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ClubScene is Dying?

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Is it me or is this year the beginning f the club scene dying out.....I mean the only time people show up at factory or metro is when JP or Richie say their gonna play songs from 99-01, is the music that bad now? I ve talked to some poeple and they say house music is just not producing like it use to be.... i mean u go into mondo and look at the tracks on all these cds and its the same reina and dark beat from the summer... i know those cds are commercial but sitll iremember when they were more cutting edge then that....I donno maybe the winter has turned alot of people away from clubbin this year b/c it was so cold and people and dj's are just waiting for the summer to come out and unleash their hits.which i hope is the case..but alot of the parties that use to be hoppin like joeys on thrsday night and metro thurdays does not have the same big turn out that it had last year at this time...and fridays at metro their use to be big lines now none that I have seen since they had luz there in october....alot of people that i use to know that use to be hard core factory heads dont come out every sunday morning and only go for the big events like the anniverserary party...they seem to prefer lounges i donno is it me? Or has the Scene died out?Dying out Or is it just taking off for the winter? Or do u guys dont see it? please gimme your input guys....thanks

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the NYC scene as far as big room are concerned are taking a beating other than SF Saturdays that i have personally witnessed. big rooms are taking a major beating, period, you cant argue that. the smaller rooms from what i have scene in the last year have stayed consistent

new jersey i think is just about the same as usual? its alot different putting 5000+ people in a room as opposed to jersey wehres theres alot less.

old music, eh, classics. in 01 they were playin stuff from 2 or 3 years ago (97,98)... shit at vinyl you hear songs from literally 12 and 13 years ago. its hard to hit every angle you talked about, different styles in various places as we all know. what one place may reguard as cheese, another may think is great. what one says is old and think sucks, another may feel is a legend. to each their own.

my point: some places are diying, others are not.

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Is it me or is this year the beginning f the club scene dying out.....I mean the only time people show up at factory or metro is when JP or Richie say their gonna play songs from 99-01, is the music that bad now? I ve talked to some poeple and they say house music is just not producing like it use to be.... i mean u go into mondo and look at the tracks on all these cds and its the same reina and dark beat from the summer... i know those cds are commercial but sitll iremember when they were more cutting edge then that....I donno maybe the winter has turned alot of people away from clubbin this year b/c it was so cold and people and dj's are just waiting for the summer to come out and unleash their hits.which i hope is the case..but alot of the parties that use to be hoppin like joeys on thrsday night and metro thurdays does not have the same big turn out that it had last year at this time...and fridays at metro their use to be big lines now none that I have seen since they had luz there in october....alot of people that i use to know that use to be hard core factory heads dont come out every sunday morning and only go for the big events like the anniverserary party...they seem to prefer lounges i donno is it me? Or has the Scene died out?Dying out Or is it just taking off for the winter? Or do u guys dont see it? please gimme your input guys....thanks


honestly i only read ur first three lines but that all i think i had to read...correct me if im wrong....ny/nj...2 diff scenes....first off....seconly everyone always comes to hear richie play....peters has critics but still always has an amazing crowd....so honestly i dont understand......no scene is dying....if anything people are gearing up for the 26th......and then the 4th to follow.....not to mention when all hell brakes looses mem.....day......so am i wrong???????/

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None of you went to Deep Dish I gather....

Or have been to see Danny H at ARC on Saturday's.....

I dont have the benefit of 10yrs of going out to compare too... but maybe you guys just need to get out and mix it up more...

I took out a friend to see Deep Dish Saturday night... she's been in the mix for quite a long time now... ARC and Deep Dish blew her away...

Already buggin to go back on the 26th to check out Danny H and see what that's all about...

Try mixing up the venue's...

I will admit.. going to Metro, Joey's, Deko and some local spots gets very routine.. just have to mix up who you see and where you go....

Although, I heard Deko was insane last week with Haskin's and Santana in the booth.....

