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Smoking Ban -- How Has it Affected You?

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Originally posted by clubplanetdan

Has anyone tried to light up at a bar so far? Have you skipped going out because of it?

Is this all going to blow over in a few weeks or months, and we'll just get used to it?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Monday night I was went ot the View Bar in Chelsea,it was kinda empty like only 10 people.So I ordered me a beer and sat next to a friend of mine.About 10 minutes later I lit up a cigarette and the bartender was like no smoking,have to go out side,Now I should have noticed that the moment I stepped inside the bar I did'nt smell any cig smoke,so I went outside in front of the bar smoking.I did'nt like the fact people outside looking at me like I was committing a crime, one lady says to me you should quit, now you smokers are going to dirty the sidewalks.You know I really could'nt say anything at all.The bar was empty,people came in and walked out.

Its just really fucked up that I pay my money for drinks,but I can't smoke inside,oh by the way,for going out to smoke I now have one hell of a cold.

To all the non -smokers out there I suggest you should keep your commets to your self,what next,you'll march down to city hall and complain there are cig buds all over the sidewalks,streets,well GET USED TO IT!

I'm a die hard Roxy/Saturday person,oh I dread to see how the NO-SMOKING will pan out at the club.

SF you now have walk up to the 4th level to smoke.

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i quite one year ago on friday. if this had gone into effect while i was still smoking i qould have flipped out. but i guess it is for our own good in the long run.... as soon as they can beat the addiction out of people who smoke. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by hotcheme

i quite one year ago on friday. if this had gone into effect while i was still smoking i qould have flipped out. but i guess it is for our own good in the long run.... as soon as they can beat the addiction out of people who smoke. :rolleyes:

.Tried quitting twice and failed.So hard.I'll make the effort soon.

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Originally posted by kitty19

sfqueen or anyone else,

do you guys know what the smoking rules will be for exit and roxy? will they confiscate cigarettes or will they have a separate room for it?

thanks ahead of time.

Hopefully someone from the board can tell us.I'll try and find out later today.

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Originally posted by kitty19

sfqueen or anyone else,

do you guys know what the smoking rules will be for exit and roxy? will they confiscate cigarettes or will they have a separate room for it?

thanks ahead of time.

At Roxy all smokers are given a stamp to go outside on the stairs where you usually exit. Ashtrays are set up for your convenience. On Saturday this area was very crowded and I was nearly killed during my smoking break. A 400lb. man (no exaggerating) who was overheated/drunk collapsed and started a domino effect which resulted in me and several others nearly tumbling down the metal stairs. Having people smoke in this area obviously poses a problem, so they are trying to remedy this by extending the area over the parking lot nextdoor.

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Originally posted by mala

At Roxy all smokers are given a stamp to go outside on the stairs where you usually exit. Ashtrays are set up for your convenience. On Saturday this area was very crowded and I was nearly killed during my smoking break. A 400lb. man (no exaggerating) who was overheated/drunk collapsed and started a domino effect which resulted in me and several others nearly tumbling down the metal stairs. Having people smoke in this area obviously poses a problem, so they are trying to remedy this by extending the area over the parking lot nextdoor.

:eek: omg that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. ugh, i don't smoke either but if i have to accompany smokers to this area, i'm going to shoot myself! :blown:

thanks for the info. anyone have the info on Exshit? and Arc for that matter? If Arc reinforces their previous "revolving door" policy, that would be really tight...

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Originally posted by mala

At Roxy all smokers are given a stamp to go outside on the stairs where you usually exit. Ashtrays are set up for your convenience. On Saturday this area was very crowded and I was nearly killed during my smoking break. A 400lb. man (no exaggerating) who was overheated/drunk collapsed and started a domino effect which resulted in me and several others nearly tumbling down the metal stairs. Having people smoke in this area obviously poses a problem, so they are trying to remedy this by extending the area over the parking lot nextdoor.

Good Lord!!! Glad you're ok.

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I've been to a few bars since the ban went into effect, and basically what I've noticed is that during the day it is pretty much smokefree... but at night when it gets more crowded all the smokers light up. Finnerty's even put out ashtrays after 11pm. I don't think the ban is going to last very long personally.

