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Clubs are just a phase?

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Originally posted by dolik

. Obviously, there isn't JUST techno out there, nor is techno a completely appropriate term for referring to that genre of music. But for the purpose of my post, I have decided to label it that way...and we both know what I meant by it.

Actually no, "electronica" or edm would have been a far more appropriate term. I'd alsmot say house, much of the music you could have heard at some of those places has no soul.

To many, going out is but a phase, but for that phase to ever happen it must be acknowledged that it is a lifestyle for many.

My impression of the tone in many of the responses was that going out is a novelty and to treat it as such is simplistic.

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it seems that for MOST of u who say clubbing is a phase fall into one of two groups

1. you never truly enjoyed / made the music a part of your life and clubbing was mostly a brief self exploration or a social thing.

2. you had some bad drug experiences.

I first stepped into a club / rave about 16 years ago.(being 31 now), so for me its obviously not been a phase. That's because i'm passionate about the music. I've moved through phases of going out friends, places i go, favorite strains of music, etc., but for me listening and bouncing ot dj's is like most people going to bars after work on friday.

My opinion is that those of you who either never bothered to go find more interesting beatz (or found them but didn't like them) than KTU style, Exit fridays or JP probably ended up go to clubs for the scene, the hooks ups or the drugs. And that's totally cool. I went to SF at least once a month for years and years - so i'm not criticizing. And while at times JP did some great stuff - I mostly went to SF for the unique atmosphere the place has had on and off over the years.

As for the "drugs are bad" stuff - i'm not belittling anything you all said. Just keep this in mind: anything you do to excess is a bad thing. If you had / have a drug issue, drugs are bad for you. But many drugs aren't anymore inherently bad than alcohol is. Forgetting about legality, drugs become a problem when they stop being done in moderation, when they take over your life, severely alter your judgement, etc. Notice that people with alcoho problems have all these problems too.

Personally, I think nearly everyone cold benefit from dropping once or twice and opening up to people they care about or finding new perspectives on what's going on around you. Since I don't need to be messed up to enjoy the music and dancing, I've never had a problem.

Someone mentioned being passionate, and i think that's it. If you just need a temporary escape or change of pace, clubbing is a great phase. But it can be much more.

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I've had similar experiences I guess.

I used to go out a couple times a month to exit and maybe one of those times dropped a pill. I can still count on both hands the number of times I did E. I eventually got caught up in the Exit promoting to make a few dollars. Then I broadened my horizons, to different types of music instead of the constant hard trance. Listened to new djs, found the one's that fit me, ditched the drugs all together(1 year this month) found the places I liked and enjoyed myself completely sober each time since. Lately, I have been basically burnt out from clubbing, most of my friends have been the same way, and we all have basically toned down goin out. It doesnt do the same thing for me that it did a few years ago, no butterflies when i step into that big warehouse anticipating a great night. I know I am goin to have a good night now cause I go on select night where I know I will have a good time. I am not completely out of my phase, but it sure as hell toned down a lot.

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Guest beenaround

I started my clubbing "Phase" Valantines Day 1996, at the Factoria!...Thats what we used to call it!..My crew would start at SF and finish Sunday at Arena...I have to say the tingles are still their when i think of the times i was fortunate enough to experience...The Clubs and Drugs were introduced to me exactly a the same moment when i entered my first club..Thats all i knew. I didnt have the desire to try clubbing with out the other!......Now, going to a club once every 5 or 6 months is an effort!..I feel like i "Used Up" all the great times way too quick and it left me looking for the old times.....Well, its not going to happen!...Im sure the 18 year old going to SF for the first time this weekend will proly get the same feeling of overwhelming excitment, and occasional anxiety.....And to the kids i say " F**k it up and enjoy, but do it in moderation. It can swallow you up and spit you out pretty bad!...i see the repricutions all the time in my old neighborhood!.......Best times of my life!

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I've also been going to clubs since I was 16.......I can't even remember how I got into the scene or the music.....But all I can say is the 1st time I stepped foot in a club I was hooked.....I've done a decent amount of pills/K ect. but for the most part just being in that atmosphere was a high for me.....I think maybe out of all the times I went to a club I was completely fucked up maybe 10 times.....B/c to me, going sober helped me apreciate & take in everything that was going on around me....