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in my opinion, and has been for a while( about a year and half) the music is changing(always does) but its true you don't hear as many GREAT records coming out as usual. Lounges are picking up where the big rooms left off and of course a lounge is going to play different music because the Big Room type songs don't really go over in a lounge atmosphere. As for as the amount of quality club hits coming over it could be a lot of things- Could be that the music industry is waiting to get a handle on the MP3 technology and find a way to use it to their benefit-(It has put a huge dent in the profits of the business-especially dance music-we already had a major NY Dance label go under in the past year). And my personal opinion is that the war and the economy are really affecting the scene- Generally when times are bad-(since 9/11) people want to reminisce when times were better-98-2000. Thats always been a trend, people like to remember good times, especially when things aren't that great right now. So its not just one thing, its a combination of things. In New York, the fact that Peter Gatien and his clubs closing have created a void in the Big Room Scene, those clubs closing, Twilo closing etc. all dealt the scene a big blow. Personally I prefer the lounges-The Big Room scene is all but done for me-Unless I really want to go hear a specific dj that is appearing.

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Originally posted by njbambino21

Is it me or is this year the beginning f the club scene dying out.....I mean the only time people show up at factory or metro is when JP or Richie say their gonna play songs from 99-01, is the music that bad now? I ve talked to some poeple and they say house music is just not producing like it use to be.... i mean u go into mondo and look at the tracks on all these cds and its the same reina and dark beat from the summer... i know those cds are commercial but sitll iremember when they were more cutting edge then that....I donno maybe the winter has turned alot of people away from clubbin this year b/c it was so cold and people and dj's are just waiting for the summer to come out and unleash their hits.which i hope is the case..but alot of the parties that use to be hoppin like joeys on thrsday night and metro thurdays does not have the same big turn out that it had last year at this time...and fridays at metro their use to be big lines now none that I have seen since they had luz there in october....alot of people that i use to know that use to be hard core factory heads dont come out every sunday morning and only go for the big events like the anniverserary party...they seem to prefer lounges i donno is it me? Or has the Scene died out?Dying out Or is it just taking off for the winter? Or do u guys dont see it? please gimme your input guys....thanks

I think its fine...

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...i didn't read everything cause well...i have the attention span of a 5 yr old....however....there will always be a need for nightlife...whether or not the style needed changes or evolves may lead people to think the scene is dying when in reality....it is just changing...........

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Originally posted by njbambino21

Is it me or is this year the beginning f the club scene dying out.....I mean the only time people show up at factory or metro is when JP or Richie say their gonna play songs from 99-01, is the music that bad now? I ve talked to some poeple and they say house music is just not producing like it use to be.... i mean u go into mondo and look at the tracks on all these cds and its the same reina and dark beat from the summer... i know those cds are commercial but sitll iremember when they were more cutting edge then that....I donno maybe the winter has turned alot of people away from clubbin this year b/c it was so cold and people and dj's are just waiting for the summer to come out and unleash their hits.which i hope is the case..but alot of the parties that use to be hoppin like joeys on thrsday night and metro thurdays does not have the same big turn out that it had last year at this time...and fridays at metro their use to be big lines now none that I have seen since they had luz there in october....alot of people that i use to know that use to be hard core factory heads dont come out every sunday morning and only go for the big events like the anniverserary party...they seem to prefer lounges i donno is it me? Or has the Scene died out?Dying out Or is it just taking off for the winter? Or do u guys dont see it? please gimme your input guys....thanks

if you think house music is just not producing like it used to be than you're completely missing out............I think the first problem is you're only looking at SF and Metro only...........I agree with rdntheshortbus.........you need to get out to different places and hear new DJs...........JP and Rydell probably spin a lof of the same stuff so of course it's gonna sound stale after a while...........there's so much great music coming out it's ridiculous..........also, people change, not the scene...........the same people that you say used to always hit factory are spent..........but I'm sure there's a new crew doing what you did a few years ago............

the scene is def changing but I think it's for the better..........we are finally getting exposure to good dance music with new DJs being brought in instead of the usual crowd that only wants to hear Final Chapter every night..........for a while there, people couldn't let go of 1997...........now I see a lot of good up and coming DJs plus the shore venues are getting good guest spots and the residents are great...........in NJ, things have gotten so much better in the past few years and I attribute that a lot to the promoters, who seem to know where the scene is headed. Playing the same crowd pleasers in every club, every weekend is not gonna fly anymore...........it could have a few years back but now people expect more because they've been exposed to more.

anyhow, I'm rambling now but I think there's more right in front of you than you think............the NY scene has resigned to smaller venues the past few years but I think once Crobar opens up it will raise the level again............as for NJ, it's getting there...........the talent is def present it's just the crowds need to catch up...........like I said, still a lot of older heads going out waiting to hear Relentless every night...........but it will get there, you'll see.

