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Space34 and WMC issues


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Originally posted by esance

"Don't know what rock you've been hiding under, but crobar's system needs some serious work nowadays...Space 34's blows it away."

Pod I couldn't agree with you more, what an idiot !!!

Crobars system is semi-decent only if you are on the dancefloor,

other wise it sucks the distortion level is ridiculous if you are

anywhere else especially upstairs.

Space 34's Nexo - EAW designed and installed by Lord @ Infinite

Kicks ass. Nothing comes close.

On opening night I was standing in front of low end Nexo's on the dancefloor, DT was dropping some sick bass and my entire

body was vibrating it felt Sooooooooo good !!!! But only a girl

would know what I'm talking about.

Space 34 went all out people, top of the line everthing, from the

music systems in place, to the lighting and lastly the Kryogenifex system kick's butt. I saw the sun rise that 1st night on the patio

and thought I was in heaven.

Even the A/C has an excellent fresh air intake and is alot better than the old Space.

You guys need to shut the fuck up and enjoy the finest club on the planet. You have no idea the hard work and $$$$ that was

put into it.

:D :D

I agree!.. my only complaint is that Space was too packed and I couldn't enjoy Sasha and Digweed the way I wanted it too cuz I hate to be packed like a sardine.... I enjoy Sander a lot in the patio though.

Crobar still is my favorite club, even with the not so perfect sound system. :D

BTW, did you notice the metamorphosis of the crowd in the patio from 4am to 7am? .. disgusting!!! :blown: I don't know where those characters emerge from but scary looking. :eek:

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I knew I piss a lot of you off with my Oscar G comments. Oh well. Maybe it IS just my taste in music. But I'd like to think my taste is as varied as it gets. I've been lucky enough to see the birth of the trance scene that some of us still love today and the progressive house reaction to one too many euphoric songs, the jungle evolution to D'n'B that Grooverider and Fabio started at Rage in London, and the Hard House scene pioneered by Tony De Vit to name a few. All the while I have followed just about every music style I can outside the dance scene. I even produce myself when I get the time. Oscar G's style is not the problem. The one thing that links all my DJ heroes together over time is energy. That's why Tiesto made it to the position that some can't understand. His mixes weren't techincally special, but his energy and relationship with the crowd was. Though perhaps his time is over. Oaky had it as well once as well, but is long gone. Many of the big names are a shadow of their former selves actually. It's seems that becoming a big name is often the kiss of death. "My boy PvD" (he's far from my boy) as someone said had energy on Friday night though, the first time I'd seen it in him in a LONG time.

I have never felt that sort of energy coming from Oscar ... sure the usually subdued Miami crowds always react well to him, because he is one of their own, and there is nothing to get the same crowd of generally unknowledgable people going with that 93.1 anthem "Dark Beat". This is often the kick up the ass that a crowd needs to make them realize they are here to dance not pose. Chart songs do not make a DJ. They make you flavor of the month, which is why I will give some respect to Mr. G if he is still playing around the world in 2 years time and not on the back of his chart sucess. Anyone here seen him rock a crowd outside of Miami? One of my friends saw him try back home and caught him at a club in London recently. "Forgettable" was his word.

Just dig through your old record collection and find some of the once big DJs that have gone back to obsucrity. "The Launch"? Remember that? I laughed a couple of months back when I saw DJ Jean spining on some internet radio station. Never liked him anyways ... gave the Hard House scene a bad name. He was playing everywhere at one point. He'd never get the time of day now at the big clubs around the world.

I have never felt a long period of excitement or inspiration at one of Oscar G's sets. The way PvD got me to Dance 6 hours straight, jumping up and down with a stupid grin on my face, fueled only by water, and a couple of Vokda and Tonics is when I know I was listening to something special.

Perhaps that is the difference between me and some of you. I feed off the love of DJ for his music and his reaction to the crowd. I feed off tracks that could only be conceived for the dark underground dancefloors at 5am. Not for technical prowless of mixing and chart success with masses.


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Originally posted by hardhousehead

I have never felt a long period of excitement or inspiration at one of Oscar G's sets. The way PvD got me to Dance 6 hours straight, jumping up and down with a stupid grin on my face, fueled only by water, and a couple of Vokda and Tonics is when I know I was listening to something special.

thats funny b/c i bought a 3day Space Passport...and i missed Sasha/Digweed on Thurs...so i ended up using one of my days for PVD, which i wasnt happy b/c i have heard him before...IMO PVD was by far THE WORSE ACT that i heard at Space WMC...i went to Tiesto and Deep Dish....but PVD blew so hard that i was pissed at myself for even considering going...his set was BLAH at best...if u like to feed off the DJ and the crowd reaction to his music...where were u for Tiesto or Deep Dish?:confused:

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Originally posted by hardhousehead

Perhaps that is the difference between me and some of you. I feed off the love of DJ for his music and his reaction to the crowd. I feed off tracks that could only be conceived for the dark underground dancefloors at 5am. Not for technical prowless of mixing and chart success with masses.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I'll give this guy credit for getting me worked up in the beginning.

