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How to improve SPACE? Suggestions??????


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A security team that I can respect as opposed to the current brut squad. Approach, in my opinion, means everything, and I find the current approach (which comes near to randomly tackling groups of people and dragging them outside) somewhat childish.

But, you take the good with the bad.

Bliss was incredible. That's for sure.



ICQ: 72151193 // AIM: Reennneeee // ReneM@the-beach.net

[This message has been edited by rene_martinez (edited 07-05-2001).]

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I love the club. Was there for the WMC and hit it a couple of times. Don't change a thing! Didn't have to deal with the security though, so I can't comment on that.


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can I just tell you that I've not gone to space since JANUARY because of so many things gone wrong with that club. It's beautiful - i'll give you that, and has so much potential, but really, it manages to encompass EVERY single wrong thing about clubbing you can possibly imagine.

A. door staff - rude, ignorant, nasty

B. crowd - rude, ignorant, nasty, sexually aggressive to the point where I actually felt worried for MY self - and can I tell you i've been in some of the skectchiest parts of NYC and D.C. and San Fran and never felt more nervous than I did five steps away from my male companions at Space. I've been gropped, touched, and had my elbow, shoulder, and arms grabbed and actually TUGGED at space.

C. over-priced drinks that are too watered

D. over-priced door entry

E. DJs who don't show and you're never told

F. Overcrowding of crowd.

G. a soundsystem that's pitched two 1/2 times too loud

H. over-anxious security staff

You want to improve Space? First, decide on a door policy - either you're a NYC-flavoured club, in which case, club-friendly attire and club-friendly attitudes are the norm - where there's NO VIP, no neo-nazi security and no WHO-THE-FUCK are you door staff.

If you want an elite club - than establish yourself as such, promote yourself as such - but your promotions and attitude are trying to cover both ends, and you're screwing yourself AND your clientele over. PICK.

Another note - lower drink prices and you'll have less drug usage - GUARANTEED! Train your security or better yet hire them from NYC clubs and you'll have a much better time of it.

You've got great potential that you're wasting due to the miami attitude.


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

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I can tell you that Space probably won't ditch VIP, it's sort of a Miami staple...

Security is hit-or-miss. Some of them are cool, some are total jerks. An example of a good one is Richard out on the patio.

Drinks are for sure too expensive...cut them by 2 bucks and it won't be so bad.

Sound system is probably one of the best in the country right now...overall loudness is usually the DJs doing...blame him or her, not the club...

Lighting, great job overall...some people bitch about the patio, but I would think you wouldn't want to risk a couple of $3,500 lighting fixtures in an outdoor setting. Well, you could put them outdoors (get the Kingdome shield from Martin), but it'd be a bitch...

Doorpeople...it's been a miss since Angel left...the new doorpeople just plain suck. Bad attitudes all around...take a clue from crobar and hire similar folk to that.

Cops...have the city get that jack-booted thug Kowalski out of there.

Talent-wise, keep up the good work. Maybe let Edgar play on Saturdays again for a change, sorta alternate with Oscar.

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I think, based on the replies to this thread that the majority of us feel that the club as an issue with security. I would have to agree with you, but it's also subjective to the crowd they bring in, which in my opinion, is horrible. better promotions make a difference, take the Bliss party for example, totally different crowd that night, wonder why? The door staff is alittle sketchy, people don't take well to snickering. I really have no quams about the lighting and sound system's in the club, like Pod said, it's depends on who's using it. as far as VIP is concerned, I think it should be eliminated all together, but I find that highly unlikely considering all the wanna be high roller's. The talent that the club is bringing in is great, I tip my hat off to you and not charging for water is an excellent move on the clubs part. Overall the club is good but there is ALWAYS room for improvement. In order for a club to be elite, it has to be well rounded, which in my opinion, is not ....




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene


"To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side!"


AIM: digit960

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by letting someone that got in trouble there a couple of months ago, but it was no big deal, but they still don't want him to go there . he went a couple of weeks ago after not going to the place for 6 months they told he had to leave and can't go no more . but i personally think some of the bouncers there and the manager are wack . later peace

[This message has been edited by supermanrb (edited 07-05-2001).]

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Your staff is quite rude and unfriendly. They treat everyone like gun toting thugs. Of course, maybe it's because the venue has many thugs IN it (probably because you have a 24hr liquor license). Also, I saw some really horrid graphics on your walls during the Digweed event. Those aren't exactly promoting a happy, fun vibe.

I guess there's really not much you can do about your patrons but I will tell you this... don't think you're keeping out the trash by harassing people with jeans, muscle shirts and/or beanies. It's not working. That laid back / relaxed type is the DESIRABLE in your venue. Know what I mean? Just my 2 cents. smile.gif

By the way, the BLISS event was FANTASTIC.... The Digweed event was terrible (and I LOVE Digweed).

