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why are men such sensitive, annoying grown babies?


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I guess the never get enough affection as a kid so need to get it somewhere or maybe he was a momma's boy....

But it is better than a guy who is cold hearted and a major player which would u prefer???

As much as some girls do get emotional doing they're monthly cycle and us guys have to be sensitive to your needs why is it that much of a hassle to show that much affection back???

But I do know what your saying, I have friends who are too soft hearted and nice and always need affection somewhat sometimes too much...in a way it can be sickening.....lol

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Originally posted by sassa

have you ever felt smothered from being loved too much....is that even possible.

I honestly don't know becasue each person is different... but if you truly love someone that much I don't think you wouldn't be bothered much by that...and the smothering never lasts that long I think....just in the begining...I used to do that to my ex-gf and she loved it cause I used to never show her much affections until alittle later in our relationship.....

Just go with the flow of it and see what happens...

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Originally posted by nympho69

Why do women complain about everything?

U Took The WORDZ From My Mouth ! :rolleyes:

Plus... how many complain and Still AAAAAAALLLLLLLWAAYS make the same mistake!

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Originally posted by sassa

have you ever felt smothered from being loved too much....is that even possible.

why don't you just tell him to ease up a little...

what does being loved "too much" entail...

kissy kissy face... oh baby i love you thiiiiiiiiiis much all the time???

holding hands just to walk to the bathroom???

calling every 5 minutes???

at your house the second you get off work just to spend some quality time???

if this is what you mean... oh well... these people are insecure...

and if you don't respond with the same ridiculous affection they think you don't love love them...

smother him with a pillow while he sleeps...:laugh:

or just go with my first suggestion and ask him to ease up a lil' bit...

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Originally posted by sassa

have you ever felt smothered from being loved too much....is that even possible.

Absolutely. It was that way with my ex. It feels that way when you don't return the same kind of feelings, or the same intensity of the feelings.

And yeah- men can be such big babies sometimes... some of them are totally looking for a second mommy. It probably comes from one of two extremes- either being babied too much by his mama... or not receiving enough affection from her. I've had experience with both types.

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Originally posted by kross921

I guess the never get enough affection as a kid so need to get it somewhere or maybe he was a momma's boy....

But it is better than a guy who is cold hearted and a major player which would u prefer???

Both types are disfunctional; neither one is desirable. As much as it sucks to be with someone who doesn't show enough affection... it's equally bad to be with someone who's just so needy that it sucks the life out of you. Some people are emotional vampires.

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Originally posted by bodiii

what does being loved "too much" entail...

kissy kissy face... oh baby i love you thiiiiiiiiiis much all the time???

holding hands just to walk to the bathroom???

calling every 5 minutes???

at your house the second you get off work just to spend some quality time???

if this is what you mean... oh well... these people are insecure...

and if you don't respond with the same ridiculous affection they think you don't love love them...

You see, the thing is... my boyfriend and I are kind of like that... we're very affectionate with each other, and like to spend as much time together as we can...

But it works because we both feel and act the same way.

It's only a problem (and possibly a big one) when one person is like this and the other is not.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Both types are disfunctional; neither one is desirable. As much as it sucks to be with someone who doesn't show enough affection... it's equally bad to be with someone who's just so needy that it sucks the life out of you. Some people are emotional vampires.

Well, what can you really do? FOr a guy in my case if we love someone that much we accept it and be very patient and understanding.... Because as you know its not easy finding someone....It sucks cause when you get older you get pickier or become a date whore which is all u ever do is date.....

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Originally posted by kross921

Well, what can you really do? FOr a guy in my case if we love someone that much we accept it and be very patient and understanding....

:confused: I'm not entirely sure of your point here... Accept what? The fact that your partner is overly needy? Or the fact that you're the one demanding too much of someone else??? :confused:

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I've been in this situation a few times....Where the guy has been too affectionate....To begin with I'm not an affectionate person....I'm not cold but I don't like being all lovey-dovey..it's not the way I am.....It has ALWAYS caused a problem but I can't help it....I guess when your with someone who you truly love the feeling are just returned naturally....This is why I don't think I've ever really been in love

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WHat I am trying to say that as long as your with someone and not alone you should consider yourself lucky that someone does love you.....

Not everyone can get the affection they want and therefore being alone and its not by choice if I may add...

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Originally posted by kross921

WHat I am trying to say that as long as your with someone and not alone you should consider yourself lucky that someone does love you.....

Not everyone can get the affection they want and therefore being alone and its not by choice if I may add...

In that case, I disagree with you 100%.

You shouldn't be with someone because you're afraid of being alone. You should be with that person because the two of you care about each other and treat each other well. If that person mistreats you, or you're unhappy with the situation... GET OUT. If you don't love that person back... why on earth would you want them to love you??? Maybe you've never been in that situation... I have. It's not a good thing at all.

You should be strong enough to be able to be by yourself. If you can't make yourself happy... no one else can.

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Also- if you were the person who was in love, and your partner was not... would you really want her to stay with you just because she was afraid to be alone? How condescending is that? She might as well be telling you outright that she's only settling for you. You're "good enough" yet still not good enough.

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