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Guest hotshit

people talk like factory is the only club in all of the city. Like rdntheshortbus said you got to mix it up. Whats the point of going to the city to a club where your going to see the same jerzee peoples and the same music. Explore your horizons, there is so much more than Soundfactory and Metro Lounge in jersey.

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I've been in the club scene for awhile now, and i used to always think it was dying out. I think the "energy" of it changes and is constantly transforming. The scene is completey different from when I first started going out, but i wouldn't look at it as dying. Years ago, i never knew soundfactory existed, and look how insane that place turned out to be!!!

even though there is an ending to some places, new venues will come out and bring back the vibe in a new way

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Times change

People change

Who gives a fuck, just go out and have fun....Isn't that what its really about anyway.

Everybody is a fucking critic these days and thats half the problem . Everyone has every song that their favorite dj spins. I remember going to factory (98) and not knowing 3/4's of the songs that were being played and the ones that I knew the only place that you would hear it was the factory. Now you can walk into any club with a no name dj and he is spinning basically the same shit that you would hear in SF, Arc, etc.

I think the big rooms are dying cause there is no need to spend $35 on admission and then $10 a drink when I can go to metro and spend $40 total with the same exact music, less attitude, and much more friendly staff!!!!!!!!

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Hold the phones..

Not to knock Metro...

but you cannot compare the music at ARC, SF... and Metro....

I love Rydell on Friday's... no knocking him...

But how can you put him on the same level as Danny Howell, Tenaglia, JP.. or like last week...


I think the reason poeple are whining and crying is because some of em are too fuckin cheap and lazy to actually go to a new club and pay the admission fee...

Go to ARC... Pay $30 admission.. dance your fucking ass off all night to shit you WILL NOT HEAR AT METRO, JOEY'S. OR DEKO (Unless Haskin's is spinnin) and then tell me the money was not worth it....

oh.. and for the record... you dont pay for drinks at nightclubs in the city that are open till 10am on Sunday.. they dont serve liquor....

I am just playin bro.. dont get offended...

I just think people need to expand their horizans...

I took a friend to ARC for thier first time, and she is now buggin to go back....

And it wasnt because the music sucked, the admission fee, or cheap drinks...

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well said sir riggs......i have to admit......I am not one to usually try new clubs or take a chance on a new dj....but i was blown away by some of the beats thrown down by deep dish.....well worth the money just to hear them!!!!......other than that..........of course the winter scene is far different than the summer scene.......who gives a shit......the summer is a few weeks away and I am sure no one will be complaining than!!!!

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Hold the phones..

Not to knock Metro...

but you cannot compare the music at ARC, SF... and Metro....

I love Rydell on Friday's... no knocking him...

But how can you put him on the same level as Danny Howell, Tenaglia, JP.. or like last week...


I think the reason poeple are whining and crying is because some of em are too fuckin cheap and lazy to actually go to a new club and pay the admission fee...

Go to ARC... Pay $30 admission.. dance your fucking ass off all night to shit you WILL NOT HEAR AT METRO, JOEY'S. OR DEKO (Unless Haskin's is spinnin) and then tell me the money was not worth it....

oh.. and for the record... you dont pay for drinks at nightclubs in the city that are open till 10am on Sunday.. they dont serve liquor....

I am just playin bro.. dont get offended...

I just think people need to expand their horizans...

I took a friend to ARC for thier first time, and she is now buggin to go back....

And it wasnt because the music sucked, the admission fee, or cheap drinks...

No offense taken bro.....but I wasn't comparing Arc and SF to Metro. i was just making a point. I've heard Deep dish, DT, and JP enough times in my day. those 3 are probably my favorites. Also believe it or not there are still some people who like to drink when they go to factory. I also have been served there plenty of times during the so-called after hours. As far as the music goes, yes the big time, big name dj's drop all the new tracks but with in a few weeks all those tracks that they dropped will be leaked over the net and every kid with turntables and a cd player will be playing those tunes. I've spent waaaaaay to much money on club admissions and high priced drinks that I feel I get more bang for my buck at a place like metro. this is just my opinion.

but like I said earlier.....its all about the party. Who cares where you party, just have fun doing it!!!!!!

