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For those in a relationship...


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For everybody whose in a relationship, how long have you been together? How did you meet? Do you see a future with this person or are they just right for right now? What are your favorite things about them? What are your least favorite?

I've been with my man for about 10 months now. We met through friends. I see a future together and we talk about it all the time, but who knows what can happen. My favorite things about him is he makes me laugh, we rarely get bored of each other, and we have great conversations. My least favorite things are he has a temper and we fight a lot, he dosen't have the same goals or priorities as me, he's very jealous, and immature. I can't really see my life without him since we're always together, but after 10 moths who knows if it's meant to last, only time will tell......

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no i never think like that. i am all about the present. all u have is here and now, you dont know whats gonna happen tomorrow so do what u have to do for u. i am in a little relationship but if i got offered a dream job anywhere in the world, i would be gone hehe...

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i have been w/ my b/f (armanifella) for a little over 2 years now. We actually had a class in college together, but we never talked to each other until one day when we saw each other out. I def see a future for us. Sometime we bug each other and fight, but we have good chemistry:D

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Originally posted by somebitch

no i never think like that. i am all about the present. all u have is here and now, you dont know whats gonna happen tomorrow so do what u have to do for u. i am in a little relationship but if i got offered a dream job anywhere in the world, i would be gone hehe...

Right on! I am not in a relationship - but if I was and something came down where I would get a bangin' ass job - I'd be Audi 5000 baby. Aint' letten no woman hold my ass back! ANd if she got a job - rock on sweety - go make me some cash, see ya when you get back.

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I met my boyfriend at the end of my senior year in high school....we clicked immediately and had an amazing summer together.....although I never pictured myself going away to school with a boyfriend at home, that all changed with him.

It's been almost 4 years since then, and although we've had some shitty times, and even some time apart, I still am ridiculously in love with him, and I consider him my best friend....

I can't predict what will happen in the future, we just take it day by day....But my heart has his name on it as cheesy as it may sound, it's true :heart:

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I met my boyfriend at the end of my senior year in high school....we clicked immediately and had an amazing summer together.....although I never pictured myself going away to school with a boyfriend at home, that all changed with him.

It's been almost 4 years since then, and although we've had some shitty times, and even some time apart, I still am ridiculously in love with him, and I consider him my best friend....

I can't predict what will happen in the future, we just take it day by day....But my heart has his name on it as cheesy as it may sound, it's true :heart:

Awwww ;) that sounds like a good story for a romantic movie =)*

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I met my boyfriend at the end of my senior year in high school....we clicked immediately and had an amazing summer together.....although I never pictured myself going away to school with a boyfriend at home, that all changed with him.

It's been almost 4 years since then, and although we've had some shitty times, and even some time apart, I still am ridiculously in love with him, and I consider him my best friend....

I can't predict what will happen in the future, we just take it day by day....But my heart has his name on it as cheesy as it may sound, it's true :heart:

... Thats really nice :)... I do sincerely (I know, I'm a bastard known for sarcasm, but THIS aint one of those times) hope that everything works out for the best and you two find your happiness ... Rock on!... and they say love is dead... :aright:...

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I met my boyfriend at the end of my senior year in high school....we clicked immediately and had an amazing summer together.....although I never pictured myself going away to school with a boyfriend at home, that all changed with him.

It's been almost 4 years since then, and although we've had some shitty times, and even some time apart, I still am ridiculously in love with him, and I consider him my best friend....

I can't predict what will happen in the future, we just take it day by day....But my heart has his name on it as cheesy as it may sound, it's true :heart:

Awww, thats so cute...I never realized you and Gil were together that long :D

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

... Thats really nice :)... I do sincerely (I know, I'm a bastard known for sarcasm, but THIS aint one of those times) hope that everything works out for the best and you two find your happiness ... Rock on!... and they say love is dead... :aright:...

Thanks..... :)

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I met my boyfriend at the end of my senior year in high school....we clicked immediately and had an amazing summer together.....although I never pictured myself going away to school with a boyfriend at home, that all changed with him.

It's been almost 4 years since then, and although we've had some shitty times, and even some time apart, I still am ridiculously in love with him, and I consider him my best friend....

I can't predict what will happen in the future, we just take it day by day....But my heart has his name on it as cheesy as it may sound, it's true :heart:

awww my little chica :heart: the you and Gil story is so cute.

I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years and 2 months and I love him to death. I consider him my best friend, my family, my everything. I actaully met him COMPLETELY by coincidence which is why i believe in Fate so much. I met him at a company xmas party because my friend who lived in California called me and begged me to go with her friend who had no date. He was there with a girl who is one of his Best Freinds because the guy she was seeing at the time coudlnt go. We ended up sitting next to each other that night and the rest is history :D there is no doubt in our minds that we have a future together. We talk about it all the time. I couldnt picture myself with anyone else. We can sit in complete silence and know whats going on in each others heads and we have such a great vibe...I couldnt be happier.

