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well i must tell you this i now know why he's one of the legends.... this is the first time i've ever seen him play... my friend syversin told me about him but this by far was a treat in it self.... the dj in the red room was doing a damn good job as well..... my over all thoughts to sum up the whole night..... Funky cwm20.gifcwm12.gifcwm3.gif




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well that may well be my last time at Space -it will certainly take a hell of a lot to drag me back to that hell hole. There is just no excuse for charging exorbitant amounts of money for cover and drinks and then treat people like such shit. It was way too overcrowded - and the crowd - hell i hear about how selective space is with their door policy - but it looked like every asshole and his brother certainly made it through - i've never been so rudely accosted, pushed, shoved and elbowed before. Uncalled for.

Danny was decent for the few hours i heard him - unfortunately it's a shame that he feels the need to wander from his NY house roots in order to appease the Miami crowd - it was way too bangin' way too early in the evening - couldn't really enjoy danny - just got to hear danny's version of progressive.

and his calling someone an asshole on the PA for taking his picture was rather uncalled for as well.

an ok night - i'm glad i didn't go expecting a hell of a lot.


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

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Shit; they're dropping like flies... Deep Dish and Danny T; movin' away from their roots. But it's all good; I still think they're very talented - even in their new "progression".


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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well it's like i've been saying... unless you know someone there you will be treated like total shit..... and it's like that with most miami clubs..... until there is an option they will continue to be like that..... so noir for once we agree on one thing.....




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with over 5000 people in the freakin club, how is KNOWING SOMEONE important - i knew 20 people there last night - what the hell does "KNOWING SOMEONE" have to do with a club that overcrowds, overcharges, has their music way too loud, and generally treats their customers like shit?

that "KNOWING SOMEONE" attitude is what detracts from the Miami club scene.

I'm not arguing with you ravep - i just don't understand how the general population in miami continues to be treated like such shit. Space is CONSTANTLY packed - people LIKE to be treated like sheep down here - it's ridiculous.


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

[This message has been edited by noira (edited 01-07-2001).]

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I agree, it does seem that people enjoy being treated like sheep here. I wasn't able to go, but I can't believe Tenaglia attracted such a rude crowd? What happened? Sounds like the kind of behavior I'd expect for a "Total Acostanation" night.....hehe I also really hate it when clubs are too loud. Loud does not always equal good - when the sound spreads, it sounds truly horrendous in my opinion.

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As long as people accept the environment Space creates; they will continue to pack

the club.. It is of my belief; that People will eventually get fed up with Space, and start to go elsewhere. Just my $0.02….




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not to mention bad for your ears. there hasn't been one time that i've gone to space in which i didn't have to plug my ears for a while. i mean forgive me if i enjoy my good sense of hearing. not everyone enjoys their ears bein blown.

i just see no reason in spending absurd amounts of money to get in, for drinks and get treated like shit. getting bumped everywhere u stand. sweaty, smelly people brushing themselves against you. smoke machines going off for like 2 minutes. just doesn't sound like a good night.

in case u hadn't noticed...i didn't go. DT or not...SPACE BLOWS. until shit changes, and i don't see it happening, I refuse to go.



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i really dont have a problem with space, i enjoy the music and the special effects and what not,,what i dont like, especially last night was the ratio of guys to girls must have been at least 5 to 1. they say have such a strict policy about not letting guys in without girls, but yesterday was ridiculous...

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Originally posted by noira:

There is just no excuse for charging exorbitant amounts of money for cover and drinks and then treat people like such shit.

It was way too overcrowded - and the crowd - hell i hear about how selective space is with their door policy - but it looked like every asshole and his brother certainly made it through.

I've never been so rudely accosted, pushed, shoved and elbowed before. Uncalled for.

Danny was decent for the few hours i heard him. His calling someone an asshole on the PA for taking his picture was rather uncalled for as well.

an ok night - i'm glad i didn't go expecting a hell of a lot.

I could not agree more. There was defenetely something wrong with the overall vibe of the place. Too many jackasses + the annoying staff shoving their flashlights in your face all night! cwm23.gif After buying 3 bottles of water, i decided to refill my 4th in the bathroom, and the asshole that hands out towels for tips didnt allow me!! WTF?!?!?! cwm23.gif Tap water is fkn FREE!! U never deny water to clubbers... fkn idiots...

