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Dropping like flies (Exit & Sound Factory)


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Originally posted by vicman

i especially like when DT drops his 75min. remix of "touch me"...i bet that gives him time to go get a sandwich, take a crap, get a blowjob, make a couple of phone calls, balance his check book...:rolleyes:

You think he gets the blowjob *after* he takes a crap? EW!

:constipa::sperm: :sperm: :sperm:

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Originally posted by nourishment

Hell, Tenaglia could give up spinning altogether and work with Diesel Boy as an MC.

"Get yer hands up in the A-yer!!!!!!!!!"

Ohhhh...a lurker comes to life!

Personally, I hate it when a DJ starts talking in the middle of a set....I think it completely kills the vibe the music created...I hated it especially at DH vs DT , part 1...because I completely lost momentum once DT got on.

But, again, thats my preference, and I don't care whether someone agrees with me or not, but they better not start putting me down for it, saying that I don't know anything about the scene.

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Originally posted by nautilus60

I also like how at the last WMC he had an electronic display where it would show which track he was playing - i thought it was neat...

Did the sign flash "Rui Da Silva - Touch Me" for three hours? :D

Actually, that is pretty cool. They should have displays like that at every club.

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Originally posted by nautilus60

I also like how at the last WMC he had an electronic display where it would show which track he was playing - i thought it was neat...

Oh cool! I think every dj should have that.. I'm so bad at trainspotting!

I missed his set at the WMC last year because I came home a day early. I'll be there this year though! :D

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i mean, to me its ok, if he talks and says something short, i dont mind it. but when he starts going off, "and this is a track that blah, blah, blah, who just walked in and she can feel the love because blah, blah, blah, blah...and i had a tuna sandwich for lunch with no mayo, blah, blah, blah...in with the new and out with the old and everyone is lovely and feeling the love..blah, blah, blah..and those sour cream a chive ruffles are feeling my love tonight, blah, blah, blah" :blown:

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Originally posted by mysteriousss

Some things never change.. Good old dj bashing... Gimme some popcorn please and a .. :pint:

Not necessarily DJ bashing...just some people's opinions on a certain DJ. Also, we're not exactly talking about his skills as a DJ - just the "talking in the middle of a set" part.

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Originally posted by vicman

i mean, to me its ok, if he talks and says something short, i dont mind it. but when he starts going off, "and this is a track that blah, blah, blah, who just walked in and she can feel the love because blah, blah, blah, blah...and i had a tuna sandwich for lunch with no mayo, blah, blah, blah...in with the new and out with the old and everyone is lovely and feeling the love..blah, blah, blah..and those sour cream a chive ruffles are feeling my love tonight, blah, blah, blah" :blown:

all of this while a 50 min remix of "touch me" is playing...of course

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Originally posted by vicman

maybe, is there a 60min tinybf remix of "touch me" out in the market that we do not know of? :shaky:

hehe.... I actually prefer to have the Divinyls "I touch myself" playing in the background when I do my monologues :D

Oh and I had soup for lunch. I know you were wondering why I hadn't called to tell you :laugh2:

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Originally posted by vicman

just wondering as an outsiders point of view, if you weren't promoting for DT, what would you think of his 20min monologues during the middle of his set?

we don't promote for anyone, were just average club going people, while most of us like his music and know who he is, regardless, we don't like any dj to start talking during the middle of his/her set no matter who they are. we are the type of people that you want in your club as paying customers and your just pissing everyone off.

from a promoting point of view, you are doing a terrible job and are actually doing a diservice to DT instead. just for that i'm now going to think twice about going to see him, because punks like you, who feel they are the shit because they promote for X or Y dj, would actually benefit from it.

same way i am only one person and my business might not be of importance to you, same way there are many dj's out there besides DT who i can go see and enjoy their music as much or even more than DT himself and more importantly i wont have to listen to a 20 minute monologue on PLUR.

a. I'm not a promoter I am an educated fan

b. You are the exact person DT DOESN'T WANT in his crowd, so I am glad that you will consider not going as are many other people.

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Originally posted by vicman

i especially like when DT drops his 75min. remix of "touch me"...i bet that gives him time to go get a sandwich, take a crap, get a blowjob, make a couple of phone calls, balance his check book...:rolleyes:

hmm 12000 posts, that basically means you are a loser that has no real life and invents his own loserdom online. You have no musical education, your probably a stuttering moron, and the earth would be better off if you just dropped dead, atleast then we have more fertilizer...nuff said

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Originally posted by abstractls

hmm 12000 posts, that basically means you are a loser that has no real life and invents his own loserdom online. You have no musical education, your probably a stuttering moron, and the earth would be better off if you just dropped dead, atleast then we have more fertilizer...nuff said

Damn dude, you really don't have a way with people do you??? Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions....you really do have a CULT mentality toward DT. Just because a DJ is really good does NOT mean he's perfect, and thus there is always room for criticism.

You really are not doing much to improve DT's image by the way you're behaving on these boards. I actually am less inclined to see him now, if this is how all his "fans" behave!


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