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Originally posted by ravahstar

For everybody whose in a relationship, how long have you been together? How did you meet? Do you see a future with this person or are they just right for right now? What are your favorite things about them? What are your least favorite?

I've been with my man for about 10 months now. We met through friends. I see a future together and we talk about it all the time, but who knows what can happen. My favorite things about him is he makes me laugh, we rarely get bored of each other, and we have great conversations. My least favorite things are he has a temper and we fight a lot, he dosen't have the same goals or priorities as me, he's very jealous, and immature. I can't really see my life without him since we're always together, but after 10 moths who knows if it's meant to last, only time will tell......

I have been together with my girl for almost 11 months now. We met through my brother, through her Ex-boyfriend/Club Scene. And yeah I see a future with her, its to early to tell though what may be of it although we both talk about our future a lot and the only thing that doesnt play in our favor is that we are both two entirely different religions.. Although it hasn't got into the way of things yet... My favorite things about my signifigant other are that she has a wonderful personality, she's fun to hang out with, she's gorgeous, has an amazing family, she takes care of herself, she pleases me, and she's everything I am and more... my least favorite things about my girl is that she sometimes can have to big of a heart, she's nice to people who don't deserve it, she can be niaave in certain things, she's not my religion, she sometimes let's important things slide, she doesn't try new foods, and she sleeps to much sometimes! But I love her regardless.

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I've been with this girl for 3 years , but we've had our on and off times.

I think it's important to still test the waters every now and then, expecially if you're younger than 30.

I also don't want to put permanent status on anything just yet. But i can see a future amongst the 2 of us :love:

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I have been with my boyfriend for a year and 3 months. It's funny how we met. I met his friend at Rutgers homecoming in October and then in December my friend and I saw him at Hunka Bunka. He said his friend wanted to know if I had a boyfriend and told him I thought he was cute so we started talking that night and we have been together ever since. I do see a future with him although we both say we are not in a rush. What I love about him is I am so comfortable around him, he makes me laugh, he is my best friend, I couldnt picture my life without him, I feel like I have known him forever and we both want the same things in life. What I dont like is he sometimes gets jealous, gives me a problem when I make plans with friends and he doesnt like to hear about my past. But even with all the bad, I still love him to death!

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it's funny...i'll put an interesting spin on this.

i've been *seeing* someone for almost 8 months now...and even tho we have a lot in common, there's a shitload that we don't. I don't see this going anywhere, but when I share that with him, he has begged to differ.

I don't know...with all the running I do from relationships, or even love interests I should be the first midget track star.

But, I sadly, don't see this going anywhere.

PS...I met this dude back in March @ Vinyl for Sven. I was tired and couldn't hoist myself up on the stacks. He picked me up . . . :love:

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UGH. not again. i just pressed the clear key and lost everything i was writing!!! that pisses me off.

im happy im not caught up in thinking someone is the one or there exists this one person, in my eyes anyone can be the one. in the past i was naaive and i thought a few different guys were the 'one' at different points in time. now that i have had my heart broken a few times, i am stronger & understand things a bit more. i am happy the relationships i was in in the past are over. i feel like i have grown so much mentally since college and since meeting the people i used to date (ex's) that i wouldnt have anything to say to them. being with them would hold me back from getting where i want to go & from being in a truely meaningful relationship, but there was still a desire to 'make it work'... the people i was with in the past seem like such shallow experiences when i look back on them. of course back then it was BIG (well in my eyes anyway). i was blinded by 'love' but love was synonomous with comfort.

every guy i meet now blows the last away. i thought this one guy was the one, then i met someone a million times more amazing. imagine i stayed with the first one, i would never know that there were other people 1000000x better in every way... so i just find it pointless to think someones the one, no matter the circumstances under which u met, you could meet someone else & become just as attached to them if you allowed youself to. when you are young, you should allow yourself to look around, it is pointless to be all serious. this way if things do come to an end with 'the one' you will not loose your sanity... i now tend to shy away from getting involved in relationships, im sure eventually i will settle but i am sure as hell not gonna jump at the first opportunity with someone that i can 'make work'

hope this makes any sense at all. people keep talking to me in the middle of thoughts.

ok enough rambling...

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I understand where your comming from somebitch. I've had boyfriend's in the past and at the time I thought they were so great and we broke up for wutever reasons and now I look back and think to myself they weren't great at all, now that I've found better. But each relationship you grow and learn from so I can't really regret them. Then I wonder if we stayed together I wouldn't really be the person I am today because I grew so much on my own and began to get to know myself better, which I wouldn't have really done if I had stayed with them.

