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Parking Tickets

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I got a ticket last month for parking at an unworkable meter.

At first I thought "YES! a great spot near the museum on a saturday, and i don't have to pay anything"

Then i come back to my car at night when the rain is pounding down, and BAM! $60. ticket.

So here's the lesson: DON'T park at a broken meter :nono:

Where did the $115 come in to play, ladyshady :confused:

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I am the parking ticket QUEEN! I have 5 from Poughkeepsie, NY in my glove compartment (haven't paid a single one) and a whopping 8 from my college ($25 each!!!) which I still haven't paid, but will eventually have to if I want to get my diploma in the mail :(

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Originally posted by sassa

how about a jaywalking ticket for $75 ? only in LA that shit happens....

:laugh: :laugh: I got a jaywalking ticket at my school in NY!

The student parking lot is across this kinda major road, and you're supposed to wait for the timer to start to walk, but it was early in the morning and no cars were going, so I just went.....next thing I know there's a cop, writing me a ticket!

It was for $50..... :mad: :mad:

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You could fight these? Where are the signs posted? Take pictures where you were parked and see if there are any signs there? They might be in the meter under the numbers. But if there are no signs, where you are parked you DO have a case.

Good Luck with that

Originally posted by thrillfire

I keep getting tickets at Tybee Island in GA... so stupid... its around the clock meter parking only... and they keep telling you that there are signs that say this, but there aren't any!!!!


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For all the times that i've been there I keep forgetting to inspect the meters! But they once told me that were is a sign right when you get in to the island... there are so many freaking signs that i have to go 5mph just to read them all!!!!

Also I think my jersey lisence plates have something to do with it... its all a big conspiracy against the northerners... :D

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