I feel though, that I have been cheated out of my "club phase" in a few ways.......Most of my friends are not into the music, they don't dance, just don't like the club scene....& If they did go....They couldn;t comprehend how I can be "consumed" by such an atmosphere.......If it wasn;t for my cousin....my club experiences would be practically non-existant.....But for the times I have went out clubbing with my friends......I felt like I couldn't experience it the way I wanted to b/c they were so negative towards it & really couldn't maintain any kind of vibe..........As of now I haven't been to a club since Cox on Halloween......& now my friends MORE THAN EVER are against going clubbing & my cousin just started a family so that leaves her out......It would be nice to get myself back into the swing of things though...

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as someone younger than probably all of you who still loves the club scene, its kind of depressing reading some of these posts that kind of have that "been there done that" feel to them. it kinda takes the wind out of your sails. well it just brings up the question... god..am i going to look back on these years and just shake my head? i dunno.., i've made a conscious effort to party both ways just to prove to myself that i am not only going to clubs just to have somewhere to be fucked up. and i've found out i can stay out just as long and have just as much fun sober.. so that makes me feel better.

but as far as the drugs and clubs thing go, most of my friends are at least 2 to three years older than me and they've "been there and done that." so when i'm like ... hey guys! so and so is going to be at the roxy next week!!! and have this big smile on my face and jump up and down... and they're like.. oh thats nice. .. ....so i kind of feel like a fool. and then you have my other group of friends who are like.. umm..we can't come out. we can't find pills. so i'll say ..well come out sober ..it'll be fun!!! and they'll be like.. umm.. we can't do that. sorry. and that realllly disappoints me.

what i'm trying to say is... i hope this isn't just a phase for me but if it is.. i hope i wont regret any of it or not be able to go out just because i don't have any drugs..and when someone comes up to me in a few years and says, "blah blah blah is at sound factory!!" and jumps up and down in excitement in front of me, i won't look at them and shake my head. instead i'll jump up and down with them.

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Originally posted by barvybe

it seems that for MOST of u who say clubbing is a phase fall into one of two groups

1. you never truly enjoyed / made the music a part of your life and clubbing was mostly a brief self exploration or a social thing.

2. you had some bad drug experiences.

I first stepped into a club / rave about 16 years ago.(being 31 now), so for me its obviously not been a phase. That's because i'm passionate about the music. I've moved through phases of going out friends, places i go, favorite strains of music, etc., but for me listening and bouncing ot dj's is like most people going to bars after work on friday.

My opinion is that those of you who either never bothered to go find more interesting beatz (or found them but didn't like them) than KTU style, Exit fridays or JP probably ended up go to clubs for the scene, the hooks ups or the drugs. And that's totally cool. I went to SF at least once a month for years and years - so i'm not criticizing. And while at times JP did some great stuff - I mostly went to SF for the unique atmosphere the place has had on and off over the years.

As for the "drugs are bad" stuff - i'm not belittling anything you all said. Just keep this in mind: anything you do to excess is a bad thing. If you had / have a drug issue, drugs are bad for you. But many drugs aren't anymore inherently bad than alcohol is. Forgetting about legality, drugs become a problem when they stop being done in moderation, when they take over your life, severely alter your judgement, etc. Notice that people with alcoho problems have all these problems too.

Personally, I think nearly everyone cold benefit from dropping once or twice and opening up to people they care about or finding new perspectives on what's going on around you. Since I don't need to be messed up to enjoy the music and dancing, I've never had a problem.

Someone mentioned being passionate, and i think that's it. If you just need a temporary escape or change of pace, clubbing is a great phase. But it can be much more.

Got to agree with you petey!!

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awesome article Dolik! I can relate to it accuratley... I haven't been clubbing since PVD at Roxy in Nov. and haven't touched a hit of E since April... I feel a thousand times better... and my ears have recovered.. I sometimes reminicse(sp?) about the good old days, it was fun while it lasted... I still listen to beatz... but I haven't had an itch to go back to the clubs...

It was definetley a learning stage in my life, where I met a lot of new and incredible people including my girl that I have been together with for almost 11 months now....