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Whats up Cp If you dont mind i'd like to drop a couple of cents on the subject... Needless to say Uncle buc sums it up in just go out and have agood time!!..

A couple of things can be conisidered in the way clubs have been performing lately. Correct me if im wrong. And No offense to neone..

1. Age People we are growing here times are changing its not the same when we were 18 and sneeking into clubs. At that time is when it was strictly bananas. Now you have a new generation of people coming out and their likings might not be the same as ours. Hence New dj's promoters venues the whole 9 yards. Ya follow...

2.Im not saying this because i spin it but. Hip Hop BIG NOW!!!! question to all new dj's (k.lo do not answer we were talking about this already) How do you know what to play on a night on night basis... what do you do?? Heres a little bit of what i do instead of blasting my system in my car why dont you listen to what other people are playing in their car... I promise you this its not the way it used to be walking out of clubs!!! Now youll probably hear 50 cent or biggie NOT ALL THE TIME but most. Compare main rooms to small rooms w/ hip hop what do you see? Dont be surprised if big rooms start to have more hip hop and the small rooms playing house.

NOW DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVE HOUSE i grew up on it allyus,bucketheads,morillo,c&c,rare arts...(yo fella boricua posse!!!!) i did... but times change you got puffy on a HOUSE track what would happen if the neptunes made a house track omg. I mean are there any other dj's or cp'rs that agree with me at all or a little... z100 ktu all play a little hip hop now BEFORE never!

Once again this is just the opinion I have ;)

I went to Metro last thursday after Cherri Rich I love ya man OFF DA HOOK!!! Although you could have probably thrown my skinny ass acroos the room ..lol.

In the essence People you work hard all week let it out on the weeknend HAVE FUN.


"If you dont know now ya know NNIIIGGGAAAA"

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I am gonna try to give my opinion on this in a condensed manner of just listing facts ( i could go on and on about this topic of the scene, clubs, djs but it would get too comlpicated)

- the good clubs that have CONSISTENTSY (sp?) are always busy (in nj &ny)

- i will tell you how you CAN compare Metro Lounge ONLY to sound factory and NOT any of the other clubs NYC CLUBS MENTIONED(arc,centro exit)

have you ever been to arc/vinal on a friday night when DT is NOT spinning?.........if the answer is yes, THERE is my answer in a nut shell......if danny is there ITS BUSY (as of late not THAT busy) if he is NOT is it REALLY slow ( i dont like to say dead) but most of you (CAUSE I TALK AND HEAR IT FROM MOST OF YOU) would come back to me next week and tell me how horrible it was and the music sucked and it sounded like shit ( even with there on again off again phazon) and how gross it is. KEEP IN MIND I AM NOT KNOCKING ARC (or danny we LOVE danny)for that matter, i am just saying what we all consistantly say.VINAL is VERY, VERY LUCKEY THAT THEY CAN SURVIVE just becauuse they have 1 of the best djs in the world there almost every friday.........other clubs dont...and they cannot survive waiting to get there great dj to put the responsibility of the success of the party on the djs shoulders.ITS NOT THE DJS RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!!!!!!! HERES THE POINT /PROBLEM........THESE CLUBS (arc/vynal exit etc ) are nOT building a PARTY , they are building the DJ .........no BUILT UP dj........NO PARTY....simple as that, as far as THOSE clubs are concerened. What does arc do on sat night if DEEP DISH is not there.........they are looking to book another dj , maybe from overseas, that may be good (that debatable usually) and crossing there fingers that THIS DJ brings a crowd. THATS why the NY SCENE is dead. LOTS OF DJS......NO PARTIES.

on to my comparsion of FACTORY/METRO.

Sound factory is a club that we as a club DO have lots of respect for from a business stand point....

