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What do you guys think of all this "preparedness" talk lately? Especially since we've found out that some of the info. that was responsible for raising the Terror Alert was false? Do you care? Are you doing any "preparing"? Do you stress it? :confused:

I'm not really doing anything, but I think of it sometimes - like if I should grab some extra bottled water while I'm out or if I can withstand a nuclear blast hiding in my closet. :rolleyes: I'm not really worried at this point even though I live five blocks from the Capitol. *sigh*




Water & Food

Clean Air

First Aid Kit

Supply Checklists

Special Needs Items


Creating a Family Plan

Deciding to Stay or Go

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In a Moving Vehicle

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Biological Threat

Chemical Threat


Nuclear Blast

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

What do you guys think of all this "preparedness" talk lately? Especially since we've found out that some of the info. that was responsible for raising the Terror Alert was false? Do you care? Are you doing any "preparing"? Do you stress it? :confused:

I'm not really doing anything, but I think of it sometimes - like if I should grab some extra bottled water while I'm out or if I can withstand a nuclear blast hiding in my closet. :rolleyes: I'm not really worried at this point even though I live five blocks from the Capitol. *sigh*




Water & Food

Clean Air

First Aid Kit

Supply Checklists

Special Needs Items


Creating a Family Plan

Deciding to Stay or Go

At Work and School

In a Moving Vehicle

In a High-Rise Building


Biological Threat

Chemical Threat


Nuclear Blast

Radiation Threat

The odds of me dying in a car accident are way higher than dying by any terror threat. So my only "preparedness" is to buckle up. Other than that, fuck it. If the odds are worse than 1 in a million, then I don't even think about it.

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I don't think I'm prepared if anything happens!!!!

I do have some of the stuff on the "make a kit" list, but if something happens I don't know how I would react!

I was down in Australia on Sept 11, when the planes hited the twin towers and the Pentagon! So my reaction defenally would be different if I was here.

Though, I do believe if something is supouse to happen to you, it will happen; even if you are "prepared". So I try not to stress much!

Life is too short! So make the most of it as you can!!!


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I have some bottled water but that's cause I went to the grocery store yesterday for other stuff and I always buy bottled water anyway.

I was really freaked out last week. I think some other stressful things were getting to me and I didn't need to hear that we were all gonna die. *sigh*

Honestly, if its my time to go... its my time to go! No two ways about it.

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

I have some bottled water but that's cause I went to the grocery store yesterday for other stuff and I always buy bottled water anyway.

I was really freaked out last week. I think some other stressful things were getting to me and I didn't need to hear that we were all gonna die. *sigh*

Honestly, if its my time to go... its my time to go! No two ways about it.

i bought granola yesterday in case i get the munchies during a nuclear fall out

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so we're all fatalists. sounds good.

wtf are people "preparing" for. is there going to be a point when we're not allowed to go outside? sorrry bub, both anthrax and radiation can get into your house from outside, duct tape or not.

I'm a lil more preoccupied burrowing through the 6 feet of snow on my side walk right now...ugh!

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I have my closet all sealed off, inside is a flashlight, water, tv, gas mask, radio and some clam chowder. I can hardly wait, I already did a trial run, everything went well, was in there for 2 hours no prob., just chilled and watched Seinfeld. PM me if anyone wants to bunker up, it's a walk in closet...........

If all else fails, I'm heading to 66 west and going to West Virginia........

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Originally posted by pgiddy

I have my closet all sealed off, inside is a flashlight, water, tv, gas mask, radio and some clam chowder. I can hardly wait, I already did a trial run, everything went well, was in there for 2 hours no prob., just chilled and watched Seinfeld. PM me if anyone wants to bunker up, it's a walk in closet...........

If all else fails, I'm heading to 66 west and going to West Virginia........

If your closet's all sealed off already, how are you gonna get in there? I bet when you paint your floor you start from the open end of the room and work your way over to the closed end. Pgiddy = Genius. :rolleyes:

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if something awful drops in dc, some plastic seeting and duct tape aren't going to save me. i wasn't scared living in tel aviv, i'm not scared now. if life's gonna come down to living it like that, i'd rather not be here. i'm not goin out like that... what will be will be.

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