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DJLILCEE is the worst dj i have ever herd my entire lif

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Not only was his selection horrible but his mixes where plain awful. I think I am going to start DJing because he is living proof that you need zero skills to work at an awesome club like joeys., Do your self a favor bro go to dj school or something because you fucken suck

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Originally posted by notallthere

Not only was his selection horrible but his mixes where plain awful. I think I am going to start DJing because he is living proof that you need zero skills to work at an awesome club like joeys., Do your self a favor bro go to dj school or something because you fucken suck

LOL, damn that was brutal!!!!!!!!

it was good seein you though, Ant

been a long time

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your totaly right about LIL SLEEZEY SWEEZY C

i was at river street lastnight

and i heard it on the REDIOH

thats was bad enough:eek:

then 7 ppl i know that went there-

called me asking about where else tey can go at like 12am--


i mean its gotta be bad when u get the a good spot like RIVER street in HOBOkn

your there for about 10 mins

and want to shoot ppl to get the Fuk out ya know?

im just supplying my time iwth music from

metromixradio.com right now


and theres a PHAT mix of MIKE RIZZO commign up later today-

dude (ant) anyone else

the lasted Rizzo misx on Metro mix is TREMENDOUS

its NOTHING like the KTU cornball trax we keep heard OVER AND OVER-- this is DEEP progressive gooides:eek: :hat:

LIL c needs some BIG help

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Originally posted by liqidtouch


your totaly right about LIL SLEEZEY SWEEZY C

i was at river street lastnight

and i heard it on the REDIOH

thats was bad enough:eek:

then 7 ppl i know that went there-

called me asking about where else tey can go at like 12am--


i mean its gotta be bad when u get the a good spot like RIVER street in HOBOkn

your there for about 10 mins

and want to shoot ppl to get the Fuk out ya know?

im just supplying my time iwth music from

metromixradio.com right now


and theres a PHAT mix of MIKE RIZZO commign up later today-

dude (ant) anyone else

the lasted Rizzo misx on Metro mix is TREMENDOUS

its NOTHING like the KTU cornball trax we keep heard OVER AND OVER-- this is DEEP progressive gooides:eek: :hat:

LIL c needs some BIG help

YEah bro he’s got a bad attitude too. heh heh heh but yeah he really sucks. He must be deaf.

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Originally posted by joe81

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: lol. makes you wonder how he is on the radio...

people can HATE me for saying this if you want to

and if you do

then i dont need to talk or associate with you for that matter-

to answer Joe81

in the case and CLICK of djs like lil C

( u can pretty much sum up all the other djs like him)

its all about who u know

not really about what you can do

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Mr HYPE: I'm just curious why you seem to be one of the people with the most to say about DJ's (Me Inparticular) Yeah Lil Cee might have had an off night, everyone can't be your favorite and great every night, But not for nuthin, Lil Cee worked his way up payed his dues, and is doing pretty well, He deserves the spot he has this summer down the shore as well as everything else he worked for. As for you dissing me all the time on this board, I usually don't bother to respond to you because you are a punk, I proved that when I saw you face to face, So if you have something to say to me, make sure you have the balls to back it up in person, I'll listen just come and tell me what you think in person. Stop being a punk- The is something they say about critics- They really wished they had the talent to spin, produce, act, direct, dance, etc, but they don't and so they choose to be criticize those who have the balls to do it.

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The is something they say about critics- They really wished they had the talent to spin, produce, act, direct, dance, etc, but they don't and so they choose to be criticize those who have the balls to do it.

No he just sucks. Ill says it to his face. I would never say this shit if he wasn’t a dick but he is. So I figured I would say what I really thought about him... Look im not one off those people that knows the names to all the songs and knows everything about music but I have been going to clubs for a long fucken time and I enjoy music. Trust me he’s a shitty boring dj.

That’s cool though your sticken up for your friend. I would do the same for my friend...

Oh and hypes the man. He’s got balls and he pulls of his style. I give him props for breaking out of the mold and doing his own thing. Shit I shop at hot topic and lord and Taylors.

oh and

check out www.redplow.com

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Why would people go to Riverstreet on Sat to hear Lil Cee...who im not at all impressed with either...

When they could go on Fri and hear Carlos Realm who proves to me when he spins that there really shouldnt be any such thing as an "off night".....the kids got two cd's and two records spinning at one time....

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Originally posted by babyfacewrior

Why would people go to Riverstreet on Sat to hear Lil Cee...who im not at all impressed with either...

When they could go on Fri and hear Carlos Realm who proves to me when he spins that there really shouldnt be any such thing as an "off night".....the kids got two cd's and two records spinning at one time....

Carlos is incredible.............................Dam I miss going to club sixteens on wedsnesday nights. We would walk in and he blow the place up

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Originally posted by stiffler

Carlos is incredible.............................Dam I miss going to club sixteens on wedsnesday nights. We would walk in and he blow the place up

we my have to stop by the Satin Dolls and chill with Carlos... Is he still djing there Sticky

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I don't know what happened...maybe it wasn't Lil Cee or maybe he was slipped something in his drink. However, I've heard Lil Cee several times (I dj myself) and he is definitely one of the better ones I've heard. There ARE plently of dj's how aren't anything special working in some pretty good clubs, however, Lil Cee is not one of them.

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Originally posted by beatsman

I don't know what happened...maybe it wasn't Lil Cee or maybe he was slipped something in his drink. However, I've heard Lil Cee several times (I dj myself) and he is definitely one of the better ones I've heard. There ARE plently of dj's how aren't anything special working in some pretty good clubs, however, Lil Cee is not one of them.

You seem like a nice guy. Im sure You tell ugly girls they are not bad looking just to be nice

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- There is something they say about critics- They really wished they had the talent to spin, produce, act, direct, dance, etc, but they don't and so they choose to be criticize those who have the balls to do it.

Who R U kidding FuCkFacE????????????

Fuck you and your double standards!!!!!

You probaly the only dj that ever came on this board and was a critic to other dj's!!!!!!!!!Yes Marshall ,I have a good fucking memorey, very good!!!!

I remember when Mr Underground Cheesebanks back in 2000, bashed on Tsettos!!!!!

You didn't go out and say it, but I got the message your were trying to promote when you typed" People that go to Tempts aren't ready for diffrent music" Yes my memory is that good fuckface!!!!!

Then you came back a month later after being bashed to shits and acted like your a Denny fan!!!!!

How about your bashing on Tooch??????????

We all remember that, then you got abused again and sweared that you were through with this board......well look who's bak.......Marshall's back, back again!!!!!!!!

Mr I know real music

This the same critic that kept posting Jersey club goers don't know real music, you know, the kind you spin!!!!!!!

No Marshall, that's not why you couldn't pull in a crowd, the reason behind that you degenerate tool of a want to be dj ,is you suck!!!!!

Your best job was the opening slot for a band(flying muller brothers) on a saturday afternoon when nobody was inside to hear your garbage!!!!!!

Keep coming on hear and preaching like you know Real music101 and keep getting abused again you FOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL!!!!!!

This is the same dj back in the day that begged owners at Abyss to spin for Free!!!!!!

I can write a book on your on your shitty music life, but I won't!!!

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