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Who are you to ask someone not to come to a nightclub?

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Yeah, pretending you're better than other people who go to different clubs is just fucking gay. I mean that figuratively btw. To rephrase what Smokesum said, who the hell do you kids think you are, that you can tell other people to stay out of 'your' club. Please. If it were one of those type of places, there would be a velvert rope outside, and a doorman picking people to come inside. And if that were the case, you elitist little pricks wouldn't get in. So, if you can't deal with 'Exit-heads' of 'SF heads' in Arc or wherever you cool people hang out, stop going. Because you'd be defeating the purpose of their party.

Originally posted by djmikebugout

i agree keepin someone out b/c of their attitude is not cool. But i said on another board, if ur comin to a club to do drugs stay home and do em there. any thoughts on that?

uhhhh, this is so tough to say. I mean, yeah, in a perfect world drugs would be kept out of clubs. In a perfect world it wouldn't be a problem. But, well, drugs are just cool to some people, myself included. And the club atmosphere happens to be very very condusive to drug use. I would be severely lying if I said that I am sober everytime I am out. Not to justify myself though, I am rediculously responsible with what I do use. I've been going to clubs for a long time now, and I've never ever had an incident, where I put myself in a shitty situation, or done anything to make a club look bad. I guess you could argue that just by virtue of the fact that I have taken drugs in a club, I'd be poorly representing that establishment, but again, I'm not ODing, or doing shit out in the open for all to see. Ha, this is definitely coming across as me trying to justify my substance use in a club, but my point is that there's a difference. There's 'use' and then there's 'abuse.' I think the abusers are the problem. In fact, I know they're the problem. It said in some of those Police statements that their reasons for closing up shop, was the drugs dealings they witnessed, seeing kids use out in the open, the incidents where kids overindulged, etc.

I don't know, drug use is bad, I agree. Drugs use is part of the club culture. It's been around forever now.

Mike, it was worse at Exit before you guys all came in, so it's not like you didn't know what you were getting into. But one thing is for sure. i think that a lot of people will really start to think harder about what they do inside a club. At least i would hope so after all this bs. I definitely will.

Also, in one of two of those Police reports, it did mention underage drinking as being a factor...how many people have drank underage in a club? A lot I would assume. The problem is with the culture as a whole, not just certain kids.

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zeek bro--

theres no argument here. If u come to clubs to do drugs, stay home. Plain and simple. If enough people accept this thinking, we'll be okay. If not, every club that opens will just end up gettin shut down and lots of hard work goes down the drain.

ps - the underage drinking thing dealt with Arena in New Rochelle, where there were 13 year olds gettin drunk pissy every nite.


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Originally posted by djmikebugout

zeek bro--

theres no argument here. If u come to clubs to do drugs, stay home. Plain and simple. If enough people accept this thinking, we'll be okay. If not, every club that opens will just end up gettin shut down and lots of hard work goes down the drain.


I'm not arguing that it's ok. It's not. But drugs are rampant in clubs all over the world. It is part of the club culture. You go overseas, it's just as bad, if not worse. I'm not justifying it by any means. But like I said, drugs and clubs go hand in hand. It's not gonna go away overnight. All I can do personally, is watch out for myself, and give more thought to the bigger picture when I go out. And that, I will do.

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Originally posted by smokesum



I know tell me about it.. Grow up people! It seems some of you on here are the only ones with this kind of attitude.. And if anything its YOUR attitude thats ruins the so called scene..

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i could care less about their attitudes..i just dont want other places to get packed...especially with 16 yr olds rollin their face off...

i have nooo problem with drugs..do them..its ur body..but its because of dumb fucks that do them all out in the open that these clubs were shut down...if they were a lil more down low wit their shit this wouldnt b a problem

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i have nooo problem with drugs..do them..its ur body..but its because of dumb fucks that do them all out in the open that these clubs were shut down...if they were a lil more down low wit their shit this wouldnt b a problem

I agree wholey. Drugs are bad, but dumb fucks on drugs are worse, and are what kills a club.

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Not trying to start drama, but why even worry about the closings of Exit & SF? There are sooooo many more important things in life to worry about. A club is just that--a club;a venue which plays music at all hours of the morning. If you're fretting about them getting shut, perhaps its time to re-evaluate your own life, and re-arange your priorities.

I, for one, will not lose any sleep over it. My life doesnt revolve around clubs or going out and getting high. I'll just have to adjust my schedule and go somewhere else if the need arises--no big deal, right?

I know by posting im not helping the situation, I just feel that its pointless to cry, point fingers and get all pissy that a building is closed.

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Originally posted by avalondon3

Not trying to start drama, but why even worry about the closings of Exit & SF? There are sooooo many more important things in life to worry about. A club is just that--a club;a venue which plays music at all hours of the morning. If you're fretting about them getting shut, perhaps its time to re-evaluate your own life, and re-arange your priorities.

I, for one, will not lose any sleep over it. My life doesnt revolve around clubs or going out and getting high. I'll just have to adjust my schedule and go somewhere else if the need arises--no big deal, right?