With my current man I wasn't looking for a relationship, I got with him May of last year and the summer was comming up and I was happy to be single. But one night we just hung out and everything was so perfect and the rest is history. Even though we had known each other through friends for over a year, but never really got the chance to chill alone. Like they say you usually find someone when your not even looking. Even though I picture a future with him, I'm only 21 years old and I still wonder what else is out there sometimes. I'm happy with him for the most part, but it's kinda scary to be so serious sometimes. Like for instance he has a problem with me going out without him, he has issues in trust and jealousy because of what girls have done to him in the past. Even though I tell him, this is a different relationship and you have to treat it that way. I love him to death and I can't picture him with anybody else, but I dunno what tommorow holds and you can only go day by day. Sometimes I wish I just knew what was going to happen, because it's a shame to spend years with somebody, only to find out in the end there not the one for you and have to start all over again. So, I think it's good to have an attitude like I'm happy now while we're together, but if we're to break up I could move on and find happiness again. Putting all your feelings and hopes into one person to only have it crumble is devistating, somethin I wish not to go through. The attitude to have is wutever happens, happens...but sometimes it's so hard to be like that when you wake up in the morning and think of the person, go to bed at night thinking of the person and wonder where you'd be without them. Well before I write a book, lemme stop lol

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Originally posted by ravahstar

Like for instance he has a problem with me going out without him, he has issues in trust and jealousy because of what girls have done to him in the past. Even though I tell him, this is a different relationship and you have to treat it that way.

Oh my god, that sounds like my boyfriend exactly and I tell him the same thing- different realtionship, different person.

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i been with my BF 1 year / 4 months he was my friend very very good friend we use to be so close and hang out all the time together , i was in his house all the time .... my friends use to tell me you will end up with him and i was like " no no we are just friends" in fact he was going out with another girl and i use to tell to this girl "dont worrie we are just friends " jajajajaj she must hate me now and like ravahstar said I wasn't looking for a relationship, I was happy to be single, parting a lot hanging out with tons of mans .... so one day i was at his house very very drunk waiting to chill out from the alcohol because i didnt want to drive home at that condiction , i was almust falling sleep in his bed when suddenly i felt him getting near and he kiss me jajajajajaj he abuse me jajajaj no just joking

so when he said he want to be with me i was not sure i date with him like 3 months and i was not convince until one day we were in a restaurant eating i start to feel something strange so i turn to see him and i said " i think i already fall in love with u ...

anyway way thats my storie ...

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Originally posted by scaredgirl

i been with my BF 1 year / 4 months he was my friend very very good friend we use to be so close and hang out all the time together , i was in his house all the time .... my friends use to tell me you will end up with him and i was like " no no we are just friends" in fact he was going out with another girl and i use to tell to this girl "dont worrie we are just friends " jajajajaj she must hate me now and like ravahstar said I wasn't looking for a relationship, I was happy to be single, parting a lot hanging out with tons of mans .... so one day i was at his house very very drunk waiting to chill out from the alcohol because i didnt want to drive home at that condiction , i was almust falling sleep in his bed when suddenly i felt him getting near and he kiss me jajajajajaj he abuse me jajajaj no just joking

so when he said he want to be with me i was not sure i date with him like 3 months and i was not convince until one day we were in a restaurant eating i start to feel something strange so i turn to see him and i said " i think i already fall in love with u ...

anyway way thats my storie ...

Wow very similar to my case!

We were friends for over 10 yrs and everyone including my mom said we were going to end up together. His last gf swore we were fooling around and I kept telling her otherwise. They broke up and 3 months afterwards we got together. Instead of being drunk we were rolling and hooked up that night.

We've been together now for 2 yrs with alot of break ups and make ups. Even during our "break" periods I couldn't see other people, no matter how hard I tried.

He was a very very Jealous person in the beginning and luckily that has improved alot. Now the one w/ the jealousy issues is me, lol. We're considering moving in together in the next few months.

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I've been with my baby for about 5 months. I picked him up at Vinyl. ;) We're amazingly close, and we both want this to lead somewhere. We're not naive enough to believe that anything is guaranteed, however we're both experienced enough to realize that we were lucky enough to have found something very rare.

I never really believed that I would find someone who would make me think "this is it!" :heart: Sooo... we'll see what happens! :)

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I've been with my boyfriend for 4 1/2 years. We know we're getting married someday!-When we get out of school and I love the fact that I will be spending forever with him. He is perfect for me. We met in high school when I was a sophomore in high school and he was a senior. We kinda met through a mutual friend. My favorite thing about him is that he is my best friend and we can do anything together.

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