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SPACE 34 was just awesome but rather enjoy it on a regular night,without so many people. Tiesto/Picotto night was by far the best night @ SPACE 34 during WMC,PVD really didnt do it for me this time and was dissapointed but enjoyed like always Edgars set even though I got to hear him for a lil bit. :mad:Danny Howells hmmmmmmmmm i would rather listen to him in the blue room. As for Deep Dish.....

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I think a lot of your comments on Oscar are misplaced. Let's go through a couple of things here:

- Oscar's success here at home really does not hinge on his chart success. He has built a loyal following based on his talent as a DJ.

- Oscar DOES bring the energy. He is one of the best technical DJs I've ever had the oppurtunity to see. He's been able to stay strong in a town where a lot of the music is garbage. Oscar stays true to his roots. He may not do the superstar poses in the booth, but that's not what equals energy. The way he plays the stuff he plays, the way it's put together, is what brings the energy. Your dislike of Oscar does seem to stem from a dislike of the genre(s) he plays. Oscar isn't interested in getting the easy crowd reaction. He's always challenged his audience without alienating them.

- Technically, Oscar is the shiz bam nizell. His use of looping, 3 decks, eq work, and f/x is second to none. I dare most any other DJ to do the deck work he does and pull it off like that. There are only a handful of DJs that can do deck work like that and not have it be sloppy and lose the crowd. Oscar makes it tasetful and sometimes even subtle.

- Don't think that this man doesn't know about music. He loves everything from house to techno to drum n bass. (actually, Tony Devit was a huge Murk fan)

- Oscar and Ralph have been playing overseas before most people on this board even knew what a club was. They've always torn the house down. Now, of course, you can't please everyone all the time. That sh*t is impossible. But, I know how revered Oscar and Ralph are throughout the rest of the world. Perhaps your friend thought Oscar's set to be "forgettable" But, I'm sure if we took a poll from that night, the results would be far different.

- Oscar and Ralph have never needed Miami for their success. However, they remain loyal to their home. They represent Miami (thank goodness we have them for that) in their worldwide travels.

I'm not trying to down your opinions. This is a free country, and we can all say what we want. I just wanted to point out a few things that I felt needed to be said.

Originally posted by hardhousehead

I knew I piss a lot of you off with my Oscar G comments. Oh well. Maybe it IS just my taste in music. But I'd like to think my taste is as varied as it gets. I've been lucky enough to see the birth of the trance scene that some of us still love today and the progressive house reaction to one too many euphoric songs, the jungle evolution to D'n'B that Grooverider and Fabio started at Rage in London, and the Hard House scene pioneered by Tony De Vit to name a few. All the while I have followed just about every music style I can outside the dance scene. I even produce myself when I get the time. Oscar G's style is not the problem. The one thing that links all my DJ heroes together over time is energy. That's why Tiesto made it to the position that some can't understand. His mixes weren't techincally special, but his energy and relationship with the crowd was. Though perhaps his time is over. Oaky had it as well once as well, but is long gone. Many of the big names are a shadow of their former selves actually. It's seems that becoming a big name is often the kiss of death. "My boy PvD" (he's far from my boy) as someone said had energy on Friday night though, the first time I'd seen it in him in a LONG time.

I have never felt that sort of energy coming from Oscar ... sure the usually subdued Miami crowds always react well to him, because he is one of their own, and there is nothing to get the same crowd of generally unknowledgable people going with that 93.1 anthem "Dark Beat". This is often the kick up the ass that a crowd needs to make them realize they are here to dance not pose. Chart songs do not make a DJ. They make you flavor of the month, which is why I will give some respect to Mr. G if he is still playing around the world in 2 years time and not on the back of his chart sucess. Anyone here seen him rock a crowd outside of Miami? One of my friends saw him try back home and caught him at a club in London recently. "Forgettable" was his word.

Just dig through your old record collection and find some of the once big DJs that have gone back to obsucrity. "The Launch"? Remember that? I laughed a couple of months back when I saw DJ Jean spining on some internet radio station. Never liked him anyways ... gave the Hard House scene a bad name. He was playing everywhere at one point. He'd never get the time of day now at the big clubs around the world.

I have never felt a long period of excitement or inspiration at one of Oscar G's sets. The way PvD got me to Dance 6 hours straight, jumping up and down with a stupid grin on my face, fueled only by water, and a couple of Vokda and Tonics is when I know I was listening to something special.