I know by posting im not helping the situation, I just feel that its pointless to cry, point fingers and get all pissy that a building is closed.

I'm kinda with you on that.. I don't care much either way if Exit is closed down.. what I DO care about is that there were promoters and DJs and people who worked hard to try and build Exit a new reputation and now all their effort is being flushed down the toilet like it means nothing. I know a lot of people are angry. But the question is WHO should you be angry at? There is no one person to blame or one situation to blame. It is an overall problem that has been going on in that club for YEARS and everyone blatantly knew it. The NYPD and the mayor are just doing their jobs.

On a completely different note..

Was there this much drama and such when they were closing down Tunnel and then later when they closed down Twilo and still later when they closed down Limelight?

I can't even imagine the shit that was probally said around the time that Tunnel and Twilo were closed off. :eek:

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Originally posted by Codica3

I'm kinda with you on that.. I don't care much either way if Exit is closed down.. what I DO care about is that there were promoters and DJs and people who worked hard to try and build Exit a new reputation and now all their effort is being flushed down the toilet like it means nothing. I know a lot of people are angry. But the question is WHO should you be angry at? There is no one person to blame or one situation to blame. It is an overall problem that has been going on in that club for YEARS and everyone blatantly knew it. The NYPD and the mayor are just doing their jobs.

On a completely different note..

Was there this much drama and such when they were closing down Tunnel and then later when they closed down Twilo and still later when they closed down Limelight?

I can't even imagine the shit that was probally said around the time that Tunnel and Twilo were closed off. :eek:

I see where you're coming from, and I agree. Its too bad the hard work of a few, who really cared, was spolied by the laziness, greeed, and evilness of the many who cared only about themselves.

If we had more people like bugout and co. that cared more about the music than the "scene", perhaps NYC wouldnt be in this mess. Unfortunatly, the bugouts are few and far between. It'll be a long, loooooooong time before the drug culture is rooted out of the dance music scene(and at the rate things are going,I somehow doubt that).

As far as pointing fingers, I feel that's easy. The finger needs to be pointed at ourselves;meaning the ones who let this drug use culture flourish. Perhaps if all of us had said" enough is enough" things wouldnt be this bad. However, you reap what you soe.Its sad that "popping pills, snorting Coke, and drinking G" are the "cool" thing.

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please everyone if you go to Arc please obey Danny's wishes and please don't do the shit that has gone on at Soundfactory.We love our club our Friday Be yourself party we love Danny. I along with many others do not want to lose this. I don't care if you are straight gay black white human or animal I welcome everyone to come and enjoy the music.I'm sorry if we people seem snippy about the people coming to arc but we are just protective of our house which holds some of the best music going.Great people great vibe great music and 2 Dannys who are probably the most gifted DJ's around. I don't know what I would do if we lost Vinyl/arc b/c of some dumb shit somebody got caught doing.Come have fun just be repectful....Dont be a flagrant crackhead

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Originally posted by avalondon3

I see where you're coming from, and I agree. Its too bad the hard work of a few, who really cared, was spolied by the laziness, greeed, and evilness of the many who cared only about themselves.

If we had more people like bugout and co. that cared more about the music than the "scene", perhaps NYC wouldnt be in this mess. Unfortunatly, the bugouts are few and far between. It'll be a long, loooooooong time before the drug culture is rooted out of the dance music scene(and at the rate things are going,I somehow doubt that).

As far as pointing fingers, I feel that's easy. The finger needs to be pointed at ourselves;meaning the ones who let this drug use culture flourish. Perhaps if all of us had said" enough is enough" things wouldnt be this bad. However, you reap what you soe.Its sad that "popping pills, snorting Coke, and drinking G" are the "cool" thing.

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Originally posted by foodidoo

please everyone if you go to Arc please obey Danny's wishes and please don't do the shit that has gone on at Soundfactory.We love our club our Friday Be yourself party we love Danny. I along with many others do not want to lose this. I don't care if you are straight gay black white human or animal I welcome everyone to come and enjoy the music.I'm sorry if we people seem snippy about the people coming to arc but we are just protective of our house which holds some of the best music going.Great people great vibe great music and 2 Dannys who are probably the most gifted DJ's around. I don't know what I would do if we lost Vinyl/arc b/c of some dumb shit somebody got caught doing.Come have fun just be repectful....Dont be a flagrant crackhead

My exact take on the situation!

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Originally posted by foodidoo

please everyone if you go to Arc please obey Danny's wishes and please don't do the shit that has gone on at Soundfactory.We love our club our Friday Be yourself party we love Danny. I along with many others do not want to lose this. I don't care if you are straight gay black white human or animal I welcome everyone to come and enjoy the music.I'm sorry if we people seem snippy about the people coming to arc but we are just protective of our house which holds some of the best music going.Great people great vibe great music and 2 Dannys who are probably the most gifted DJ's around. I don't know what I would do if we lost Vinyl/arc b/c of some dumb shit somebody got caught doing.Come have fun just be repectful....Dont be a flagrant crackhead


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