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Sound Factory And Exit Just Been Shut Down

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Originally posted by caruch

rt going to nj for clubs

Sadly it looks like those who live in Jersey are gonna be forced to stay in Jersey if they plan on going clubbing. I'm curious how venues like Arc, Centro and few of the others are going to change. I don't think we need a mob of juicers running around Arc all pissed off cuz its the first club they've been to that doesn't serve alcohol.

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Originally posted by teklord310

I don't think we need a mob of juicers running around Arc all pissed off cuz its the first club they've been to that doesn't serve alcohol.

Hey idiot, Factory was an afterhours club for the most part. No alcohol served AFTERHOURS. :idea::rolleyes:

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Factory should stay closed.

I can't wait to get bitched out for that comment.

The children that now roam Factory brought it down.

The party is nothing like it was years ago.

cant say it was just simply the children that brought it down, but rather the STUPID PEOPLE that did. Face facts the scene has changed and for these places to stay in business and make a profit they cant be too selective about who they let in. Eventually there is a trade off between letting in stupid immature people and the damage they will bring to your place in the long run...

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Factory should stay closed.

I can't wait to get bitched out for that comment.

The children that now roam Factory brought it down.

The party is nothing like it was years ago.

last time i went..i felt bad cause i was the only one who didnt give the doorman a permission slip from their mom

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

last time i went..i felt bad cause i was the only one who didnt give the doorman a permission slip from their mom

i'm glad you find this whole topic so humorous :rolleyes:

i've yet to see one inteligent reply from you on any of these threads

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you all are killing me with this "you guys killed the party with the drugs" and stuff.

wake up - drugs have been at every club in the city since i started hitting them in the late 80's. The "stupidity" of people for doing it in the open has a lot more to do with the atmoshpere that the club management creates. If you know you will get kicked out on the spot if you do shit in the open, you don't do it in the open - simple as that. You don't see people being blatant about drug shit at ARC or Centro or many other places cause the bouncers there not only watch, but actually do shit other than get a kickback.

Its all starts and ends with management.

Better management, less greeed, and the places would still be open.

I mean, if you ran a bar you wouldn't start a drive through counter cause you know your place would be busted.

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OK, for all of you people who decide to make all these assumptions that these clubs will be closed forever, youre dreaming.

The reason why these clubs were shutdown was for drugs. But in the legal aspect it is called nuciense abatement. Meaning that it is basically a warning for these clubs that are indeed looking past the fact that there is drug use going on in these buildings.

The lawyers for these nightclubs will be in court and the clubs will be open soon. Do you actually think these club owners would sacrifice more than one week of needed business?!

Think logically....all clubs have drugs

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Originally posted by johnny595

But in the legal aspect it is called nuciense abatement. Meaning that it is basically a warning for these clubs that are indeed looking past the fact that there is drug use going on in these buildings.

Clubs and bars are shut down permanently under the Nuisance Abatement Law all the time. That's how Civil Enforcement shut down the Tunnel.

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Originally posted by barvybe

you all are killing me with this "you guys killed the party with the drugs" and stuff.

THANK YOU, I was waiting for someone to say that. I love how the non-drug users or former users now feel they have the right to judge everyone. Well guess what? You don't. Shit happens, accept it and move on. The only real tragedy here is where the crowd is going to move the party to. This isn't even remotely close to Twilo closing so just stfu.

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Originally posted by deucenyc

You guys ruined the party with all the drugs so who cares plus Exit & SF sucked anyway honestly. Now all that is left for 18+ is Arc, B52, and WH. This means everyone I know and myself will be at B52 on Fridays.

I thought Webster Hall was always 19+ ladies and 21+ for men.... did it change recently?

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Hey everyone,

Sorry to see two good spots in the city close. But I gotta say, people haven't learned their lesson. I really haven't been out all that much in the last few years, but I have been in the scene since 92' (Disco 2000, and Tribaldome @limelight, hehe). Anyway, when Limelight closed, things cleaned up for a while, the crackheads went home. Three years later, things are a mess again, and Twilo is gone. Now SF and Exit. GROW THE FUCK UP, and get some self control. Do drugs AT HOME, then come out. Hell how many times have you seen people lined up on a wall by NYPD outside the club for drug sales? Shit, you know the 5-0 is there.

Whatever. Time to go back to one-offs and word of mouth events. Maybe B&T people that come out to do drugs will stay home, but more likely they will ruin what "scene" NJ has left.

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Originally posted by johnny595

OK, for all of you people who decide to make all these assumptions that these clubs will be closed forever, youre dreaming.

The reason why these clubs were shutdown was for drugs. But in the legal aspect it is called nuciense abatement. Meaning that it is basically a warning for these clubs that are indeed looking past the fact that there is drug use going on in these buildings.

The lawyers for these nightclubs will be in court and the clubs will be open soon. Do you actually think these club owners would sacrifice more than one week of needed business?!

Think logically....all clubs have drugs

Thats what Peter Gatien thought.. Thats what the owners of Twilo thought too.. If you recall, they wanted Twilo closed, and they git them on a Bullshit Construction permit that was expired. Twilo wasnt officially closed for drugs.

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