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SPACE-Diggers... review


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I can't believe I was in the same club as last Sat. The crowd, the vibe, and of course the music were fantastic.

Sobeton I had a great time chilling with you man, you really made my night. TX

Props out to NYC's legendary pOOh and his crew making the trip down here just to hear Diggers..

Digger's was great, his mixing was so clean that it sounded like one song for 5 hours.--only of course, they were almost all records never heard before. It did seem like he was holding back a little, and not blowing the roof off when he had the energy developed. His set was very up and down. It would be great if he and Sasha were to do that place together.

Yet with respect to Edgar V, I don't understand why Diggers was not the closer. Putting someone on to close for him that is neither his level nor his genre was strange move by Space.. but I guess that Edgar has to play every Friday..

It was cool that the Red room was piping in Digger's set. It gave plenty more room to dance, and was a sign of respect to how ill Diggers is.

Finally I checked out Gianno Bellini (wrong again) and I was on the deck for about 2 minutes. i didn't give him a chance because I couldn't handle being outside! It was like a walking graveyard, and it was hot as shit..

It was great to meet some CP Miami family...and on a side note, I cannot believe how beautiful the girls are in there.

All in all, I think Space was great, and all because of who was spinning, it was 10X better than last Sat.

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Diggers was incredible. his mixing was flawless .if I had one complaint it would be; that I would like him ,to have gone deeper into his resources.. the vibe was definitely off da hook. the women were for sure, in full effect last night. stayed a few hours more after diggers, and chilled on the patio.

To my clubplanet peeps:

Bassboy – you’re like the energizer bunny bro. it was cool chilling with you. thanks for talking me into staying; after the fiasco with the front door.

StaceyG – you’re the bomb girl !! you are even sweeter in person; then you are on the phone. we have to get together soon.. x o x o x o

Pod – as always bro; it was a pleasure to see you out.

Nycedee – it was nice to finally meet you. it was cool chilling with you, and your crew.

Pooh – nice meeting you bro.

Nolimit – bro, did not know you were coming down for diggers. it was really cool to meet you.

Digital7 - nice to have met you bro. you disappeared; next time ..

Macfunk – nice to see you out again. you’re like a chameleon bro. next time you better

stick around longer.

if I missed anyone; I’m sorry. my cp miami crew; we have to do this again soon. thank you to everyone, for making my evening an incredible experience.

peace, sobeton



[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 06-30-2001).]

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Indeed! Digger's was hammering away the whole night from beginning to end, loved the New Order remix he threw down, that was awesome! the vibe was defenitely great, it just goes to show what could be done. The women were beautiful and hooked up with a blonde cutie! cwm32.gif stayed till about 7 or so and was in bad condition when I stepped out the door! cwm3.gif

props to my Clubplanet crew!!

StaceyG - need I say more?, your the bomb! Muah!

BBFlux & Calix - Like always we have a great time! Calix, the engergizer bunny! BB, my seating buddy! love ya!

Lorraine - My musical guru! Muah!

Pod - never stop shooting photo's huh? cwm4.gif

Aeroplano - super cool, loved the beanie btw

Sobeton - Great to have finally met you bro, sorry I disappeared! I'll make it up on Tuesday

Rene - Sober! and missing in action! cwm32.gif

NoLimit - great to have met ya, your a cool kat! come down again and party

Bassboy - nice to meet ya buddy, see ya on Tuesday




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene


"To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side!"


AIM: digit960

[This message has been edited by digital7 (edited 07-01-2001).]

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Originally posted by georgeacasta:

What do you mean sobeton about going deeper into his resources?

basically I thought; he was holding back a bit. gu: los angeles and bedrock, best express the diversity diggers has. my comment is not a criticism, but an observation .this is actually the second time; I have heard diggers spin live. when he played at crobar; the intensity of his track selection was much better; then it was at space. in addition at crobar, he seemed to be a bit more into the crowd. perhaps space will ask him to be a resident., and then we can get to hear more of this talented man’s music.

peace, sobeton



[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 07-02-2001).]