YES JOHNATHAN IS a sick dj but that DOES NOT make a party by itself.


gives him a great sound system

great equipment

great promotions

great parties

IT is NOT the djs job TO CREATE the party, its his job to WORK the party that was created for him.... in our opinion

Thats the comparsion i am making to Metro Lounge...

RICHIE RYDELL is, as far as i am concerned, one of the best MOST CONSISTENT djs out there.

The party that he works at EVERY friday @metro lounge(NO GUEST DJS on friday) is consistently very good.Week in and week out (THANKS TO PEOPLE LIKE YOU)

But remember, if Metro did not SUPPORT our dj by always trying improve all the time

massive promotions

the theme parties that we throw

the performances

great sound lights atmosphere

how good could the night possibly be?

Thats the problem in nyc. How many times have you OVER PAID to see a supposed "big time" dj and said it was the worst time of your life, and the music sucked? I hear that all the time. ADMIT IT GUYS. Yes there are some amazing djs , but the majority of what SOME of them play (I SAID SOME) would put you to sleep and you would ALL say it was boring.

I am so happy that we (at Metro ) are luckey enough to have the crowd, that Rydell gets to play music that you wont hear any where else in jersey and more importantly the crowd will enjoy and respond to hearing it. ANYONE can play new music in any club, it DOES NOT mean the crowd in front of them is enjoying it or wants to hear it ( i think that is the down fall of alot of places). That, in my opinion is what screws up clubs in both ny &nj......if you dont have the right crowd to play new music...DONT PLAY IT........if your crowd wants hear "RETROMETRO" type of MUSIC all night long PLAY ALL THE OLD MUSIC THEY CAN STAND!!!

I think the jesey scene is WAY better then the ny scene right now. cONSISTENT PARTIES that have longevity.......METRO, SOUNDGARDEN,JOEYS, BUNKA, DEKO

how many can you count in ny? HOW LONG DO NYC CLUBS EVEN STAY OPEN UNTIL THEY CLOSE AND OPEN UP UNDER A NEW NAME maybe 2 years? every (AND I MEAN EVERY) MAJOR club in nyc is for sale right now......that i know for a FACT. For the money that ny cities clubs take in (or used to) compared to jersey, they do not give to the customer.WE ALL GET RIPPED OFF IN NY. I WISH WE HAD 10 SOUNDFACTORIES IN THE CITY that catered to different crowds, but put into the P-A-R-T-Y what factory puts into theres.


hopefully i was able to express my opinon so you understood it....in a nut shell...

THE GOOD CLUBS ARE USUALLY ALWAYS PRETTY GOOD (sometimes great or sick, but usually good)

the BAD ones , are the reason that make the "scene" look bad. STICK TO THE ONES YOU LIKE! AND SUPPORT THEM! MAYBE THE SCENE WILL GET SIIICK!


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Originally posted by misk

...i didn't read everything cause well...i have the attention span of a 5 yr old....however....there will always be a need for nightlife...whether or not the style needed changes or evolves may lead people to think the scene is dying when in reality....it is just changing...........

...very good point...:idea: ...i agree w/ your thoughts

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Originally posted by ml2k3

I am gonna try to give my opinion on this in a condensed manner of just listing facts ( i could go on and on about this topic of the scene, clubs, djs but it would get too comlpicated)

- the good clubs that have CONSISTENTSY (sp?) are always busy (in nj &ny)

- i will tell you how you CAN compare Metro Lounge ONLY to sound factory and NOT any of the other clubs NYC CLUBS MENTIONED(arc,centro exit)

have you ever been to arc/vinal on a friday night when DT is NOT spinning?.........if the answer is yes, THERE is my answer in a nut shell......if danny is there ITS BUSY (as of late not THAT busy) if he is NOT is it REALLY slow ( i dont like to say dead) but most of you (CAUSE I TALK AND HEAR IT FROM MOST OF YOU) would come back to me next week and tell me how horrible it was and the music sucked and it sounded like shit ( even with there on again off again phazon) and how gross it is. KEEP IN MIND I AM NOT KNOCKING ARC (or danny we LOVE danny)for that matter, i am just saying what we all consistantly say.VINAL is VERY, VERY LUCKEY THAT THEY CAN SURVIVE just becauuse they have 1 of the best djs in the world there almost every friday.........other clubs dont...and they cannot survive waiting to get there great dj to put the responsibility of the success of the party on the djs shoulders.ITS NOT THE DJS RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!!!!!!! HERES THE POINT /PROBLEM........THESE CLUBS (arc/vynal exit etc ) are nOT building a PARTY , they are building the DJ .........no BUILT UP dj........NO PARTY....simple as that, as far as THOSE clubs are concerened. What does arc do on sat night if DEEP DISH is not there.........they are looking to book another dj , maybe from overseas, that may be good (that debatable usually) and crossing there fingers that THIS DJ brings a crowd. THATS why the NY SCENE is dead. LOTS OF DJS......NO PARTIES.