I can say that I have grown out of it.... :idea:

and don't contribute much to message boards of the clubbing theme anymore ! :laugh:

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ditto. maybe its just the time that elapsed since ive last been to a club that kinda makes me not wanna go.... who knows... but i know i dont really care to anymore... once im 21 id like to check out some places i couldnt go to before... but i cant do the all nighters... till 8am.. takin the train home etc etc... its just old. people always used to tell me "its a phase, ull grow out of it" and im like yea riiiiiiiiiiight.... but i guess i kinda did. i still listed to the music, not really as much as before... i guess im just prioritizing now.. so many things are just so much more important to me now than ever before... like SLEEP! lol

im sure ill go back when a good party comes along.. but until then, im keepin myself busy


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Originally posted by dolik

I don't mean to sound elitist or snotty. I have just found for myself that danceclubs are a phase of life and, as dominating as they might seem at any one point, it will pass. I have moved on before most of my friends did, and feel no interest when they discuss the next club event. But maybe that's just me.

i'm pretty much in the same place as u. i started clubbing 4.5 years ago in LONDON, having the best night of my life every weekend. i got really spoiled by the clubs there and made the mistake of moving to boston for university....life was so BORING there i didn't last more than 9 months and moved down to DC where i turned my passion into a full time job. i worked at a nightclub 40 hours a week for a year and my life became the scene + the music (i've had turntables for 3 of those years)...and then it became all too normal for me and i got sick of a lot things, like sleeping all day long and never seeing daylight, and only being around people when they're fucked up...

i still LOVE the music and wish i was still around it but i've realized that at this point and in this place, clubbing isn't a passion worth pursuing. i just don't have fun anymore when i go out in the DC area and the few parties that i've been to in NYC in the last 6 months have seemed tame.

on the plus side i've gotten my partying out the way and it's 100x easier to study on the weekend. and how nice it is to have that extra spending money..!

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If i wasnt a dancer at all these clubs i wouldnt go to most of them.

Its good to go once in a while because you appreciate them more when you havent been there in a while. As i have gotten older I like lounges and more classy places. It feels good to get dressed up and go to a nice place and be able to mingle. I guess I appreciate that more because i dance so much when i work.

If i wasnt a dancer i might think otherwise, but at least it has kept me from getting wrapped up in the scene...I cant go on a box mangled i'd get fired. SO it keeps me in "check", even though i have never been one for drugs. Its also pretty lame to go to the same place every week. I see this one group of girls at the club i work at EVERY week and it makes me think that they have nothing better to do. Id rather be on a date and possibly getting some!:)

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Originally posted by dr0ne

you know what's funny, i was on slsk the other day and some toolbox is d/l'ing my stuff so i browse his selection which is like 99.9% filth basically anything you'd hear at ktu, sf, draper, vicious all that bullshit. so i come accross these sf mixes by JP and lo and behold the guy actually had a bunch of techno tracks on there i swear like ben sims and selway and shit. :laugh:

:laugh: ..the sig!! the SIG!!

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Originally posted by Randy

Actually no, "electronica" or edm would have been a far more appropriate term. I'd alsmot say house, much of the music you could have heard at some of those places has no soul.

To many, going out is but a phase, but for that phase to ever happen it must be acknowledged that it is a lifestyle for many.

My impression of the tone in many of the responses was that going out is a novelty and to treat it as such is simplistic.

one man's novelty can be another man's passion...

for many people it is a phase as they can find no deep meaning in it.. they may see it as simply a good time had by people in their younger years.. i happen to agree... i know i won't be hanging out in a clubs for much longer in my life... though simultaneously, i know i'm not a poser.. it simply means i have a lot that i'd like to do in my life.. and hanging out in clubs is no where near the top of that to do list.. we can be fully emersed in a culture if only for a short time, and still be genuine.. but as people grow and change, what was once significant can become trivial.. but hindsight doesn't negate the intensity of the feelings once had...

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I have these same issues, the majority of my everyday friends either arent financially stable enough to go to clubs on a regular basis or are not into the music, etc. I found myself slowly building a group of "club friends" - people who frequent the venues that i do. I now can head out to the clubs all alone, confident that when i get there i will see friendly, familiar faces. The strange thing is, 99.9% of these people i see every weekend i cannot a) tell you what they do for a living. B) dont know their last names or have any contact info for them. It is kinda strange, the only convos we have (when we can actually hear each other) are about what do you think of the dj/track/vibe etc etc.

