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R.I.P to my friend

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I just received news that my friend died last night. He was a close friend and a wonderful person. His name is Anonymous. He was from Nj close to the shore. He left behind friends who loved him, a family, and worst of all a child. He was supposed to come over last night to visit my roommate. My roommate spoke to him at 2a.m and he said he was on his way over. He never made it over. He overdosed last night in Newark with a friend of his who is heavy into drugs. He used drugs, but no one ever thought anything like this would happen. It was not heroin, and im not sure exactly what happened yet and i don't care. We are worried about terrorist killing us when we are killing ourselves. He would work 5-6 days a week and visit clubs on the weekends.Local, and New York clubs, Sound factory, Exit ect. Anytime he was around he would bring a smile to your face.Whether there was 2 people around he was always dancing and always smiling bringing nothing but positivity into evryone life. He will be remembered forever. I ask everyone who uses drugs to check themselves and think about everyone around you. Think about the people you love and the people who love you. No matter what it is, weed, coke, pills, anything we all know what the conciquenses can be. All I ask is keep love in your life and stop the usage of drugs. HE WAS ONLY 26 YEARS OLD.

R.I.P Anonymous

We will never forget you,

Bill Pettinelli

My tears will not bring him back.

:( :( :( :( :(:cry: :cry:

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sorry to hear this....................

in any situation drugs ruin lives and relationships.............

and no matter if its your first time using or you have been heavily into it for a long time, it only takes one bad time to kill you.

it always seems though the good people are the ones to go, maybe thats cause they are being taking to a better place, taken away from all this bs the world is going thru............

a few of my close friends lost people close to them (i didnt know them personally, it was cause of suicide) but i always say they are better off, taken from what ever tormented them in life...........

my prayers are with you

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Originally posted by calebos

What bullshit. "Your friend is in our prayers" Chill with this shit and move the fuck on. I don't want to hear your sad stories, we all have them. There is no need to bring it here.

Someone should throw you in the lions cages right before feeding time.

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Sorry to hear about your friend....Although you are not helping anybody by keeping it a secret how he died....was it coke, pills, k, g, tina? Seriously....I had two friends die...one took pills and jumped off a bridge 2 years ago...and the other...starved herself and had a heart attack...i feel your pain, but you are not helping people by hiding the cause...

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I'm also sorry to hear about your loss, but the only words of encouragement i can give you is that things will only get better. Only time will heal the void in your heart. But eventually the pain will go away.

And to the jerk off who decided to dis the guy who started this thread... Someone seriously needs to whoop your ass. :blown::isok:

Oh, and to boriginal, I think that we might have gone to high school together.

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Thank you everyone for your comments. they mean everything to me. Also I am not hiding how he died. No one knows as of yet. We are waiting for the autopsy. As for calebos...

If you do do drugs, your time will come. If you dont do drugs your time will come. Anyone as shallow as you is not worth commenting on, so please do not reply because i will not respond. May god be with you

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Originally posted by calebos

What bullshit. "Your friend is in our prayers" Chill with this shit and move the fuck on. I don't want to hear your sad stories, we all have them. There is no need to bring it here.

thats FUCKED UP, have some respect

boriginal, i am really sorry for your loss

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Originally posted by calebos

What bullshit. "Your friend is in our prayers" Chill with this shit and move the fuck on. I don't want to hear your sad stories, we all have them. There is no need to bring it here.

.....you got some real issues cocksucker........your gonna run into the wrong people one day that wont take your jokes so lightly.......fuck around on some threads but leave ones like this alone!!!!!!.......let the kid turn to friends for support.....not a fucken scrawny bitch like yourself!!!!

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Originally posted by piro8

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. More than that though I feel worse for his kid that has to grow up without his father. :(

dont feel bad for someone who has lost a parent..........it only makes them stronger............

i lost my father when i was 13, it was hard but it made me strong, independent, and kept me from taking life for granted.

there is always a blessing in every hardship or loss

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I log on here to be entertained and to have alittle fun. Not to have to see some dude darken the mood. We all have problems and we've all been through death one way or the other. My question is, why post it here? There are special forums designated for this type of thing.

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Originally posted by calebos

I log on here to be entertained and to have alittle fun. Not to have to see some dude darken the mood. We all have problems and we've all been through death one way or the other. My question is, why post it here? There are special forums designated for this type of thing.

very logical opinion, calebos, but you can be nicer about the way you say things

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Originally posted by boriginal

I just received news that my friend died last night. He was a close friend and a wonderful person. His name is Anonymous. He was from Nj close to the shore. He left behind friends who loved him, a family, and worst of all a child. He was supposed to come over last night to visit my roommate. My roommate spoke to him at 2a.m and he said he was on his way over. He never made it over. He overdosed last night in Newark with a friend of his who is heavy into drugs. He used drugs, but no one ever thought anything like this would happen. It was not heroin, and im not sure exactly what happened yet and i don't care. We are worried about terrorist killing us when we are killing ourselves. He would work 5-6 days a week and visit clubs on the weekends.Local, and New York clubs, Sound factory, Exit ect. Anytime he was around he would bring a smile to your face.Whether there was 2 people around he was always dancing and always smiling bringing nothing but positivity into evryone life. He will be remembered forever. I ask everyone who uses drugs to check themselves and think about everyone around you. Think about the people you love and the people who love you. No matter what it is, weed, coke, pills, anything we all know what the conciquenses can be. All I ask is keep love in your life and stop the usage of drugs. HE WAS ONLY 26 YEARS OLD.

R.I.P Anonymous

We will never forget you,

Bill Pettinelli

My tears will not bring him back.

:( :( :( :( :(:cry: :cry:

i am sorry for your freind and my prayers go out to his love 1s

addiction is a serious sickness that is overlooked and it shouldn't be becouse you think your not hurting anyone but yourself but your killing the people around you that care for you

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my freinds brother recently passed away and his ex girl freind wrote this poam people should read this and try to go by it

When's the last time I told you I loved you?

When's the last time I told you I cared?

How many times in the last month have I called you?

Just to remind you- that all the time -I'll be there?

Have I always returned your phone calls?

Or sounded excited just to hear your voice?

Have you strayed away from reciting your most recent news?

Because I've given you no other choice?

Have I set aside time to meet with you?

To admit how great and how fast you've grown?

Have I reminded you of all the people who admire you?

To ensure that never should you feel alone?

Did I approach our past experiences?

Have I allowed them to be erased?

Have I allowed us a new beginning?

Have I showed you in my heart where youre placed?

Have I treated each word with significance?

And listened with an equal share?

Have I treated each good bye with love and feeling?

Did I realize next time you may not be there?

Can I only wish that my message is effective?

And hope when you looked in my eyes you knew?

Have you always walked away knowing-

Just how greatly I thought of you??

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