All shit apart, music-wise, it was a pretty good session. Defenetely not his usual "Vynil" set, but I liked it.. I particularly enjoyed those tunes with a lot of drums n bongos n stuff... real good! At around 5:30 am, trance got a lot thicker, and people was bouncing a lot harder... I would've expected the place to empty up a lil, but nah.. Left around 7 ish...

Bottom line: Good night, not as good as I expected. To each his own, but this Space/Miami vibe just doesnt make it...

And that's my .02 cwm10.gif



Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


[This message has been edited by mp3some (edited 01-08-2001).]

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the problem is not specifically Space..the crowd is the main problem...I think the worst of miami are represented there...it just isnt a crowd that inspires any sort of positive vibe...if you spend any time on the blue room dance floor, you will notice that just as many people are dancing and just as many are moving from point A to point B. on NYE I almost left because everybody was bumping into me on the dancefloor and it wasnt people dancing it was this never ending herd of people that were going "someplace" in the clubs that I have been to that have a great vibe...the people on the dancefloor are grooving to the music..space draws a wide variety of people and this mix of people is not a good combination...I also think that space is overcrowding the place which is making it very uncomfortable for those inside.. I will bet that more than half of the people inside had no idea who DT is....and...the volume is just too fucking loud..

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Well if you guys don't like the way Space treats people....and i completely agree with you.....why don't you check out one of our CP members club...... W6 is what i'm talking about.... i mentioned this in a earlier post.... i was completely taken back by the way i was treated with respect as a clubber..... So if you want to hang out and have some fun with some good people.... give W6 a try..... way to go Marshall. located at 619 washington ave... cwm12.gif




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Yes, the DJ @ the red room was great too because there was no dj @ the red room...it was Danny!

Danny, thank you SOO MUCH!! I had a great time. The last 4 hours were amazing, the club not so crowded and an incredible vive. I had to leave at 1pm and you were still playing records and almost made me miss my flight but I couldn't stop dancing and enjoying myself... pet shop boys was good fun!



[This message has been edited by panchodeejay (edited 01-08-2001).]

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Nah, D - I was already awake and starting my next day... cwm32.gif


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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This honestly kills me here.

So, we complain about Space b/c it has a tight/restrictive door ~ Space sucks.

Yet, we bitch when Space clearly loosens things for DT and lets in a thick male-female ratio, "assholes," and the like ~ Space sucks.

Like I've said before, sounds as though people are just lookin' to gripe. If you don't like the place, don't go... but hell, the moanin's got to end at some point, eh?

(What was it they said in the Stern movie... the average listener listens for two hours, and the average critic listening twice as long?)

Thanks, Danny. I loved the set. And, unlike most of the others voicing themselves in this thread, I happened to love the vibe. Yes, the place was crowded. Yes, it was loud. But hell, once you turned to the "late night crowd" and started turning things up come 9 or 10 in the morning, I fell hard. The people were great. Everyone came together as a cohesive whole. And I, for one, was glad to have been a part of it.

So... that said, I look forward to hearing all the ranting once the Miami flock gets a taste of Fuel and crucifies it alongside Space, Level, Shadow, etc.

I'm there for the music. Oddly, the people at the door, the crowds, and even the bathroom attendants leave me be. (Shoot, dare I say that they're even nice to me?)


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Well, I think that Danny was good that night and he threw a more progressive set than what I'm used to, but still the BOMB anyways. I like the progressive more in my opinion. I didn't like the asshole comment he made, it was rather low class if you ask me? there was a wierd vibe with the club however and the people, well how could I say this? were less than par.... very rude ... as far as the club in general is concerned, IT SUCKS

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acosta? give me a break man.

for those of you who enjoyed yourselves so much and stayed till 1pm...u must've been on something. now i'm not saying that you were, it's just hard for me to believe that people are dancing till that time on just alcohol - or pure energy for that matter. shit i was up and having a beer myself at that time. except i was at home. on my couch. watching football. nice and rested. yeah it must be bliss to those on drugs, but for those that choose to only drink - or not even that - the nights at space are damn shitty.

so my moaning ends here. wait. oh oh oh oh...yessssssssssssssssssss.




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how many people stayed until 2:30? When I left at 1 there were no more than 15 people.

Were you by any chance the guy in the white & blue stripes t-shirt who didn't stop dancing the entire night and morning? ...well, I didn't stop either



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