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How Does It Feel...?

Good on my end, that's for sure.

(Though the punk did hold back some. I was looking for carnage toward the end of the set; the energy was there for it.)

I fear Tuesday,



ICQ: 72151193 // AIM: Reennneeee // ReneM@the-beach.net

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Hey guys! Had a great time with CP crew at Space last Friday. The energy in the blue room was incredible, the crowd got way better than my previous visits probably because of the CP buddies, hehehehehehe.

-Loraine, really cool chick, a dancing machine, what can i say? .. say hello to your sister.

-Rene, cool guy too, you were all over the place huh?, thanks for the CD

-Bbflux, she and hubby are really cool, loved your sunglasses smile.gif

-Staceyg, didn't talk to you much but I saw you having a blast!

-Aeroplano, dancing machine!

-Digital7, saw you chilling in the blue room, were you on the come down or just taking a little break? hahahahahha

I don't know if I forgot someone but everyone from the CP crew is cool to hang out with.

Any meeting plans for tomorrow night?


Lalo cwm7.gif

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diggers set was great but not the best i've heard from him. a few obvious tracks but too short if you asked me... i will have to agree w/ sobe; that he did hold back a bit-especially the way he ended his set. tho, overall i was very pleased smile.gif

on another note, whats the deal w/ the crowd at space? it has changed dramatically in the past 2-3 months. zero vibe and rude people. not to metion those dancers-why does everything have to be a show???

anyway, what saved my night was the company, ie; the "usual" suspects. you guys are truly amazing and so much fun to be around.

sobe> you're mad cool. cant wait to hang out w/ you more.

ga> i met the legendary mcfunk.

bassboy> think i met you?

lalix> nice meeting you too!

& to my fellow ny'ers--glad you were able to come down.

see everyone tomorrow night cwm12.gif


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As Stacey mentioned, had it not been for the usual suspects I wouldn't have enjoyed Friday night. It seems to me that all the guys on the board had a brilliant time while the girls were harrassed by several idiots. I for one did not feel a vibe at the club as I did for other special nights at Space.

What's with the new decor of the Blue room? That I did not like at all. And they insist on having dancers hog up the platform space in the back!

Anyhow, Digweed had an amazing set. Very solid and consistent with his style. As usual I danced the night away but wished he mixed it up a little more.

It was my first time going to the patio during afterhours and that was sooo wierd, walking through a tunnel to find the light at the end with a bunch of people dancing in broad daylight.


Glad to know Rene has got the New Order mix in his head after asking me what was the name of that track played 45 mins ago...lol

Lalo, great to have finally met you and hang out.

As usual Danny disappears on any club nite out!

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Thank you, ladies (for speaking up smile.gif ). . . What was up with all the over zealous guys that were roaming around space on friday night??? Actually overly ambitious is more like it. I was afraid to walk to the bathroom by myself. ha ha ha Anyway, as usual I had a blast because of all of you guys Stac, Lor, Marcos, Danny, Dan, Lalo, Rene, and co. For those of you I met on Friday. . . hope we get to hang out again tomorrow night (esp. you Macfunk! I hardly got to speak to you! )

Sobe and Nolimit> I MISSED YOU GUYS!!! I can't believe it. I kept missing you both by minutes...oh well. Next time?

Rene> Chris and I both think you might wanna consider stand up. . . you're a riot!!!

Lalo and James you guys are great!

The rest of you cats (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!) I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! Thanks for always making it a FIERCE night out!!! MUAH MUAH cwm38.gif

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Originally posted by loraine:

As usual Danny disappears on any club nite out!

I always get an extended visit with Danny around 3am. So Danny....is it a date?? 3am, Tomorrow night, on the speakers???? You bring your back, Stacy and I will bring the long finger nails. . .


