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serious birth control ? for the ladies..


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The Pill.

How many of you are currently on some sort of birth control? When you started taking it, did you notice a big change in hormones while your body was adjusting? How is that time of the month now? Are there less symptoms, are they less severe? And what made you decide to go on the pill in the first place?

Sorry, I know I only said one ques., but I'm having some issues about going on the pill, and my dr. is strongly for me taking it. I'll get into details as I get responses...I know each individual is different, but I'd just like to see opinions from different angles of the spectrum.

Spank you in advance :D

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Well, I have been on for about 5 and a 1/2 years and love it- never had a complaint. I get no cramps and my period is lighter. I didnt really notice a change in hormones. This is my experience but it affects everyone differently. I have some friends who have gone off cause their PMS was crazy and they gained weight. Also, if you do go on and that one doesnt agree with you, you can always change types. I went to the gyno yesterday and he said that if I am having no problems on it, to stay on it. I dont think if your gyno or mine didnt think it was a good thing, they wouldnt suggest it. And yeah, you will know when you are getting your period every month which is nice.

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Originally posted by lollib

Well, I have been on for about 5 and a 1/2 years and love it- never had a complaint. I get no cramps and my period is lighter. I didnt really notice a change in hormones. This is my experience but it affects everyone differently. I have some friends who have gone off cause their PMS was crazy and they gained weight. Also, if you do go on and that one doesnt agree with you, you can always change types. I went to the gyno yesterday and he said that if I am having no problems on it, to stay on it. I dont think if your gyno or mine didnt think it was a good thing, they wouldnt suggest it. And yeah, you will know when you are getting your period every month which is nice.

how about the difference in pre-menstrual symptoms?

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Originally posted by marcid21

how about the difference in pre-menstrual symptoms?

Honestly, my PMS didnt get any worse and may have even gotten better. That may sound crazy cause I know people who turn into crazy bitches. I also dont get cramps anymore. I highly recommend the pill. Some people may tell u differently cause they have had bad experiences, but I can only say good things about it.

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i have been out for like 6 1/2 years and for the most part i never noticed any major problems issues. same as what lollib said above (lighter period, no cramps, evens out your mood swings).

i didnt gain weight, although some of my friends have (about 5lbs) and usuallly in the bust area (dammit!) Although at one pt, I did go off of it for a couple months. and whne i went back on, i noticed a decrease in my sex drive (which was probably for the best .... :tongue: )

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I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen for about four years... I didn't gain any weight, although my boobs did swell up a little (*JUST* a little, unfortunately! :mad: ). Periods are much better- less cramping, lighter flow, you know exactly which day to expect it, all that good stuff. I did PMS a little harder while on it... but thankfully, that was only one day, the week prior to my period.

I'm not taking the pill anymore, but I'm on my third month of NuvaRing. It contains more or less the same hormones as the pill, but instead of having to take a stupid pill every day, and possible forgetting it, you wear a small flexible ring (about two inches in diameter) inside. You leave it in for three weeks, the hormones are slowly released into your bloodstream, and then take it out for a week, when you get your period. Same concept as the pill, but you only have to think about it twice a month, so there's much less chance of error on your part.

I've only had two complete cycles, but so far so good... my period's lighter even than when I was on the pill, and my day of PMS hasn't been nearly as harsh...

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Originally posted by entheogen808

i know, i know, i'm a guy...

but, what is the deal with smoking cigs and the pill? there's something bad about the mix, no?

It has something to do with the estrogen in the pill. The combo of the two lead to a greater risk of heart attack or stroke, esp. in women over 35.

*If you are a heavy smoker over the age of 35, we strongly advise you not take the pill (or so the commercial goes!).*

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Originally posted by tastyt

I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen for about four years... I didn't gain any weight, although my boobs did swell up a little (*JUST* a little, unfortunately! :mad: ). Periods are much better- less cramping, lighter flow, you know exactly which day to expect it, all that good stuff. I did PMS a little harder while on it... but thankfully, that was only one day, the week prior to my period.

I'm not taking the pill anymore, but I'm on my third month of NuvaRing. It contains more or less the same hormones as the pill, but instead of having to take a stupid pill every day, and possible forgetting it, you wear a small flexible ring (about two inches in diameter) inside. You leave it in for three weeks, the hormones are slowly released into your bloodstream, and then take it out for a week, when you get your period. Same concept as the pill, but you only have to think about it twice a month, so there's much less chance of error on your part.

I've only had two complete cycles, but so far so good... my period's lighter even than when I was on the pill, and my day of PMS hasn't been nearly as harsh...

hey if you dont mind me asking.. what is the cost in the ring? any more or less expensive than the normal monthly pack?

and um... stupid question.. but it.. doesnt get in the way of sex? or any other activities? lol

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Originally posted by entheogen808

that would be diane...:(

Well, there's always the shot, which has different hormones (no estrogen) and is not supposed to interact w/ciggies in the same way. Of course, the shot has its own set of problems and bizarre side-effects...

