Like I said before, go back to begging for jobs on clubplanet. Spend less time arguing on the internet and more time searching for a career; it will do you more good. You want to seek a confrontation, you know where to find me. I would eagerly await it, but since you will not be able to hide behind your monitor, I will not count on it.

Go ahead, get the last word. I am done with your stupidity.

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honestly.......I seriously think that the only people that would bash tony draper so much are the people who would have some thing to gain from Draper being out of exit!!!!!! hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I WONDER WHO THAT COULD BE!!


Dont worry haters, your time has come.

Tony Draper will have the last laugh!!!!

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Originally posted by fuku2asshole

honestly.......I seriously think that the only people that would bash tony draper so much are the people who would have some thing to gain from Draper being out of exit!!!!!! hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I WONDER WHO THAT COULD BE!!


Dont worry haters, your time has come.

Tony Draper will have the last laugh!!!!

There are a few long posts

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Originally posted by legend38

Probably, because you are a bitch. When I see you I will confront you , and like the rest of these internet tough guys you will back down. I've done it before and I will do it again.

Please confront me.

I am not changing the subject matter, where were you educated? Music is the main reason people go there.

And your "intelligent" friends told you music is the main reason people go there. Why don't you go ask the people that go there to grind to hip hop in the tapioca room? Or go ask the people snorting coke in VIP who Anthony Pappa is? Or go ask the guy looking for pussy that night, what song is playing. Everyone has their own reason for going to a club. For some music is the main reason they go to Exit on Draper nights. To those people, that party is about the music.. Draper's music. It's all good that you are an "educated" clubber now, but don't bash their enjoyment. Im not a fan of Draper, but the man held down the main floor to Exit for 4 years. You could only dream of that.

This argument was not about bashing Draper, it was about the exit party in general. Once again your comprehension lacks. Keep smokin.

Last time I checked, the title of the thread was The Tony Draper Drama, can we end it? Your post stated Draper's party was not a musically inclined party. You're bashing the guy in a nonchalant way.

Ahhh, I see the direct correlation between helping the scene and going to centro fly. You are a moron.
I didnt make a direct correlation between the two, I simply stated you know nothing about the scene. The scene doesnt solely consist of Exit and Roxy. The scene is everywhere..Centro,B'LO,Lot,Filter, Lotus, Gustavinos,Discotheque,Vinyl, Suede, GO, Lunatarium, Baktun......EVERYWHERE.

When I think about it, you are helping the "scene" by not making it to Centro. We don't want you "sophomore" clubbers who have graduated out of Exit freshman class and think they are so good as to bash the incoming frosh and their teacher Draper. Remember Draper was the one that taught you.

I am done with you. Like I said before, go back to begging for jobs on clubplanet. Spend less time arguing on the internet and more time searching for a career; it will do you more good. You want to seek a confrontation, you know where to find me. I would eagerly await it, but since you will not be able to hide behind your monitor, I will not count on it.

You were done before you started.You got smoked kid :alright: As for my career, I am well into it. The year off was good for me actually. Dont be jealous. I think I can safely say my starting salary will be more than yours. :D

As for confrontation, you already stated you would confront me when you see me. No need to invite me at the end of your post. Getting cold feet?????????? You bit off more than you can chew with me.

Go ahead, get the last word. I am done with your stupidity.
Stupidity??? More like honesty.

Oh btw, you never stated one thing I should be jealous of. I didn't think you would. Clown.

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