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scars question

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what is everyones take on scars. Is it stopping of making anyone second guess going to clubs now a days. for myself i am a little worried about this so until it dies down im out staying away for a while.

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Originally posted by jmw

what is everyones take on scars. Is it stopping of making anyone second guess going to clubs now a days. for myself i am a little worried about this so until it dies down im out staying away for a while.

yea id hate to get a scar while out....its SARS you moron do some research before u make your self sound like an idiot

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settle down there girl no need to jump down my thoart try trying a 10 page paper all day im bound to make a mistake somewhere. But your right i should of typed in right. I still want to know what everyone is thinking about how sars will effect the club scene

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Originally posted by jmw

settle down there girl no need to jump down my thoart try trying a 10 page paper all day im bound to make a mistake somewhere. But your right i should of typed in right. I still want to know what everyone is thinking about how sars will effect the club scene

I don't think anyone really has been avoiding clubs cuz of SARS. Chinatown yes, Canada yes, China - YES, clubs....no so much. I think I heard today that they pretty much have it controlled everywhere in the world EXCEPT China...


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I think unfortunatly Sars will end up becoming a much bigger worry in America.

People travel to both country's everyday and If one returning Canadian gave it to 12 people, there's no reason why it could not happen here! Not to sound Negative:(

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It looks to be transmitted in much the same was as tuberculosis. Air droplets from one person who is infected is inhaled by a non-carrier. It is a virus similar in structure to the common cold (actually in this case a coronavirus).

Bottom line is that although I think it will become more prevalent in the US, normal healthy people should take the same precautions as they do when trying to not catch a cold. Avoid someone who is actively coughing, wash your hands after any questionable contacts, take your vitamins and get your rest. The elderly and the immunocomprimised may have to be more vigilant.

Also, go to your doctor if you develop severe headaches, a temperature >101.5 that is persisting, and/or a cough.

I myself will live my life as usual. (Not that I'm an expert or anything)

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The US is more medically advanced than countries like china and canada (we are not communist or "socialistic") so with ampt time SARS can be treated. it depends on what strain u receive and how u body reacts to it, but so far there has been 39 cases in the US and no deaths.

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that would be the last things i worry about in a club.. i remember back in the days at twilo and exit we had to watch out for people trying to poke us with a needle, so we get infected with the hiv virus.. this shit scared me alot and still scares me..

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Originally posted by jin22

that would be the last things i worry about in a club.. i remember back in the days at twilo and exit we had to watch out for people trying to poke us with a needle, so we get infected with the hiv virus.. this shit scared me alot and still scares me..

Yeah tell me about it... i got poked at Speeed in '98 for prom. Haven't seen a needle since though. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by jin22

that would be the last things i worry about in a club.. i remember back in the days at twilo and exit we had to watch out for people trying to poke us with a needle, so we get infected with the hiv virus.. this shit scared me alot and still scares me..

I actually remember needle stabbing incidents at Tunnel..

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Originally posted by Codica3

I actually remember needle stabbing incidents at Tunnel..

haha when was this? it definitely was not between 1996 - closing, but i do remember hearing this legendary rumor during that time period. classic. :laugh: yea, i mean, people got stabbed, shot, beat up at the tunnel, but needle poking? nah... ;)

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hey, yo, lol

i remember dancing at AREA and hearing " YO Watch your shit, kids be poking people with AIDS needles"


i tihnk it might of happned, or something where somone wa spo something sharp, and they BLEW IT ALL UP, Now its a NYC clubbing Urban Legend.....

i REALLY dont bel;ieve it, But i wouldnt dout it either, NYC might be cleaner but its still NYC, LOL


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Originally posted by jmw

what is everyones take on scars. Is it stopping of making anyone second guess going to clubs now a days. for myself i am a little worried about this so until it dies down im out staying away for a while.

vitamin e!...

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Originally posted by someclown

Dude, I would seriously hate to have scars. I know chicks love them and all...:laugh:

im talking about actual vitamin e, not ecstacy... vitamin e, placed directly on the skin helps scar tissue heal...

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Originally posted by xxrachael1xx

The US is more medically advanced than countries like china and canada (we are not communist or "socialistic")

uhhh...canada? why would they be less medically advanced than the US???

Those backwards Canadians and their "free" healthcare for everyone!

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Originally posted by dgmodel

im talking about actual vitamin e, not ecstacy... vitamin e, placed directly on the skin helps scar tissue heal...

Dude, I was just kidding about scars vs. SARS. Thanks for the info about vitamin E helping scars heal. Also I heard it is good to stay out of the sun for 6 months after being cut with anything (such as after an accident, or having surgery)

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Originally posted by someclown

Dude, I was just kidding about scars vs. SARS. Thanks for the info about vitamin E helping scars heal. Also I heard it is good to stay out of the sun for 6 months after being cut with anything (such as after an accident, or having surgery)

what makes you the expert:rolleyes:


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Originally posted by nycchic24

what makes you the expert:rolleyes:


One time I carved my initials in my forearm, and one of my brother's friends (who is really smart) told me to not go out in the sun for 6 months. Now THAT guy was an expert! ;)

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