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>>WHAT Makes MAny NYC CLUBS Suck?

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many many many things.

the economy

the current city government

the closing down of so many major clubs

recent media attention

too many idiots


what it really boils down to regardless of how it got there is


and, you can lynch me for saying it, but the general progression from vowels to consonants has severly damaged the vibe in my opinion.

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Stagnant-ass residents. Too much of the same big name DJ's on a regular schedule, not enough room for the next breed to develop, not enough willingness on the part of too many club owners and clubkids to go check out different spots.

Too much "sheep syndrome." i.e. "wait to be told by everyone else what the hot spots are, then grab 1001 friends, get fucked up and invade it."

NYC has all the presence of a fruit stand that used to be fresh and now is rotten.

I say, cancel ALL parties in NYC for about a month. Clean Slate.

Then open them up one by one, with fresh talent, fresh themes, fresh everything. Give some of the old residents the boot or force them to share some deck time with some other DJ's.

Like, I love DT to death and all, but it would be nice to share more than a couple hours with an opening DJ. Someone who we don't hear often but is still very good...

ARGH! NYC needs fresh blood!

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I think the internet killed the club scene.....

- by downloading music everyone has their hands on all the latest tracks. i remember the only time you would hear a new song would be when the dj played it. Now all the new songs are up on the net in days and in some cases hours. Everyone and their grandmother is a fucking critic. people bash every dj that they don't like. no one makes their own opinion anymore. you come to sites like this and people will say that DJ so and so sucks and then you 50 more people saying the same thing and most of them have never heard that dj spin.

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

umm....that's EVERYWHERE around the world....And Europe is EVEN WORSE :puke:

Florida and Cali seem a lot prettier club wise and seems to have less trash but Europe yea those people just stink LoL well for the most part

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Originally posted by jerseyboyy

the main thing that makes NYC clubs suk is too many ugly or out of shape people and worse off a lot of people who don't believe in proper hygiene

Aside from the Hygiene which I agree with...

Who are you to judge the " Ugly & Out of shape " people. It is you that ruins the vibe by actually giving a shit what people look like.

Go to have a good time, to enjoy the music, and to interact with the diverse crowds that NYC has to offer.

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Originally posted by elementx

Aside from the Hygiene which I agree with...

Who are you to judge the " Ugly & Out of shape " people. It is you that ruins the vibe by actually giving a shit what people look like.

Go to have a good time, to enjoy the music, and to interact with the diverse crowds that NYC has to offer.

yea my bad i apologize for caring about wut people look like LoL but too me its not about the music and i don't wanna interact with a diverse crowd if the people are out of shape or looking like crap :rolleyes:

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Owners, partners, promoters....... everyone that runs the party. They are the ones to blame for clubs sucking. No matter what they say, they are all in it for the money. They could give a shit about there customers. All of them are running from club to club, looking for where they could make the easiest buck. Not even giving time for a party to build.

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Originally posted by jerseyboyy

yea my bad i apologize for caring about wut people look like LoL but too me its not about the music and i don't wanna interact with a diverse crowd if the people are out of shape or looking like crap :rolleyes:

you are exactly what is wrong about NYC clubs

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Originally posted by elementx

1) Promoters

2) People with the last name Marvisi

3) The Mayor

4) Gum on everything ( Way back when in the TUNNEL ) Think I went home with gum on my pants 7 out of 10 times.

haha weirddd.... me tooo!!! NOT that that's a good thing but nice to know someone else shared the misery of scraping off gum or never being able to wear that shirt/pants again...

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Caring to much about djs who arent from this country and dont care bout yopu guys only your money. Give local djs a chance regardless of where they spin at. And keep the superstar djs and residents but also have guest spots sometimes for up and comiing djs. Try out other clubs as well, its very hard believe me i know. BUt it would be good for NIGHTLIFE and also good for yourself.

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This is gonna sound so fucking lame, but I wish the main DJs came on a little earlier. In most other cities, the night's over by 3; here, the main attraction usually doesn't get behind the decks until 3 or 4. While that might be fine for people who don't have shit to do the next day, know it sure keeps me home a lot lately.....

Of course, prices play a role as well. And there's definately too many in-shape guidos fly hoochies running around :laugh:

BTW, if there's this sheep syndrome, then I really need to figure out how to get the herder over to Alibi on Sundays...

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Originally posted by karch

Owners, partners, promoters....... everyone that runs the party. They are the ones to blame for clubs sucking. No matter what they say, they are all in it for the money. They could give a shit about there customers. All of them are running from club to club, looking for where they could make the easiest buck. Not even giving time for a party to build.

well without the owners, we wouldnt have clubs. without partners we wouldnt have orginization. without promoters, we wouldlndt have enough poeple in clubs....

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Originally posted by kial

well without the owners, we wouldnt have clubs. without partners we wouldnt have orginization. without promoters, we wouldlndt have enough poeple in clubs....

Yeah but........

Bad promoters = Shit party

Greedy Owners who ( Only ) care about money = Shit Party

Etc... Etc...

Yeah obviously we need them. But hopefully we can replace some of the bad with some more new...

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