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LOL!, I knew I was gonna get a hard time about that hehehe, but tomorrow you'll see me unleash my powers on the dance floor! cwm32.gif




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene


"To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side!"


AIM: digit960

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Originally posted by bbflux:

I always get an extended visit with Danny around 3am. So Danny....is it a date?? 3am, Tomorrow night, on the speakers???? You bring your back, Stacy and I will bring the long finger nails. . .


it's a date smile.gif




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene


"To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side!"


AIM: digit960

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Ok I know this post is about Digweed, but I must add that Sean Cusack had the most amazing warm-up set that I have EVER heard.

. cwm12.gif

I wasn't into Luis Diaz's set as it was a bit faster and I was into a more mellower and slower set that Cusack was spinning.

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Does anyone else beleive that Digweed knowing Miami is a trance city decided to go that route? I mean he began moving away from that sound over a year ago into tech house.

But not to complain he was very good. At a few different times during his set it seemed that he was going to change styles but it did not happen. But not to complain he was very good.

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I posted this on another thread but it belongs here:


Hers is my review as posted on another message board:

Non stop, track after track of serious, intese, uplifting, progressive music. Digweed was RELENTLESS......never a dull moment.....for at least 4 hours he was blowing up the club with no time to rest. His set was being transmitted in both of the main rooms of Space(of course.....you think one of the resident DJ's at Space would be able to hang with Diggers playing at the same time in the other room????..NOT!....are you fucking kidding????!!!!!).......

I have never.........EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER felt or heard such incredible house or trance or whatever the fuck you wanna call it......the crowd had hands up in the air almost all the time and were cheering Diggers on constantly.....and I'm not talking about Oakenfold-drama queen-commercial trance hands up in the air crap.......this was some serious shit. I was blown away to say the LEAST!

And Digweed's expressions on his face were minimal. He would just focus on the records and would occassionally peek upwards into the crowd to check the dancefloor situation......even when the tracks would blow up....he would keep the same demeanor about him.....no head bobbing, nothing.....just looking at the records, occasianlly peeking out into the crowd for a split-second and then taking a drink of his beer. The guy is now #1 on my people mover list. I've never seen any DJ move people like that. The mixing was flawless throughout his entire set. I am now aware of why he is considered to be one of the top DJ's in the world for I had never experienced such a thing. Digweed is definitely a Tiger Woods or a Michael Jordan in the DJ world. I think it took about 1 hour into his set for me to realize he is now my favorite DJ. I have been taken to school and I have a lot of homework to do(I'm a DJ myself)........I highly reccomend you catch John Digweed whenever he comes to your town. If you've never seen him, then get ready to fasten your seat belt. Digweed does not fuck around!


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the night started off in the red room with luis diaz after a pretty uninvited encounter with the bitch at the door. i can't stand her and her god damn power trip. all i've got to say is, in a couple of years when i'm out of school, i'll have a job and you'll still be a bouncer (this is not meant to offend anyone except her).

anyway, diaz was spinning good stuff, but i went to see cusick instead b/c i thought i'd give him another chance after his rather boring set opening up for diggers at the conference this year (crobar). what can i say? i have completely changed my mind about cusick... fucking amazing.

diggers came in and tore it up a bit later... his set was great, but not as good as his set at crobar for the conference (which is up there as one of the best sets i've ever heard).

to top it all off, what an amazing crowd... NOT! the place was so full of the wrong people i almost thought of not going to renaissance w/ steve lawler, deep dish, et. als. (i eventually realized this could potentially become one of the dumbest mistakes i would ever make). luckily i was surrounded with amazing people throughout the night... so a big thanks for everyone i know that made it to the set and made the crowd a lot more manageable.

i headed to the patio after digweed was done, but lasted only fifteen minutes... i was pretty tired by then and my lack of sleep was catching up w/ me.

anyway, hope i can see all of you again for renaissance.



ps... sorry about the hint of cynicism in my post, but i have A LOT of drawings due for a project tomorrow and i am not enjoing it.

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