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Let me begin, by first stating. I believe you have a fantastic facility. the dj’s, lights, and sound are first rate. there are however some areas that I would like to address:

a)front door – I have never witnessed a more disorganized front door. the young lady who runs the front door; is among the rudest people,I have ever had to deal with. there is absolutely no need too have people horded together like a herd of cattle.. while I understand the need for balance in the ratio of males vs males. it's hard to comprehend why, an unescorted male; should be made to feel like a second class citizen. Why not have separate lines for couples, and unescorted females. an additional line for unescorted males. You have a separate line for VIP’s; so I know it can be done. the front door is the first impression ,one gets of space. you should have your best people in the front. they should understand the need ,to make customer service a priority.

B) Security – this is a subject; were I disagree with a majority of my fellow cp members. I feel your security has improved tremendously. I know your head of security; I have had the opportunity to speak to him, and some members of his staff. for the most part they are a good people. they have a very difficult job to do. a job which on occasion; forces them to show a bit of force. we as clubbers don’t see the crap they have to deal with every week i.e., breaking up fights, removing intoxicated people from club, etc. I take my hat off to your security.they handle a very difficult task,with restraint, and control.

c)dj’s – you have three of the best dj’s around. the fact that they each play ,only

one nite a week, is a waste of talent. you have multiple rooms in your club; then why not use them for playing different types of music. Miami is a diverse community, and so are it’s musical preferences.

d)dress code – people should be a allowed to dress in a comfortable manner. the fact that someone ,wears sneakers, no shirt, etc ; should not be an issue.

e)drink prices – although the quality of the drinks is good. it not should require me, to drain my resources ,in order to pay for them. by the way ,your bar staff is da bomb !!

On a lighter note, how about a discount on admission for cp members. .

you guys have a top notch facility. you have all the ingredents . now if you could mix them together properly . it would be one sweet dish.I thank you for making an effort to reach out !!

peace, sobeton



[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 07-06-2001).]

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1) Book some decent DJs.

2) Educate the uneducated South Florida massive with soulful, deep, unaggressive, positive house music.

3) Fuck your worthless dress code and absurd door policy.

4) Chill out a bit.

5) Shrink the VIP section to a hidden miniscule safe haven for blowheads and ego-busters.

6) Attract underground upcoming talent and encourage a good vibe.

7) Stop ripping off your customers; they're the reason you exist.


"House music... it can change your soul."

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"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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i agree with everything that arrakis said except the booking of decent DJ's..space has booked almost all of the best DJ's..only problem is that the night of a big DJ, the door staff and inside security piss everyone off so much that the vibe is lost. Without mentioning any names, i also know personally that some of the more popular DJ's that have spun at Space vowed never to return. Also, maybe eliminating police harrassment at the door would be a step in the right direction... (sgt Kowalski)...

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wow, Sgt.Kowalski seems an unpopular guy, thank god I haven't had a run in with him




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene


"To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side!"


AIM: digit960

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Here's my .02

staff - unfortunately I have experienced the rude staff everyone talks of in the form of the infamous "black haired bitch" and a sleazy little female bartender on the patio who is a bit too generous in giving herself tips.

(I experienced this first hand and I also witnessed her try to weasel a couple of extra bucks out of several cracked out patrons in the patio)

security - haven't really had any run ins w/ security.

crowd - definately have seen a thuggish crowd at space which I usually don't see at other venues such as crobar. (No problem w/ the thug look... just leave the whole thug life mentality at home and out of the club)

music - have to give props to Space for booking top rate talent and having resident djs that tear it up the rest of the time...

Thats what keeps me coming

Although, I do agree w/ sobeton, I miss having different styles of music playing in different rooms.

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I agree with Sobeton,

You guys should take full advantage of the DJ talent you have...You guys should have Edgar and Oscar playing both nights, maybe in different rooms each night(Fri= Edgar-Blue room & Oscar-Red room or patio Sat= Oscar-Blue room & Edgar-Red room..etc.)

Also I agree that sometimes having a dress code does not necessarily keep out the undesirables but instead keeps out cool people that just want to dance...

As far as security goes, they have a very tough job, and the club's life depends on it. I actually think they have been doing a much better job lately than when they first opened up.

The door people though.....THEY SUCK!!! They used to be cool now they are horrible. There is absolutely no reason to be TOTALLY RUDE to loyal paying customers.They need to get off their power trip.....

Overall, when I weigh my options, I still think Space is the best bet in town though...

PEACE smile.gif

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Originally posted by kingstreet:

I agree with Sobeton,

You guys should take full advantage of the DJ talent you have...You guys should have Edgar and Oscar playing both nights, maybe in different rooms each night smile.gif

smile.gif I think we all agree with that point ...




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene


"To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side!"


AIM: digit960

[This message has been edited by digital7 (edited 07-06-2001).]

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Originally posted by kingstreet:

I agree with Sobeton,

You guys should take full advantage of the DJ talent you have...You guys should have Edgar and Oscar playing both nights, maybe in different rooms each night(Fri= Edgar-Blue room & Oscar-Red room or patio Sat= Oscar-Blue room & Edgar-Red room..etc.)

Yep, space should do this...I agree

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I completely agree w/ Noira and BBflux.

I remember when the club first opened it was sooo different--great crowd, nice environment, the club was top notch.