Perhaps that is the difference between me and some of you. I feed off the love of DJ for his music and his reaction to the crowd. I feed off tracks that could only be conceived for the dark underground dancefloors at 5am. Not for technical prowless of mixing and chart success with masses.


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Okay. No more from me about Oscar G .... I will concede that he just doens't do it for me.

Someone made a comment about PvD blowing. Well I thought his set was standard PvD until 5am. The last two hours (6am-8am) were what blew me away.

Tiesto definitely wasn't the best night and was way below par. I have seen him kick it at Gatecrasher 10X better and his two performances at Space last summer were way ahead as well. When I saw how busy it was with the brand new Space venue to play at I thought it was going to be something special as this was my first night out during the WMC. It was good, but not special.

Personally I can't wait to see a great act come into town and play at the new Space without the over-packed dancefloors due to WMC. That will be a great night :D


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What can I say Space brought it every day of the week. Sick lineups after sick lineup. Mornings on the patio were essential for me after a long night stuck in some dark room. I enjoyed every minute from Lawler to OG on the patio. I really dig the fuck out of the terrace and I think its the new main room.

Louis, Biz and Diego worked their ass off to get this place open for the WMC and all I hear is bitching and complaining. I personally witness Sasha and Digweed @ Space34 and it was a sight to see smiles on their faces and playing things RITM - OBE and Water from a Vine Leaf. Make these guys residents please! Once a quarter would be great.

Howells is already a resident, I'm sure with his global dj schedule and space's already busy lineup its kinda hard for them to mesh, but I'm sure he'll be back in the near future.

I'm not even going to touch the MURK comment. Oscar is hands down one of the best dj's in the world thats it nuff said. Technically , Musically etc.. The guy brings it every week and shreds dancefloors worldwide.

I have to say my favorite nights were howells playing for 5 hours after seeing Richie Hawtin @ BED and Roland doing what he does best rock that patio. :)

I found my home for saturdays and I hope to see some of you there, if not you'll just miss out.

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Originally posted by pod

Don't know what rock you've been hiding under, but crobar's system needs some serious work nowadays...Space 34's blows it away.

Must agree, Crobar Miami's system was bleh.

I was at Space34 and Maze this past week, and while I'll agree that the Space system is pretty phenomenal, the overall experience of the F-1s at Maze just sounded alot better to me when I was down there. I mean, granted, most of my coherent experience at Space was the first night at DT, during break-in, so I can sort of understand why I may have been swayed by the F-1 DS/F218s at Maze. Before Maze, just so you know, I was a big proponent of the EAW pieces, I've loved their pieces for quite a while. I just think that the acoustical quality of space perhaps took away from how good the system really is?

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Originally posted by redblur

, the overall experience of the F-1s at Maze just sounded alot better to me when I was down there. I can sort of understand why I may have been swayed by the F-1 DS/F218s at Maze. Before Maze, just so you know, I was a big proponent of the EAW pieces,

Which system has a better Flux Capacitor?

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The only reason I registered to Club Planet was to ask the owner of Space 34 if he was trying to achieve the "Crobar Miami" look?? Honestly, the balcony look has been done over and over!! With all the money you got you should have hired a interior designer!! I thought it was outrageous to charge $100 at the door for DJ's that are playing for free anyway during conference! That desperate for cash huh!!!

Furthermore, the drinks were way too expensive. The reason Crobar is successful is because they know how to take care of their people-especially locals!! My prediction of Space 34 will be BANKRUPTCY!!! People will come, see, and go back to Crobar to be TAKEN CARE OF!! At least the owner gives a shit about their customers!! :blown: :blown:

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Originally posted by evangelist

The only reason I registered to Club Planet was to ask the owner of Space 34 if he was trying to achieve the "Crobar Miami" look?? Honestly, the balcony look has been done over and over!! With all the money you got you should have hired a interior designer!! I thought it was outrageous to charge $100 at the door for DJ's that are playing for free anyway during conference! That desperate for cash huh!!!

Furthermore, the drinks were way too expensive. The reason Crobar is successful is because they know how to take care of their people-especially locals!! My prediction of Space 34 will be BANKRUPTCY!!! People will come, see, and go back to Crobar to be TAKEN CARE OF!! At least the owner gives a shit about their customers!! :blown: :blown:

Crobar what? Crobar staff sucks!! They treat you like shyt and you talk about SPACE being expensive Crobar was charging $30 bucks or 25 to see Edgar V spin about a week ago.And the peeps at the door are horrible,SPACE charges $100 but the place was packed ,dont get me wrong I wont pay that much to get in but there was alot of people that did and SPACE was the place to be after ULTRA.Dont be a SPACE hater and stay with your crobar.PEACE.......
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Originally posted by evangelist

go back to Crobar to be TAKEN CARE OF!! At least the owner give a shit about their customers!! :blown: :blown:

this must be a new crobar policy.. :laugh:

crobar = over size lounge + sub-par house dj’s + pretentious sobe door policies

Space = mega club + best dj’s around + a vibe crobar can’t touch with a ten foot pole

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Guest saleen351

crobar is a lounge

only reason they are doing well is cause purplelingo fucked up level so bad, they can get anyone to show up..