Originally posted by sweetie029

I feel though, that I have been cheated out of my "club phase" in a few ways.......Most of my friends are not into the music, they don't dance, just don't like the club scene....& If they did go....They couldn;t comprehend how I can be "consumed" by such an atmosphere.......If it wasn;t for my cousin....my club experiences would be practically non-existant.....But for the times I have went out clubbing with my friends......I felt like I couldn't experience it the way I wanted to b/c they were so negative towards it & really couldn't maintain any kind of vibe

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PFloyd40......I completely agree with you...just because you move on, doesn't make you a poser...you can still be passionate about something, even for a short time. [btw, how's that job search going? we gotta get a BREAK in this market...]

runway...I'm in the same boat....lounges and classier events just seem more appealing now...I guess simply b/c you can actually mingle and meet new people, whereas in clubs you barely hear what the person next to you is saying. Also, you're right...going to the same place, no matter how MUCH you love it, becomes monotonous. How many people on this board can actually say that they've been to the same club - week in, week out - for years?

dangeroustoy...this is how I used to sound when I was all into clubs too...

"I can never grow out of this, it's just much fun"

I did, however....but I don't regret ANY of my clubbing experiences FOR ONE SECOND. If anything, clubs have allowed me to have a different perspective on life, opened up my mind, and provided me with countless new experiences that I will cherish for a long time.

I'm not saying that YOU will necessarily move onto something else, that's just how it worked out for me. If, in 5 years, you still get that butterfly feeling before going out to a club and you still enjoy dancing and letting loose until the sun comes up...more power to ya...there's no right or wrong about it.

Ferris...1) if you don't go to clubs anymore, that doesn't mean you don't go out...there IS life outside of them...2) like I said earlier, I personally don't post on clubplanet anymore, specifically for the reason that I can't really relate to most of the posts on here nowadays

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Originally posted by runway

If i wasnt a dancer at all these clubs i wouldnt go to most of them.

Its good to go once in a while because you appreciate them more when you havent been there in a while. As i have gotten older I like lounges and more classy places. It feels good to get dressed up and go to a nice place and be able to mingle. I guess I appreciate that more because i dance so much when i work.

If i wasnt a dancer i might think otherwise, but at least it has kept me from getting wrapped up in the scene...I cant go on a box mangled i'd get fired. SO it keeps me in "check", even though i have never been one for drugs. Its also pretty lame to go to the same place every week. I see this one group of girls at the club i work at EVERY week and it makes me think that they have nothing better to do. Id rather be on a date and possibly getting some!:)

for someone who really wouldn't go to these clubs if she wasn't a dancer finds herself on a message board of club-goers,

its funny though.....these people that come to your club.....if they didnt come back and didnt spread the word...well then you probably wouldnt get paid as much as you do so in a way, they pay your high salary to dance there.....and what is it that is so fascinating about this "one group of girls that you notice there every week??? Im sure they are not the only people who are there repetitevly so whats so special about them???????:rolleyes:

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If i must clarify...i meant certain clubs...I like lounges a little better. But i love the music...so therefore like everyone else I am entitled to be involved in discussions and hear about what is going on all over. Doesnt mean you wont find me at Arc sometime when I feel like it. I dance because i love the music and ive been dancing all my life. Besides this job really does not pay my bills it is pocket money, I have real job. I dont think i need to explain anymore. If you are really that interested in my life you can PM me.

And for the girls I see every week...Its just something I observe while in between my sets...you get to know faces.:rolleyes:

DOLIK...thanks...you understood what I was saying. Very simple

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Originally posted by bedrock79

for someone who really wouldn't go to these clubs if she wasn't a dancer finds herself on a message board of club-goers,

its funny though.....these people that come to your club.....if they didnt come back and didnt spread the word...well then you probably wouldnt get paid as much as you do so in a way, they pay your high salary to dance there.....and what is it that is so fascinating about this "one group of girls that you notice there every week??? Im sure they are not the only people who are there repetitevly so whats so special about them???????:rolleyes:

dont believe everything u read. people here are not what they seem.

oh and i doubt a dancer has a salary, im sure it is hourly or nightly ;)

runway: where do you dance anyway?

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I get paid a certain amount for the night...very good pocket money...depends on the club/promoter. Its a fun thing to do on the side (while in college and working another day job), you get paid to do what you love most.

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My friends and I feel like its a great work-out.

When do you go to the gym and workout for four or five hours?


Plus, the adrenaline charge is so addictive!(much better than drugs)

I feel great the next day except for the occasional hangover.

I love the music and people factor! (always lots of networking possibilities)

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