After going to the Digweed event I was soo turned off by Space and it went from being one of the best clubs that I've ever been to--to one that I wouldn't care to go to again (except on a Tenaglia/Renaissance event). I then realized why people hated that club so much within the last year and saw how the staff would run after patrons as if they were convicts, wtf!

I hope you share these thoughts with your co-workers and the owners to change the new-found reputation that the club has established for 2001.

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Haleluah! At least I am not the only person who feels this way. I was at Space for the Bliss show (too much talent to pass up). When I got there and was made to herd like cattle, I asked what time Steve Lawler was going on. They said around 1. HE NEVER SHOWED UP and they knew it for days. Why lie to me? Thats the second time thats happened to me there.

I also found out that the security that are so aggressive dont even work for the club. They are a private company who hires anyone they can get to fill security jobs at Level, Space and a bunch of other clubs.

On the good side, I didnt have to deaL with that nasty blond girl at the door. I guess she had the night off.

The talent was great and I got to meet some cool people.

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It is standard practice for large clubs to hire private security companies...These private companies are liscensed and insured so they can deal with people physically if need be...This also reduces the club's liability in case there is an incident...

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in agreement w/ everyone here, you guys need to do some serious changes to your door policy. if space wants to do something truly different from the rest of the trendy clubs down here, stop judging people by what they wear or their gender. i know most people probably don't realise this, but miami's population is predominately male. therfore you are going to have more males in the club then women. fact.

next thing space needs to do, is decide if the venue is a "music" venue or a "money" venue. it seems to me that you try to pass it off as a "music first" club, but then you treat your customers as a "money first" club. yeah space has booked some serious talent. but not with regular basis or direction. decide on a music policy and stick with it. your music fans will stick with you long after the trendy money crowd has faded into the next big thing.

space needs to land a couple solid big name residencies to push the club to the next level. if you want this place recognized on an international level, this is the way to do it. i suggest a renaissance monthly (with dave seaman) and possibly trying to lure the lucritive (and available) sasha and digweed monthly residency. these are the types of events that people will travel to miami to attend. keep the deep dish and tenaglia quarterly events.

personally i'd say drop edgar off of friday night, and slot him and oscar on saturday nights. alternate who does the main room every week. then book solid international talent every friday night. keep saturday as a "dress to impress" night. that keeps the money spending VIP's happy. friday is casual sneakers and jeans night, and book the huge dj's. you'll make everyone happy. and the vibe on fridays will increase 200%. hell, the formula worked for a club called twilo. i guess thats something there.

now about the rest of the club. i think you guys got rid of enough of the VIP space. it's opened up the main room a lot. economically you'll have to keep some VIP, and i think you did away with the unecessary overabundance of it a few months ago. the sound in the main room was awesome this weekend. much better than the last time i was at the club. middle room needs some tweaking from time to time. some of the dj's have a tendency to push the system beyond its capibilities. other than that, it sounds better than most clubs main systems. i would like better sound out on the terrace, but i guess thats the best you could ever expect for a outdoor system. one thing that i would change about the terrace, is a change of music policy out there to something along the lines of what kelvin andrews played out there on the bliss/renaissance night. bring in chris coco as resident after ibiza season is over. get rid of the latin rhythms and the hip hop in the back.

take a chance, like kevin said, and try to educate your crowd. give them something new. not just the same old crap they are used to. if you really want to have a door policy, how about asking people "who's the dj tonight?" if they don't know, they don't get in. that'll keep the meatheads out that harass the women. it'll also help to educate your crowd. think i'm joking??

space has the potential to be the best club in the states. it all depends on what you guys want to do with it?

thanks for listening.

james sheridan

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Originally posted by james954:

if you really want to have a door policy, how about asking people "who's the dj tonight?" if they don't know, they don't get in. that'll keep the meatheads out that harass the women. it'll also help to educate your crowd. think i'm joking??

space has the potential to be the best club in the states. it all depends on what you guys want to do with it?

thanks for listening.

james sheridan

I agree, James, I think that would be great re: the door policy. This would probably *help* in keeping the crass, crude yahoos out of Space. And about the male/female thing, I would like to go clubbing by myself to Space on occasion, but I am literally afraid to do so because I know I'll be treated like crap at the door for being an unescorted male. I'm not there to grope girls and be all rude and aggressive in trying to pick them up - it'd be nice if males who just like music and don't have a ton of money could get some respect in this town, but I guess Miami is all about the money first, integrity is an afterthought. I wish the whole VIP thing would die already. Who actually goes for that anyway? What a rip off, even if I had money, I wouldn't spend it on that. Last time I went to Crobar, the VIP crap was just ridiculous. it's a bunch of middle aged men badly overdressed along with walking barbie dolls flouting their silicone enhanced bodies looking bored waiting for the said affluent middle aged dudes in suits to spend money on them. These women wear such ridiculous shoes, if you nudged them, they'd tip over. I don't like the vibe VIP lends to a club. THat's why I thought the last couple years of Groovejet were so cool....that whole thing was understated, you were either losing it in that dark hole-inthewall main room or chilling on the patio. Very limited VIP space, it seemed to be a very grass-roots club for people who are into music first and foremost. I wish Space could fill that void.....

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