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Originally posted by msoprano13

since i dont smoke i think its fucking great.....

i dont have to smell like cigarettes everytime i wanna go out for a few drinks....

exactly... they can pollute their bodies at their own place.

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I dont mind it all.

It was actually in affect in this catering hall i went to over the weekend. I couldn't smoke a cigar, but its was no big deal.. It was warm out.

I think this new rule in effect is great, i used to smoke and can't stand to be around people who smoke cigerettes now. I never really realized how bad you smell when you smoke, I can smell it a mile away. I dont know how my girl ever dealt with it...

I think people in general don't mind this, even the smokers.. In California where it was banned in 1998, the smokers said that it doesnt really interfere with their social life. and more people are for it now then before.

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no matter how much i hate it......the way i think about it is.......lets say i go to arc for like 6-8 hours (that is assuming they dont have a smoking area) so during that time i dont have a cigarette so i leave go home knock out....wake up thats like 12 hours smoke free i migh as well quit then.....................unless i smoke like 5 stoges in a row after leaving the club...hmmmmmmm........the conclusion is i have no self control:mad:

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Haven't been out yet but will find out this weekend. I'm not much of a big smoker as I've cut down over the years but maybe the smoking ban will give me the push I need to finally quit.... I know when I drink though - I always have the need to smoke - it's habit! Maybe since there will be no smoke to smell I won't get the urge - who knows.... At least there won't be that huge thick cloud of smoke that lingers and my clothes won't reek of the smell (another reason I hate to smoke)........

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I haven't been out yet either, but I quit smoking about 6 months ago. But when I go out and drink, I usually have a few. Is it mandatory for clubs to set up a smoking area? I guess even if it wasn't, they still would want to to keep the smokers coming in.

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I'm a smoker & I love the no smoking rule.....I walked into a bar & I walked into CLEAn air...... Even though I smoke when I'm drinking....Being around a huge cloud of smoke for the time being there sucks...My eyes always used to water & I would cough constantly......I've cut down a lot (Since my problem was smoking the most when drinking) & I rarely crave a cig when I'm drunk.....It's also a plus NOT having my hair/clothes smell like old stale cigs when I get home

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I quit smoking over a year ago, but i still think this is the most assinine thing. This isnt california, so i dont care how it worked over there.

Now they're going to have to worry about all the cigarettes on the ground. Not to mention you're taking the drunks OUT of the bars and making them congregate on the streets where i'm sure these nazis will now whine about the noise out on the streets. They're screwin shit up for themselves and now they're going to blame us again. And i say us because i have friends who smoke and i dont want to leave them outside by themselves.

And what about smokers going out and ditching bar tabs? How are bartenders going to keep track of smokers out and in and out and in?

And now are all bars, i mean every single bar in NYC going to have to spend the cost of hiring a bouncer to kick out agrevated smokers who refuse to go outside or extinguish the butt? Because the smokers dont get fined, the bars do. 3 offences and they lose their licence.

I could go on for hours about the technicalities and the absurdities and the ignorance and the general stupididididity of whats going on, but i'll leave it at this.

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WELLLLL I have not gone out since the ban, but i went out about 2 days b4 it took effect and there were planty of people lighting up, along with myself. Now I know its sad but I cant see myself at a club or a bar with my drink feeling good and not being able to light a cigarette to my favorite song...what the FUCK! That shit is supremely WACK. And further more I am going to have to go outside to smoke a stoage!! Even dumber. however I thin kmost clubs will have designated sections for smokers, but then thats going to be fucking PACKED!! Well I think i will have to go out into the "new scene" and give another answer. But until then, FUCK U BLOOMBERG! :bigfinge: :bigfinge:

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sorry to be the odd man out.....but i LOVE the smoking ban!!!! My friends and i went out last night and we were so excited this morning to not wake up with clothes and jacket smelling disgusting because of smoke!!! So what! so you have to walk a few extra steps to go OUTSIDE to smoke. GOOD!! i don't want it in my face anyway. It made my night so much more enjoyable.

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the majority on this thread are pro-smoking ban... this problem is affecting me thsi weekend im looking for a lounge somewhere that my friends and i will be able to light up.. i get wrecked adn i fiend for a stoge in my hand, i dont feel right without it, as sorry as that sounds, thats just how it is.. anyone know any lounges that the ban is not in effect or they are not enforcing it????

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