on to my comparsion of FACTORY/METRO.

Sound factory is a club that we as a club DO have lots of respect for from a business stand point....

YES JOHNATHAN IS a sick dj but that DOES NOT make a party by itself.


gives him a great sound system

great equipment

great promotions

great parties

IT is NOT the djs job TO CREATE the party, its his job to WORK the party that was created for him.... in our opinion

Thats the comparsion i am making to Metro Lounge...

RICHIE RYDELL is, as far as i am concerned, one of the best MOST CONSISTENT djs out there.

The party that he works at EVERY friday @metro lounge(NO GUEST DJS on friday) is consistently very good.Week in and week out (THANKS TO PEOPLE LIKE YOU)

But remember, if Metro did not SUPPORT our dj by always trying improve all the time

massive promotions

the theme parties that we throw

the performances

great sound lights atmosphere

how good could the night possibly be?

Thats the problem in nyc. How many times have you OVER PAID to see a supposed "big time" dj and said it was the worst time of your life, and the music sucked? I hear that all the time. ADMIT IT GUYS. Yes there are some amazing djs , but the majority of what SOME of them play (I SAID SOME) would put you to sleep and you would ALL say it was boring.

I am so happy that we (at Metro ) are luckey enough to have the crowd, that Rydell gets to play music that you wont hear any where else in jersey and more importantly the crowd will enjoy and respond to hearing it. ANYONE can play new music in any club, it DOES NOT mean the crowd in front of them is enjoying it or wants to hear it ( i think that is the down fall of alot of places). That, in my opinion is what screws up clubs in both ny &nj......if you dont have the right crowd to play new music...DONT PLAY IT........if your crowd wants hear "RETROMETRO" type of MUSIC all night long PLAY ALL THE OLD MUSIC THEY CAN STAND!!!

I think the jesey scene is WAY better then the ny scene right now. cONSISTENT PARTIES that have longevity.......METRO, SOUNDGARDEN,JOEYS, BUNKA, DEKO

how many can you count in ny? HOW LONG DO NYC CLUBS EVEN STAY OPEN UNTIL THEY CLOSE AND OPEN UP UNDER A NEW NAME maybe 2 years? every (AND I MEAN EVERY) MAJOR club in nyc is for sale right now......that i know for a FACT. For the money that ny cities clubs take in (or used to) compared to jersey, they do not give to the customer.WE ALL GET RIPPED OFF IN NY. I WISH WE HAD 10 SOUNDFACTORIES IN THE CITY that catered to different crowds, but put into the P-A-R-T-Y what factory puts into theres.


hopefully i was able to express my opinon so you understood it....in a nut shell...

THE GOOD CLUBS ARE USUALLY ALWAYS PRETTY GOOD (sometimes great or sick, but usually good)

the BAD ones , are the reason that make the "scene" look bad. STICK TO THE ONES YOU LIKE! AND SUPPORT THEM! MAYBE THE SCENE WILL GET SIIICK!


2 cents? that was more like $20 bucks worth...

I have to say Im with George. I have had MANY years in the city, where i enjoyed it...but now I am very content in NJ, especially at metro out of all of them. :D

I'm not saying an occasional city trip isnt good, it is...but for the most part why go to the city when I have just as good of a time in NJ...

not to mention people complain when clubs arent packed...but fuck that...id rather it be busy..but not wall to wall people that you get hot as hell, you have no room to dance, and have to wait a half hour just to pee. I still dont understand why people want that?? Maybe someone can shed some light??

my 2 cents...

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