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Originally posted by nycchic24

hey if you dont mind me asking.. what is the cost in the ring? any more or less expensive than the normal monthly pack?

and um... stupid question.. but it.. doesnt get in the way of sex? or any other activities? lol

Well, my insurance covers it, so I don't know how much it would normally cost. And it *did* get in the way a bit, the first month. I didn't think I was going to be able to continue using it. I'd imagine that it wouldn't have been a problem for a more normal-sized person, lol! But after the first month, it didn't get in the way at all.

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Originally posted by atomicapples

the best thing to do is not to have sex.

is sex that really important?

well, i really don't expect men to know this...but I'm not going on it for any reasons pertaining to my sexual activity. It's for health reasons....the main reason being, I am completely out of my mind for almost 3 weeks before I get my period.

My period the last year has consistantly been two to three weeks late every month and physically i'm almost out of commission for those three weeks. I've listened to my doctor and changed my routine...exercising more, eating healthy and eliminating things like sodium etc....but to no avail.

My doctor even went as far as to put me on a special diet...and we monitored my symptoms, and they were exactly the same for three months. No change whatsoever. If it were just about being bloated and headaches I could deal...but literally I feel like a different person during this time. I get anxiety attacks, very very weak, tired, irritable...and really really spacey.

My dr has been insisting on the pill, and altho it may regulate my period i'm wondering what effects it will have on PMS. My question is, is this something different althogether? PMDD maybe? I don't want to jump the gun and diagnose myself...but this is really just getting unbearable.

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Originally posted by marcid21

well, i really don't expect men to know this...but I'm not going on it for any reasons pertaining to my sexual activity. It's for health reasons....the main reason being, I am completely out of my mind for almost 3 weeks before I get my period.

My period the last year has consistantly been two to three weeks late every month and physically i'm almost out of commission for those three weeks. I've listened to my doctor and changed my routine...exercising more, eating healthy and eliminating things like sodium etc....but to no avail.

My doctor even went as far as to put me on a special diet...and we monitored my symptoms, and they were exactly the same for three months. No change whatsoever. If it were just about being bloated and headaches I could deal...but literally I feel like a different person during this time. I get anxiety attacks, very very weak, tired, irritable...and really really spacey.

My dr has been insisting on the pill, and altho it may regulate my period i'm wondering what effects it will have on PMS. My question is, is this something different althogether? PMDD maybe? I don't want to jump the gun and diagnose myself...but this is really just getting unbearable.

I've been on the pill for quite some time now & in all the time I've been on it PMS is practically non-existant........I don't get cramps/backpain, moodiness etc. The period itself is like 2-3 days long & light as hell.......The thing you have to consider is every form of birth control effects your body different So what one type of pill might do for another it might not have the same effects on you.........But for the most part generally the pill supresses all PMS I've never heard anyone whos on the pill say their PMS has gotten worse instead of better

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Originally posted by sweetie029

But for the most part generally the pill supresses all PMS I've never heard anyone whos on the pill say their PMS has gotten worse instead of better

Actually, I've heard a lot of women say that.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Well, there's always the shot, which has different hormones (no estrogen) and is not supposed to interact w/ciggies in the same way. Of course, the shot has its own set of problems and bizarre side-effects...

i take it

most common side effect is gaining weight

but im a low maintenance type of chick

so i prefer it then having to take a pill every day

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i have been on the pill for about 3 years now & the reason i went on it was because i was bleeding too heavily & almost hemorrahging during my periods (scariest thing ever)...

once i went on the pill i didn't notice any weight gain or any side affects....my period has been lighter for hte most part but every now & then it's a lil heavy...i notice if i exercise at least 4-5 days a week wit cardio my periods & cramps are less severe...my cramps were another problem cuz they lasted about 2 days or so & i was also takin Anaprox with the pill so birth control didn't help me there....When i PMS i notice that it really isn't that bad, i mean, i have my quick moments, but nothing major...one thing i will say is that my sister turned into the BIGGEST bitch ever when she would PMS, but she was 16 on ortho tricyclen so i dunno if that mattered...

i would say give it a shot & see how it works out..it won't happen overnight..i would say at least by 3 months after takin the pill you should realize a change..i wish you the best of luck sweety

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i would get the pill... i dunno, i was at the gyno the other day and she was explaining all the various methods, the ring just sounds too weird. i dont want to fumble around wtih a ring. the patch i cant do, who the hell wants to wear a visable patch all the time? my dr said the shot makes u bleed randomly for 3-6 months so i cant deal with that either. if i didnt get the pill i would have gone with the shot. she said ther are no negative health implications to it except the random bleeding.. im scared of shots anyway so i didnt really wanna have to get one every 3 months, im also lazy and dont wanna travel to the dr every 3 months to get a shot.

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Originally posted by Reeni

i was on the pill got pregnant(im the one percent)started taking the shot didnt get my period for 2 years im thinking of geting the patch

i seriously didn't know you could get pregnant on the pill & you are the 3rd girl to tell me that within a few weeks...scarey shit cuz it does happen...i would be hesitant about the shot, plus i think i heard it hurts like hell when you get it

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