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Space was SICK!!! The vibe was there everytime i went.

The only complaint i have is that the door was not handled right. People were pushing into you trying to get to the front of the door not even excusing themselves. They should have been prepared for this but apparently it looks like they werent.

I would love to go back on a regular night to enjoy it more.

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no matter what all of you say...crobar is hands down the best club on the beach..if u hang out upstairs in the vip party you will understand what im saying...ratio 5 girls per guy....all of them hot, real hot, and really really hot.. space will never have that.. also the reason crobar has been around for 3 years is b/c all the locals get taken care of..fact of the matter is where ever the locals are the rest follow... lp always wanted to create a club like crobar thats why he is there on fridays and saturdays instead of his club, thats also why he put ivano in the patio when he did b/c ivano was crobar resident, and finally thats why he has desinged his last 2 clubs like crobar. if you are all too dumb to realize this then ur just crazy.

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Originally posted by housemachine

no matter what all of you say...crobar is hands down the best club on the beach..if u hang out upstairs in the vip party you will understand what im saying...ratio 5 girls per guy....all of them hot, real hot, and really really hot.. space will never have that.. also the reason crobar has been around for 3 years is b/c all the locals get taken care of..fact of the matter is where ever the locals are the rest follow... lp always wanted to create a club like crobar thats why he is there on fridays and saturdays instead of his club, thats also why he put ivano in the patio when he did b/c ivano was crobar resident, and finally thats why he has desinged his last 2 clubs like crobar. if you are all too dumb to realize this then ur just crazy.

So what are you trying to say? Yes if you want to be seen,Crobar and if you want to go hook up with a female or @ least try yes,Crobar.SPACE is totally different or thats the way I see it,SPACE you go to hear music and if you hook up with a female thats the bonus,the patio is different yes it can be a place to be seen when the sun rises but its totally different from Crobar.I personally dont stay in the patio,like the blue room and jam away to the phat beats Oscar and Edgar throw down.If you want to see hot chicks I think just about anywhere on the beach is good for that.The only way I might go to Crobar is if EDGAR V is on the decks and thats it!!!!!!!!!

Dont get me wrong Crobar is a very nice looking club lounge whatever you want to call it but the crowd or better yet I dont belong to that crowd.PEACE;)

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Originally posted by housemachine

if you are all too dumb to realize this then ur just crazy.

what i am starting to realize is that u are "someone's" alter ego/other screen name...one must only follow u and someone else around to figure it out...:rolleyes:

or at the very least...good friends with that certain someone...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

what i am starting to realize is that u are "someone's" alter ego/other screen name...one must only follow u and someone else around to figure it out...:rolleyes:

or at the very least...good friends with that certain someone...

Che señor Matas where are the photos of WMC?!
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Originally posted by housemachine

ive gotten this b4 from other people...

and yes i am his best friend so what.. im always going to support him and his family. i hope u can understand that

i am glad....i wish more people had friends like u, to support their friends...but i am sorry by u bringing down other clubs or parties in favor of another club/party, makes ur party look bad...u dont like Space or u have something against them...fine....but i am letting u know, people link ur words and ur opinion to ur friend's party...just letting u know...no need to ruin ur friends club/party b/c people associate u with ur friend...get it?

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Originally posted by evangelist

The only reason I registered to Club Planet was to ask the owner of Space 34 if he was trying to achieve the "Crobar Miami" look?? Honestly, the balcony look has been done over and over!! With all the money you got you should have hired a interior designer!! I thought it was outrageous to charge $100 at the door for DJ's that are playing for free anyway during conference! That desperate for cash huh!!!

Furthermore, the drinks were way too expensive. The reason Crobar is successful is because they know how to take care of their people-especially locals!! My prediction of Space 34 will be BANKRUPTCY!!! People will come, see, and go back to Crobar to be TAKEN CARE OF!! At least the owner gives a shit about their customers!! :blown: :blown:

Go ahead, tell us how you really feel:D

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i am glad....i wish more people had friends like u, to support their friends...but i am sorry by u bringing down other clubs or parties in favor of another club/party, makes ur party look bad...u dont like Space or u have something against them...fine....but i am letting u know, people link ur words and ur opinion to ur friend's party...just letting u know...no need to ruin ur friends club/party b/c people associate u with ur friend...get it?

sorry didnt mean to offend..just posting my opinion like every1 else in this board, i thought that thats what its for.

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