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I wish you people would wake up. Your stupid “Anti-Raver” mentality is so lame. Yes Ban all raves and anything associated with them, and that will save you. What utter

BullSh*T. Somebody tries to say how they feel about something, and you people pull out the fangs. Glow Sticks, No Glow sticks who the f*ck cares !!! It’s about the music, and whatever it takes to get you deeper into the music. If that means Glowing, Not Glowing, Doing Cart Wheels, Standing On Your Head, Drinking, Using Drugs, etc. It’s about your happiness, and F*ck everybody else. You people should spend sometime in New York. We know how to party, and we don’t care what you Do in order to enjoy yourself; as long as you’re not breaking any laws. This Miami Board is about as far away; from a Community as one can get. If you want to see a sense of community go visit the New York Board. We see each other all the time, respect our differences, watch out for each other, etc. This friends; is what a community does…. Drop this “Anti” Rave, Glow Stick, Trance, etc mentality and bond together. Your scène is dying and this board is a perfect example of why. Put your judgmental hats Away, and get your Sh*t together.

By the way I’ m sure your fangs are starting to appear. Take a deep breath; read this

Post again. You know what I’m saying has truth to it. Start your Flaming now !!!

I won’t be responding; since I will be returning to The New York Board; under my

“real” username. I know you people love personal attacks; hence the Fake username…

Bye People !!!!!!!!!

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let me tell you i think glowsticking is one of the dumbest things i have ever encountered, anyhow i have to agree with you 100%... this board is way uptight and has no sense whatsoever of a community (unlike the new york board which seems like the people have more of a life).

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New York - community

wait - i'm falling off my seat laughing.

New York is - interesting - let's just leave it at that. I've spent some time in new york - met some very, uh, interesting folks, helped at a few, uh, interesting parties... New York's sense of community is directly in line with its sense of where the money is at.

the fact that the new york board required a SEPARATE board for drama speaks volumes.

the fact that a new york person felt the need to create a separate identity in order to post anonomously on the miami board just to diss miami is also interesting.

p.s. - it's 78 degrees and sunny today and i'm hitting the beach at lunch - how's new york looking eh?


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

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Obviously this NY idiot truly doesn't give a shit enough to spend 100 words writing about the topic; let alone create a separate identity (naturally too afraid to post under his/her stylin' NY name)... hmm, and let's count the number of posts on the NY board praising pills, Oakey, and glow sticks.


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

[This message has been edited by arrakis (edited 11-28-2000).]

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Do me a favor; do not drag me into this crap. I f I have something to say then I will say it under my ID. “Sobeton”. If you have something you need to say to me; send me a PM. Stop this nonsense. I have a life; as I am sure, you do. This whole issue has been beaten to death.. Like I said Earlier; let’s just move on. Please !!!!!!



[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 11-29-2000).]

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I love it when New Yorkers slam Miami...it's just too easy. The bottom line, if New York is so great, such a better community and city than Miami, why have New Yorkers been moving HERE in droves - for decades now?

Beyond the obvious cultural attractions, I'm not impressed at all with NYC. It's crowded, dark, and dirty. And, as Noira alluded, the weather is crap.

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I've partied in both towns. What got me about NYC was the 'don't talk to strangers' mentality...

Here in Miami, I'm perfectly fine with going clubbing alone, cause I'm pretty much assured I will either run into people I know, or make some new friends (both regular and the real friendly kind) without any trouble.

The people in NYC barely gave me the time of day. Most looked at me like I was some kind of weirdo for daring to venture out alone.

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Yes Diego - but you're one of the "special" people - you're forgiven for liking the dirty grit and grime of NYC...

bons - on her way out the door to lunch - on the beach - hehe...(it's nice to work 3 blocks from the ocean)


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

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A'ight, D - you've officially become a New Yorker... no turning back now. Here's what you have to look forward to: terrible accent, inflated attitude, support for crap/overly-cocky sports teams, polluted lungs, white/pale skin, dark wardrobe, etc. You're a tourist next time you come to South Florida, and you know what we like to do to them... cwm26.gif


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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  • 3 months later...

IM sorry but I've lived in Miami for 5 years, now living IN NYC for 7. There is no way you can even compare the two . Miami is a fucking pimple On NYC's ass. Other than clubbin and the good weather it has absolutely nothing to offer for someone of any intellectual kind. NYC has SOOO much to offer other than clubbing. Broadway, art, conventions, the list goes on and on. So like I said, don't compare the two cause Miami has got nuttin on NYC.

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Originally posted by bastardino:

IM sorry but I've lived in Miami for 5 years, now living IN NYC for 7. There is no way you can even compare the two . Miami is a fucking pimple On NYC's ass. Other than clubbin and the good weather it has absolutely nothing to offer for someone of any intellectual kind. NYC has SOOO much to offer other than clubbing. Broadway, art, conventions, the list goes on and on. So like I said, don't compare the two cause Miami has got nuttin on NYC.

ok...#1 you should've kept your opinion in new york. cause it's a bunch crap. just like most of the opinions from new yorkers. i'm sorry but ny is not god's gift to this world. i would much rather live here, than there, any day of the year. as far as not offering "anything intellectual" to anyone...sounds like it was you who was not accepting what this city has to offer. i mean the dali lama made a monumental visit here in 99. not to mention the monks themselves were here before for over a month. numerous art exhibits and shows. and don't talk to me about conventions...cause miami has thousands throughout the year. the list goes on and on. so if you didn't exprience anything intellectual during your "5 years" of living here, then that was your loss. but you can go back to your cold ass weather up there. i'll stick to my beach with the rest of us "non-intellectuals".

btw - before the rest of the ny'rs begin get your panties in a bunch, i meant your opinions on miami/s.fla. cwm25.gif

[This message has been edited by phrankadelic (edited 03-08-2001).]

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NYC Rules, NUFF Said! The sense of community there is something Miami could learn a lesson from, people are moving here due to the climate but that's it. What is with Miami anyway, people get comped drinks and don't even tip a bartender!!!! Where do these people come from?

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