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where did u meet your current bf/gf?? just wondering how many people have actually had a successful relationship with somebody they have met at a bar/club....a lot of people say they dont go to bars/clubs to meet someone they want to date..just more for hookups...and i think they are full of crap...personally i think i have dated maybe 2 people from a bar or a club...never started any serious relationships with them though..

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Me and my gf meet at a club. We had meet and talked a bunch of times out at the clubs but nothing ever happened.

I was really attracted to her but never really picked up a vibe so i never made a move or anything.

So one night at crobar (Chicago) we see each other and started talking, no biggie same as usual but I get a vibe this time she may be interested, so we hang out that night and I finally ask her for a number and she says "it's about time you asked for my number!" and it has been 2 great years now !

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i met my bf at metro on a wed night..they used to have a wed night in the summer... haha we were such crack heads! well needless to say that thurs we went to cheetah together...that fri back to metro.. and sat to tempts.. then sun surf and back to tempts.. after that many days in a row.. we became bf and gf... been together ever since.. it will be 3 years in the summer..in our case it worked out.. if its right it will work out if its not it won't simple a that..

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Met my baby on a Cruise. Royal Carribeans Explorer of the Seas...we were on the western Carribean Cruise. Even-though she is 27 and i am 21, and we did meet on a cruise no where even remotely close to home, we hit it off. Just so happens she lives near me here on Long Island.

What can i say...its like a fairytale.

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I met my last five g-fs in bars and clubs. the ones before that I met at work which was even worse. I've been with my recent girl since August 2001. We saw Groove Armada together at Windows of the World on top of the trade center as our first date after meeting in a bar in Hong Kong two weeks earlier. We are still in love.

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I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and about 4 months. I met him at Club Abyss in Cenral NJ.

I was hmoe for Chrismas Break from school in RI and in the middle of getting back with an ex (one of tohose on and off relationtionships). This guy was hitting on me all night and I was kind of rude, brushing him off all night. Finally he approached my friend to ask what me deal was and she explaind my senerio. He came over and told me I know your deal and if you give me a chance you will never go back to that guy.

I guess he was right... I have never been happier. His brother got drunk a few weeks ago and told me that I am going to love the ring. It took a few minutes for it to register, but I am guess he has already bought it.:)

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Originally posted by sigmagal

I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and about 4 months. I met him at Club Abyss in Cenral NJ.

I was hmoe for Chrismas Break from school in RI and in the middle of getting back with an ex (one of tohose on and off relationtionships). This guy was hitting on me all night and I was kind of rude, brushing him off all night. Finally he approached my friend to ask what me deal was and she explaind my senerio. He came over and told me I know your deal and if you give me a chance you will never go back to that guy.

I guess he was right... I have never been happier. His brother got drunk a few weeks ago and told me that I am going to love the ring. It took a few minutes for it to register, but I am guess he has already bought it.:)

cool story, im a sucka for a good romance! :laugh::D

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I met my ex at Twilo... we lived together for over 2 1/2 years. But that was kind of a horror story.

I met my current bf at Vinyl in September... it's the most amazing relationship of my life. If there is such a thing as soul mates, we're it. Love comes in the strangest of places... never listen to people who tell you stuff like "club people" aren't relationship material. Why limit yourself like that?

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In 98' we met in Carbon. I was with my friends celebrating my b-day (he was celebrating his b-day as well - our b-day's are 2 days apart) and we just started talking and hit it off. Since that weekend we've been together & clubbing ever since. He's also my best friend:) We're engaged & will be married sometime next year. I never thought I could actually meet someone who is into the music as much as I am & be a great guy at the same time.....

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Originally posted by sigmagal

I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and about 4 months. I met him at Club Abyss in Cenral NJ.

I was hmoe for Chrismas Break from school in RI and in the middle of getting back with an ex (one of tohose on and off relationtionships). This guy was hitting on me all night and I was kind of rude, brushing him off all night. Finally he approached my friend to ask what me deal was and she explaind my senerio. He came over and told me I know your deal and if you give me a chance you will never go back to that guy.

I guess he was right... I have never been happier. His brother got drunk a few weeks ago and told me that I am going to love the ring. It took a few minutes for it to register, but I am guess he has already bought it.:)

thats really cute and actually kinda funny. two of my good friends (neena 16 and piro8) met at Club Abyss as well 4 plus years ago. they just got married this past september! :D

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i did not meet my gf at a club, in fact i didn't even know what a club was when i met my gf. it was way back in 1983, 1st grade Mrs. Wiley's class. we've been dating almost a year and a half now.

its amazing, you search all over the place, and then you discover that what you've been looking for has been right there your whole life.

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